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AFRINIC News and Annoucements Archive

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Deprecation of CRYPT and MD5

Authentication mechanisms for a safer WHOIS Database AFRINIC is currently engaged in several undertakings in line with our commitment to improving the security and accuracy of the WHOIS Datab... read more..

CEO's Monthly Update - November 2020

  AFRINIC Strategic Plan 2021-2023 I am glad to announce the launch of the AFRINIC Strategic Plan 2021-2023, which has been in the works since October 2019. It was a collaborative process for read more..

An Interview with Mr Eddy Kayihura, Chief Executive Officer, AFRINIC

  1) What were your first impressions when you joined the AFRINIC one year ago? Now that I look back, I realise that I might have underestimated the challenge. I knew the task at hand would n read more..

Call for Volunteers on the Governance Committee 2021

The AFRINIC Governance Committee advises the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership and the community on matters of corporate governance. For more information, see < read more..

Call for Volunteers on the ASO AC/NRO NC

The AFRINIC Board hereby calls for volunteers who wish to be considered for appointment to the ASO AC/NRO NC. One of the three AFRINIC representatives in the NRO NC is appointed by the AFRINIC Board,... read more..

Call for Volunteers on the Nomination Committee (NomCom) 2021

   The AFRINIC Board is required to appoint a Nomination Committee (NomCom) every year, in terms of article 9 of the Bylaws. On behalf of the Board, I hereby call for volunteers from the read more..

AFRINIC Collaborations

On our Way to Building a Stable and Robust Internet in Africa AFRINIC has the mandate to collaborate with its stakeholders to ensure the sustainable growth of a stable, secure and robust Internet in ... read more..

Error in the System Generated Invoices Sent to Members

On Tuesday 10 November 2020, we sent a system-generated email for the outstanding balances of our membership. We noticed that there was an error in the configuration of the system which picked the 20... read more..

PeeringDB Satisfaction Survey

PeeringDB is a freely available database of networks for interconnection data. The database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), data centres, and oth... read more..

2020/11/02 - Announcement of Public Holiday

Please note that Monday, 2 November 2020, is a public holiday in Mauritius. AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Tuesday 3 November 2020. Any urgent issues can be addressed to... read more..

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