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Research Publications

Below is a list of publications from the different research projects lead by the Research and Innovation team.
Research Publications

DNSSEC as a service – A prototype implementation

    Domain Name System (DNS) plays a massive role in today’s technological era. While initially designed to facilitate communications over the Internet and over networks, the DNS in itself is not secure enough considering the type and criticality of information being shared today. Considering its worldwide acceptance and popularity, sec read more..

Research Publications

A first look at the African’s ccTLDs technical environment

Leveraging multiple datasets, we evaluate the current status of African ccTLDs technical environment with regard to best practices. Compared to the top 10 ccTLDs, African ccTLDs appear to have enough IPs to maintain service availability while handling authoritative DNS queries. With regard to the early stage of IPv6 deployment in the AFRINIC region... read more..

Research Publications

African nameservers revealed: Characterizing DNS authoritative nameservers

The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical services for the daily operation of the Internet. It is used to primarily resolve names to IP addresses and vice versa on the Internet through a distributed hierarchical system. This work aims at characterizing the authoritative DNS nameservers of two categories of the domain publicly availab... read more..

Research Publications

On Measuring RPKI Relying Parties

In this paper, we introduce a framework to observe RPKI relying parties (i.e., those that fetch RPKI data from the distributed repository) and present insights into this ecosystem for the first time. Our longitudinal study of data gathered from three RPKI certification authorities (AFRINIC, APNIC, and our own CA) identifies different deploymen... read more..

Research Publications

State of Internet Measurement in Africa - A Survey

This paper presents the results of a survey aimed at understanding the status of Internet measurement platforms usage, deployment and capabilities in Africa. It presents findings related to prevalence of measurement in the region, the reasons why the different business categories investigated conduct Internet measurement as well as the metrics of i... read more..

Research Publications

On the potential of Google AMP to promote local content in developing regions

The Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project has gained a lot of interest from content providers as a means to improve user experience. It introduces a number of innovations to streamline the downloading, parsing and rendering of pages. Google recently announced the hosting of more than 2B+ web pages, covering more than 900K domains. Due to t... read more..

Research Publications

Studying performance barriers to cloud services in Africa's public sector

Cloud computing allows individuals and organisations to remotely lease storage and computation resources as needed. For such remote access to computational resources to work efficiently, there is a need for well-developed Internet infrastructure to support reliable and low-delay delivery of traffic. By carrying out the month-long Internet measureme... read more..

Research Publications

Deep Diving into Africa’s Inter-Country Latencies

The Internet in Africa is evolving rapidly, yet remains significantly behind other regions in terms of performance and ubiquity of access. This clearly has negative consequences for the residents of Africa but also has implications for organisations designing future networked technologies that might see deployment in the region. This paper pr... read more..

Research Publications

Internet development in Africa: a content use, hosting and distribution perspective

With increasing demand for videos, streaming media, and for services such as cloud computing in Africa, broadband performance, and specifically how users experience performance, becomes increasingly important. In order to meet a growing demand for digital content, mobile operators across the continent have extensively invested in increasing capacit... read more..

Research Publications

DNS Lame delegations

The DNS, as one of the oldest components of the modern Internet, has been studied multiple times. It is a known fact that operational issues such as misconfigured name servers affect the responsiveness of the DNS server which could lead to delayed responses or failed queries. One of such misconfigurations is the lame delegation and this article exp... read more..

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