Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

How to resolve Lame Delegation?

What is Lame Delegation?

A DNS name server is considered lame when it does not adequately respond to DNS queries either by:

  • Not responding at all.
  • Responding in some way, but not for the specific domain queried.
  • Responding to the correct domain, but without the authority bit set.


Lame delegations can lead to:

  • Denial of certain services and delays due to DNS malfunctions.
  • Timeouts from unresponsive servers that can increase DNS traffic between caching and authoritative DNS servers, resulting in possible load on infrastructure and increased operating costs.


What can a member do to resolve Lame Delegation?

Objects with lame delegations can be corrected or updated:

  • Through MyAFRINIC, under the "Reverse Delegation" tab in the "Resources" Menu.
  • Via the WHOIS server update section of the AFRINIC website -
  •  Through e-mail, where the domain objects can be submitted to for automatic processing.


Members can always contact for any additional assistance.

DNS troubleshooting best practices are recommended in RFC 1912 at


on Tuesday September 18 by duksh
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