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AFRINIC News and Annoucements Archive

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CEO's Monthly Update - June 2021

    AIS’21 Online Highlights It was the second time that we were having the meeting online and this time, we had a lot of improvements which were mostly lessons learned from AIS’20. Thi read more..

AIS’21 Online Meeting Concluded

  The African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) in collaboration with the Africa Network Operators Group (AfNOG) have proudly concluded the second AIS’21 virtual conference. The event took p read more..

Election Result for AFRINIC Chair and Vice-Chair

  Dear Colleagues,    We are pleased to announce the re-appointment of Mr Subramanian Moonesamy as Chair and Prof. Habib Youssef as Vice-Chair of the AFRINIC Board of Directors durin read more..

AFRINIC Election Results 2021

  Dear Colleagues,   It was nice seeing you at the AIS’21 Online Meeting. Please allow me to thank you most sincerely on behalf of AFRINIC for attending the meeting during which two elect read more..

Electronic voting & proxy appointment now open for the AFRINIC Board and Governance Committee

  AFRINIC members and the community are hereby informed that electronic voting is now open for the AFRINIC Board and Governance Committee elections. Both services are accessible through the MyAF read more..

Governance Committee Communique

  At the AFRINIC Special General Members Meeting (the “Assembly”) held on 30 November 2016, the Assembly constituted the Governance Committee (the “Committee”). The Committee’s ToRs are as foll read more..

CEO's Monthly Update - May 2021

  Dear Colleagues,   It is my hope that you are keeping safe, I share below some updates on AFRINIC activities for the month of May 2021.   Security features for MyAFRINIC and RPKI read more..

MIRA Project to Provide Overview of Internet’s Resiliency in Africa

Internet resilience is the ability of a network to maintain an acceptable level of service at all times. The Internet plays a critical role in society and the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the impo... read more..

Why your operational considerations for IPv6 Extension Headers never works out the way you plan

  IPv6 Extension Headers IPv6 Extension Headers have been a part of the core IPv6 specification as detailed in RFC8200. They offer supplementary information about IPv6 packets on how they are p read more..

Understanding the Lame DNS Delegation Policy

  AFRINIC has implemented the Lame Delegation policy proposal in its entirety; specifically fulfilling the requirements of Section 10.7 of the CPM The planned go-live date is 29th April 2021. read more..

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