Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

AFRINIC Member list

Orgnanization name Address Country Region
Mauritius Telecom Ltd 4th Floor Orange Tower Ebene Mauritius Indian Ocean
Telecom Plus Ltd 7th Floor, Telecom Tower Edith Cavell Street Mauritius Indian Ocean
TENET (The UNINET Project) Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa NPC House Vincent Wynberg Mews 10 Ebenezer Road South Africa Southern
Telkom SA Ltd. 61 Oak Avenue Highveld South Africa Southern
ZA CENTRAL REGISTRY NPC P O Box 4620 South Africa Southern
North West University Institution Office, C1 Building 53 Borcherd Street, South Africa Southern
Sanlam Life Insurance Limited 2 Strand Street Bellville South Africa Southern
Electronic laboratory Services Pty Ltd 21 Napier Road, Richmond South Africa Southern
Angola Telecom Rua Conselheiro Julio de Vilhena Nr.625, 1 Andar Angola Southern
Naspers OptiNet MWeb Building 100 Fairway Close Parow South Africa Southern
Vox Telecom Ltd Block C, Rutherford Estate 1 Scott Street, Waverley Gauteng South Africa Southern
The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE Limited) One Exchange Square, Gwen Lane, South Africa Southern
TCM 53 14th Road, Erand Gardens South Africa Southern
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Khama Crescent Botswana Southern
Nedbank Limited 105 West Street, Sandton South Africa Southern
MSTelcom-Mercury Servicos de Telecomunicacoes, S.A.R.L Rua Farol das Lagostas nº1 Angola Southern
AFRICA ONLINE ZIMBABWE Level 9, Pegasus Building 52-54 Samora Machel Ave Harare Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Southern
SEACOM KZN (Pty) Ltd Block 2A 100 on Armstrong 100 Armstrong Avenue LA LUCIA South Africa Southern
Telecom Namibia P.O.Box 297 Namibia Namibia Southern
MAJUBA TECHNOLOGIES(PTY) Limited t/a T-SOL 16 College Avenue Bryanston South Africa Southern
University of Dar es Salaam Vice Chancellor, University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35091. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Frogfoot Networks Suite 303 Building 20 Waverley Business Park 27 Kotzee Road Observatory South Africa Southern
South Africa Reserve Bank 370 Helen Joseph Street Pretoria, Gauteng 0002 South Africa Southern
Sentech SOC Ltd Octave Street, Radiokop, Gauteng South Africa Southern
Government of the Republic of Namibia Brendan Simbwaye Square, Goethe Street , Namibia Southern
Discovery Health 1 Discovery Place, Discovery Lane, Sandton South Africa Southern
Leo (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 11702 Maseru, Lesotho 100 Orpen Rd Lesotho Southern
cmcnetworks 4b Naivasha Road, Sunninghill Sandton Gauteng South Africa Southern
Imperial IT , a division of Imperial Group Ltd 1 Van Buuren Road Bedfordview Gauteng South Africa Southern
Vodacom PO Box 7243 Roggebaai South Africa Southern
YoAfrica (Pvt) Ltd Level 9 Pegasus House Harare Zimbabwe Southern
Eduardo Mondlane University Eduardo Mondlane University Address, Center for Informatics University Campus, Av. Julius Nyerere Mozambique Southern
SATCOM - Comunicacoes Satelite Limitada 52 Predio Paulino Santos Gil 1509 Av 25 de Setembro Maputo Mozambique Southern
Webdev CC T/A Cybertek 6 Nokwe Avenue Umhlanga Ridge South Africa Southern
eNetworks cc 18 Oxbow Cres, Century City South Africa Southern
Compute Corporate Technology Solutions Compute Tech Park 141 Ontdekkers Road Horison Park South Africa Southern
SNET ANGOLA Avenida 1 Congresso MPLA N 7 / 9 , P.O.BOX 2203 LUANDA Angola Southern
Cats-Net Limited RITA Tower, 16th Floor Makunganya/Simu Street, Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Econet Telecom Lesotho (PTY) LTD Kingsway Lesotho Lesotho Southern
African Network Information Center - (AfriNIC) Ltd 11th Floor, Standard Chartered Tower 19, Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
TANZANIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO. LTD 4th Floor, Extelecomms Building, Samora Avenue Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
IT Dynamics Mutual Gardens Surprise Road Maxmead 3608 South Africa Southern
ABSA (Amalgamated Banks of South Africa) 7th Floor Barclays Towers West 15 Troye Street South Africa Southern
Adept Internet (Pty) Ltd CT 1st Floor, Data Voice House 16 Elektron Road, Techno Park South Africa Southern
BCS Group (BCSNet) Unit FF Block C Menlynwoods Office Park Faerie glen South Africa Southern
C.E.R.I.S.T. 3 Rue des freres Aissiou , Ben Aknoun Algeria Northern
Dimension Data The Campus, 57 Sloane St, Bryanston South Africa Southern
Investec Bank Ltd Investec Bank Ltd 100 Grayston Drv Gauteng South Africa Southern
Business Connexion Communications Business Connexion Park 789 16th Road Randjespark South Africa Southern
Liberty Group Limited PO Box 10499 Johannesburg 2000 South Africa Southern
MTC - Mobile Telecommunications, Ltd. MTC House Cnr. of Mose Tjitendero & Hamutenya Wanehepo Ndadi Street Olympia Namibia Southern
NIC.MW c/o Malawi SDNP, Room 51, Polytechnic, P.O. Box 31762, Chichiri, Malawi Southern
ORSTOM ORSTOM-OCCGE Centre Muraz Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina Faso Western
Rhodes University Information & Technology Services Division Struben Building Artillery Road Rhodes University South Africa Southern
Simbanet (T) Limited SimbaNET Tanzania No 24/5 Kaunda Drive & Kwale Ave PO Box 14827 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
SWAZILAND PTC Swaziland Post & Telecomm Phutfumani Building WARNER STREET P.O. Box 125 Mbabane Swaziland Eswatini Southern
TVCABO Mocambique Av. dos Presidentes 68 Maputo Mozambique Southern
University of Cape Town Lovers' Walk Lower Campus Rondebosch South Africa Southern
University of Mauritius University of Mauritius Mauritius Indian Ocean
University of the Witwatersrand 1 Jan Smuts Avenue Braamfontein South Africa Southern
University of Botswana Corner of Notwane and Mobuto Road Botswana Southern
University of Pretoria University of Pretoria Corner Lynwood and Roper Street Hillcrest South Africa Southern
Xnet Internet Services (Pty) Ltd 137 Hennie Alberts South Africa Southern
Zamnet COMESA Centre, Ben Bella Road P.O. Box 38299 Zambia Southern
ONATEL (Office National des Telecommunications, PTT) 01 BP 10 000 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Western
MTN Network Solutions (Cameroon) 360, Rue Drouot Cameroon Central
CAMTEL Director General CAMTEL Boulevard du 20 Mai Cameroon Central
Algerian Academic Research Network ARN - CERIST Rue des Trois Freres Aissiou, Ben-Akoun Algeria Northern
Telecom Algeria Complexe Informatique des PTT RN 36 Ben Aknoun. Algeria Northern
Algerian Broadcasting (Tele Diffusion d'Algerie TDA) Centre nodal route de bainem bp 50 16340 Bouzareah Algeria Northern
AFMIC AFMIC Military Medical Acadamy, 7 Ehssan Abd El-Kodos st., from El-Khalifa El-Ma'amon st., Mansheet El-Bakry, CAIRO, EGYPT Egypt Northern
The American University in Cairo (AUC) The American University in Cairo AUC Avenue P.O.Box 74, New Cairo 11835 Cairo, EGYPT Egypt Northern
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology K28 Cairo-Alex desert road, B1, Smart Village Egypt Northern
Egypt Centers AHMED ORABI ST 9 12411 MOHANDSEEN GIZA Egypt Northern
EgyNet Down Town Complex (S4), 90th street, 5th Distinct, New Cairo City, Egypt Egypt Northern
Egypt Cyber Center aka ECC Solutions 13C, Second Industrial Zone Egypt Northern
CEQUENS TECHNOLOGIES-Egyptian Joint-Stock Company c/o CEQUENS Telecom 21 Mohamed Tawfiq Diab St., Nasr City Egypt Northern
TE Data TE Data, Smart Village, Building A11-B90, Alex Desert Road, 28 Km Egypt Northern
IDSC IDSC 1 Magless El-Shaab St., Cairo 11582, Egypt Northern
Link Egypt (Link.NET) 77 Misr Helwan Agricultural Road Maadi Egypt Northern
Nile Online Down Town Complex (S4), 90th street, 5th Distinct, New Cairo City, Egypt Egypt Northern
The Noor Group City Stars Capital 5 A4 Omar Ibn El Khattab Street Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Northern
Vodafone Data Vodafone Building Cairo/Alex. Desert Road KM 28, Building C3 Smart Village - 6th October City Giza Egypt Northern
Eritrea Telecommunication Service corporation (EriTel) 11 Semaetat Street 234 Asmara Eritrea Eastern
Ethio Telecom Churchill Road, 1047 Ethiopia Eastern
Gabon Telecom / Office of Posts and Telecommunications of Gabon GABON TELECOM Immeuble 9 ETAGES Gabon Central
Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited South Liberation Link, Plot No. 25 Manet Towers, Airport City Ghana Western
Ghana Government (Ministry of Communications) National Information Technology Agency Abdul Diouf Road, Ridge 3rd Floor MOC Office Complex PMB, Ministries Post Office, Accra, Ghana Ghana Western
Vodacom Business (Ghana) Limited Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited Head Quarters, Vodafone Ghana South Liberation Link, Manet Tower A, Airport City Ghana Western
Scancom Limited Scancom Ltd. Plot OER 6 Independence Avenue, West Ridge, Ghana Western
Gamtel Co. Gambia Telecommunications Company Ltd Gamtel House P.O. Box 387 Banjul THE GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA Gambia (the) Western
AccessKenya Group Ltd Access Kenya Group Ltd 4th Floor, Purshottam Place Westlands Road P O Box 43588 Kenya Eastern
Internet Solutions (Kenya) Purshottam place, 3rd, 4th & 6th floor, Westlands Road, P.O. Box 39519, 00623 Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Eastern
Jamii Telecommunications Limited Jamii Telecommunications Limited John Kamau General Manager Jamii Towers Hospital Road Upper Hill Nairobi P.O. Box 47419 – 00100 Kenya Eastern
Liquid Telecommunications Kenya Limited IP SolutionsTeam Liquid Telecom Kenya, Sameer business Park, Block A, Mombasa Road. Nairobi,Kenya +254 205000000 Kenya Eastern
Kenyan Post & Telecommunications Company / Telkom Kenya Ltd Telephone House along Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 30301 Kenya Eastern
MTN Business Kenya MTN Business Kenya Parkside Towers 2nd Floor Mombasa Road Kenya Eastern
Safaricom Limited WAIYAKI WAY PO BOX 66827 - 00800 Kenya Eastern
Wananchi Group (Kenya) Limited Block E, Gateway Park, Mombasa Road P O Box 10286 Kenya Eastern
General Post and Telecommunication Company (GPTC) General Post and Telecommunication Company (GPTC) Dat el-Emad Complex Third Tower, First Floor Tripoli LIBYA Libya Northern
Libyan Telecom and Technology Libya Telecom and Technology, Abusetta, Alshut Road PoBox:91216 Tripoli, LIBYA. Libya Northern
CNRST (Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique) CNRST MARWAN Network Angle avenue Allal El Fassi, avenue des FAR, Quartier Hay Ryad, BP. 8027 Nations Unies Morocco Northern
MTDS MTDS 14, rue 16 novembre RDC Morocco Northern
Office National des Postes et Telecommunications ONPT (Maroc Telecom) / IAM Division Exploitation et maintenance des PFS MAROC TELECOM Avenue Hay annakhil immeuble Riad 2 Rabat Morocco Northern
Society of Mali's Telecommunications (SOTELMA) Society of Mali's Telecommunications (SOTELMA) BP: 740 Bamako, Mali Western
CEFIB Internet Quartier du Fleuve, Rue 306 Porte 208 Mali Western
Orange Mali SA Agence SIEGE Immeuble Orange Hamdallaye ACI 2000 B.P. E 3991 Mali Western
Mauritanian Telecommunication Company Mauritanian Telecommunication Company 563, Avenue Roi Faycal B.P 7000 Nouakchott MAURITANIE Mauritania Northern
IS InternetSolutions Limited IS InternetSolutions Limited Fabac Centre 3B Ligali Ayorinde Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Cyberspace Limited Cyberspace Limited #33, Saka Tinubu Street, Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria Western
Inq. Digital Nigeria 3A, Aja Nwachukwu Close, Ikoyi Nigeria Western
Netcom Africa Limited 6th Floor SAPETRO Bldg, #1 Adeola Odeku St, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
ipNX Nigeria Limited 4 Balarabe Musa Street P.O.Box 74374 Victoria Island 101007 Lagos Nigeria Western
21st Century Technologies Limited 21 st Century Technologies Limited Plot 249A Muri Okunola Street Victoria Island Annex Lagos Nigeria Western
Q-Kon PTY LTD 8 Pieter street Highveld Technopark Centurion South Africa Southern
Sudatel (Sudan Telecom Co. Ltd) SUDATEL TOWER 5th Floor Khartoum P.O.Box 11155 Internet and Informatics 11155 Khartoum Sudan (the) Northern
Afcom (SL) Limited 28b Beach Road Lumley Sierra Leone Western
SONATEL Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal 64, Voie de Dégagement Nord ( VDN) BP: 69 Bâtiment B, 3ème étage Dakar 11000, Sénégal Senegal Western
CAFE Informatique et telecommunications Blvd du 30 Aout, Cité Maman N'danida, P.O. Box 12596 Togo Western
ATI - Agence Tunisienne Internet 13, rue Jughurta, Belvedere Tunisia Northern
MTN Uganda 7/F, Eastern Plaza, Plot 59A, Yusuf Lule Road P.O.Box 24624 Uganda Eastern
TV CABO ANGOLA LDA TVCABO Rua dos Quartéis Bairro da Madeira Angola Southern
EMTEL LIMITED Emtelworld, 11-12, Cybercity, Mauritius Indian Ocean
Mantrac Group B17 E.C.G building, Mantrac Second floor. Egypt Northern
Xneelo (Pty) Ltd Belvedere Office Park, Unit F Bella Rosa Street Durbanville 7550 South Africa Southern
AfriConnect Zambia Ltd The Gallery Office Park, May Building, Plot 4015 Lagos Road. Rhodespark, Lusaka Zambia Southern
Wataniya Telecom Algerie 66, Route Ouled Fayet Cheraga, Algeria Northern
ITWorx Area 7 B, Block J Free Zone NasrCity Egypt Northern
Kanar Telecommunication (Canar Telecom Co.Ltd) Canar Telecommunications Co Ltd. Canar Tower, Al-Mashtal Street - Riyadh Area, Block No.: 15, Building No.: 4, P.O. Box 8182, Alamarat ,Khartoum - Sudan Sudan (the) Northern
OPQ Net Plot 168, Unit 6 Gaborone International Commerce Park Botswana Southern
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Alexandria 21526 P O Box 138 Chatby Egypt Northern
Teledata Mozambique Avenue 24 de Julho, nr. 1277 P.O. Box: 4170 Mozambique Southern
Kokonet Ltd Huteau Lane Mahe Seychelles Indian Ocean
City Net Telecom 21A Ahlam Buildings Ordonia Square Egypt Northern
K-Net OS0641 Ghana Western
Zimbabwe Online 3rd Floor Green Bridge Eastgate Building Zimbabwe Southern
TISPA - Tanzania Internet Service Providers Association Posta House 03rd Floor, Rm 300 Ghana Avenue Dar es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Airtel Networks Limited Airtel HQ Building A-Banana, 5th Floor, Wing B Plot L2, Foreshore Estate, Banana Island Ikoyi-Lagos. Nigeria Western
Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC) Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC) CCK Complex, Waiyaki Way, Opp. Kianda Sch. P. O. Box 1461 Kenya Eastern
Ensync Business Solutions (PTY)Ltd Ground Floor, Bates House, Tybalt Place, Cnr Howick & Treur Close. Waterfall Office Park South Africa Southern
University of JOS Bauchi Road Campus PMB 2084 JOS Nigeria Western
Uganda Telecom Ltd Plot 2A-4A, Telephone House, Speke Road Uganda Eastern
Centre Burundais de l'Internet (CBINET SA) 61 Chaussee PL Rwagasore BP 2270 Burundi Eastern
QCell Limited QCell House Kairaba Avenue P O Box 3469 Gambia (the) Western
Wana Corporate Lotissement La Colline II - Lot. 1 - 2 - Sidi Maârouf Morocco Northern
Intelvision Ltd Intelvision Ltd Providence P O Box 558 Mahe Seychelles Indian Ocean
Cybersmart 72 Cantebury street South Africa Southern
Multitel Servicos de Telecomunicacoes Rua Pereira Ingles Nº 42, Largo das Ingombotas , Edificio Peugeot,1 Andar, CP 5937 Angola Southern
Icosnet SPA Centre des Affaires El Qods Tour Centrale - 6em etage Cheraga Algeria Northern
Airtel Tanzania Airtel House Moroco, Block 41 P O Box 9626 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Ecoband Ltd Nii Ayiku Road Bank Road Nungua Ghana Western
Mauritius Internet Exchange Point c/o MIXP African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC) 11th Floor, Standard Chartered Tower 72201, Cybercity Ebène Republic of Mauritius Mauritius Indian Ocean
Telone PVT Ltd Telone HQ 107 Kwame Nkruma Ave Zimbabwe Southern
Hai Telecommunications Limited Plot 1234 Kalembwe Close Rhodes Park Zambia Southern
Ponto de Intercambio Internet Angola (Angola IXP) Morro Bento, Rua Aparthotel, Condomínio Interland 851, Edificio nº36, Apto 1 Angola Southern
Omnium des Telecom et de l'Internet (OTI Telecom) 03BP 3049 Akpakpa Sodjatime Benin Western
MTN Rwandacell Head Office: MTN Center/Nyarutarama Gasabo Kigali Rwanda Technical Office: MTN Switch Center/Renera Gasabo Kigali Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
Central Bank of Lesotho Cnr Airport and Moshoeshoe Rd PO Box 1184 Lesotho Southern
Infocom ltd Celtel house PO Box 8373 Uganda Eastern
MTN SA 216 14th Avenue Fairland South Africa Southern
Commercial International Bank of Egypt B219 Smart Village CIB Building 1 2nd Floor Egypt Northern
Ghana Internet Exchange Association c/o Emmanuel Kwarteng Address: GIX Ridge Ghana Western
Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency 2nd Floor Wing A Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower Mauritius Indian Ocean
Burundi Internet Exchange Point Chaussee Prince Louis Rwagasore No 17, No 157 Box 2270 Bujumbura Burundi Eastern
Zambia Internet Exchange Point Cell Z house, CNR, Church road and Chilubi road Box 37000 Lusaka Zambia Southern
Posix Systems (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 73892 South Africa Southern
MTN COTE D'IVOIRE S.A 12 Avenue Crosson Duplessis Abidjan Plateau 01 BP 3865 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Platformity CC 40 1st ave Dunvegan South Africa Southern
Vodacom Tanzania Ltd Vodacom Tower, 10th Floor Ursino Estate, Bagamoyo Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Togo Telecom Ave Nicolas Grinitzky BP 333 Lome Togo Western
Real Image Internet 168 Tsekwane Street Mbabane Swaziland Eswatini Southern
The Egyptian Operating Company for Natural Gas Liquefaction Projects SAE Private Free Zone Area Idku Egypt Northern
Creolink Communications 1503 rue Mfandena BP 12725 Cameroon Central
RSAWEB (PTY) LTD 4th Floor, The Point 76 Regent Road Sea Point South Africa Southern
Gulfsat Madagascar Route Digue Andrandambo BP 1484 Madagascar Indian Ocean
Angola Comunicacoes & Systems LDA Avenida Comandante Gika Edifício Graden Tower Torre B 16º Andar Bairro Alvalade Angola Southern
Kenya Education Network Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Library University of Nairobi Kenya Eastern
ENSTINET 101 Kasr El Aini Street 12th Floor Postal code 11516 Egypt Northern
Digicore Electronics (Pty) Ltd DigiCore Building Regency Office Park 9 Regency Drive Route 21 Corporate Park Irene Ext30 ,Centurion South Africa Southern
Habari Node Public Limited P. O. Box 1215, AICC Bldg, Ngorongoro Wing, 4th Flr, Room 403 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
INTERSAT AFRICA LTD 1st Floor Prosperity House Westlands Road P. O. Box 1015 - 00606 Kenya Eastern
Orange Cameroun SA Rue Franqueville BP 1864 Cameroon Central
DIAMATRIX C.C 219 Osborn Road, 2nd Floor Palm Grove Houghton Estate Office Park South Africa Southern
Echotel International Kenya Limited Upper Hill Road Rahimtulla Tower 63017-00100 Nairobi Kenya Eastern
Flight Centre Travel Group (PTY) Ltd Block 8 Pendoring Office Park 299 Pendoring Road, Blackheath, 2195 South Africa Southern
Airtel Networks Kenya Limited Parkside Towers, Mombasa Road P.O. Box 73146, 00200 City Sqare Kenya Eastern
X-DSL Networking Solutions 3rd Floor, Block B, Corobay Corner, 169 Corobay Avenue, Menlyn Maine, South Africa Southern
Telecom Malagasy TELECOM MALAGASY Direction Générale BP763 Zone Galaxy Andraharo Antananarivo-101 Madagascar Madagascar Indian Ocean
ODUA TELECOMS LTD 12th Floor Cocoa House Building Oba Adebimpe Street, Dugbe, Nigeria Western
KKON Technologies Ltd KM14, Lagos – Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria. Nigeria Western
Arusha Art Limited Arusha Art Limited Plot 37/E India Street Arusha Tanzania Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Intelsat 138 West Street 2nd Floor Sandton, 2146 South Africa South Africa Southern
United Bank for Africa UBA House 57, Marina Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria Western
SWIFT NETWORKS LIMITED 31 B Saka Tinubu Street Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria Western
Mascom Wireless Ltd Tsholetsa House Plot 4705/6 Botswana Road, Private Bag BO 298 Botswana Southern
MEDITELECOM Immeuble MEDITEL (ex SICOTEL) La Colline 2 2eme Etage Sidi Maarouf 20190 Casablanca Maroc Morocco Northern
VOLTA RIVER AUTHORITY 28th February Road Electrovolta House P. O. Box MB77 Ghana Western
Central Bank of Egypt 54 Gomhorya st. down Town - Attaba 11511 Egypt Northern
Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria 8th Floor, NCR Building, 6 Broadstreet Marina Nigeria Western
Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd MTML Square, 63, Cybercity, Ebene, Mauritius Mauritius Indian Ocean
Mocambique Celular, SARL Rua Belmiro Obadias Muianga 384 Edificio Mcel Mozambique Southern
Telecom Namibia 6 Robert Mugabe Street P.O.Box 40799 Namibia Southern
Airtel Uganda Limited Airtel Towers Plot 16A Clement Hill Road Uganda Eastern
MTN Nigeria Yellodrome building, adeola hopewell street, Victoria island Nigeria Western
Liquid Telecommunications South Africa (Pty) Ltd 401 Old Pretoria Main Road Midrand Johannesburg, 2191 Potsnet Suite 6/2, Private Bag x29, Gallo Manor 2052 South Africa Southern
Microcom Sprl #4, Av Mutombo Katshi Gombe , Kinshasa Congo/DRC Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Comores Telecom Comores Telecom Place Volovolo BP 7000 Comoros (the) Indian Ocean
TATA Communications Tata Communications Ltd. 44 Old Pretoria Main Road, Halfway House, Midrand,1685, South Africa Southern
City Stars Omr Ibn El Khattab st., Stars Centre 7th floor Heliopolis, Egypt Northern
Ubuntunet Alliance For Research and Education Networking Mzimba Street, Onions Office Complex, P.O. Box 2550, Lilongwe, Malawi Malawi Southern
Cote d'Ivoire Internet Exchange Point Marcory Anoumabo 18 BP 2203 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Electronic Communications Network (PTY) LTD 42 James Cresent South Africa Southern
Matrix Telecoms SA Siege social: Omnisport, Route de Ngousso BP : 4124 Yaounde Cameroon Central
MTN Zambia MTN Zambia Yello house plot no a255, Zambezi, Lusaka, Zambia Zambia Southern
Derivco 77, Armstrong Ave, 4051 South Africa Southern
Swazi MTN Ltd Plot 14/50 Corner MR103 & Royal Villas Road Eswatini Southern
MICROACCESS LTD No 7 Durban Street WUSE II, ABUJA FCT Nigeria Western
WIA Tanzania 3rd Floor, Ocean Plaza, Toure Drive. Plot No. 400, Msasani Area, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Teledata ICT Ltd No.10 Mensa Saba Road Kokomlemle - Accra Box 8839 AN - Ghana Ghana Western
Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd Francis Rachel St, Victoria Mahe PO Box 4 Seychelles Indian Ocean
Africell Sierra Leone Limited 1 Pivot Street Wilberforce Sierra Leone Western
American University of Nigeria - AUN (formerly AAUN) American University of Nigeria 98, Lamido Zubairu way P.M.B. 2250 Nigeria Western
Techdynamics (Pvt) Ltd Building 3, Parc Nicol, 3001 William Nicol drive, South Africa Southern
Cell C (Pty) Ltd Cell C (Pty) Ltd Maxwell Drive cnr Pretoria Main Road, The Waterfall Campus South Africa Southern
Movicel Telecomunicacoes S.A. Av. do Talatona, Condominio Belas Business Park, Ed. Kuando Kubango. Angola Southern
Orange Botswana (PTY) Ltd Camphill Building, Gaborone West Private Bag BO 64, Bontleng Botswana Southern
Bell Communications Ltd Zahra Tower, Makunganya St. PO Box 7065 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
GPX Egypt LTD Plot 140, Banks Area 5th Settlement, New Cairo Egypt Northern
IPARTNERS LIMITED 2b Ogalade Street Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria Western
DATABIT LIMITED Databit House, 124 Manyani East Rd, Off James Gichuru Rd, Lavington P.O. Box 1862 - 00606, Westlands Nairobi - Kenya Kenya Eastern
Malawi Telecommunications Limited Chipembere Highway Lamya House P.O. BOX 537 Malawi Southern
Moztel LDA Rua Dr. Egas Moniz, 47 Bairro Sommerschield 1 P.O.Box 918 Mozambique Southern
MTN SUDAN MTN Complex, Ext. of Omac St. Block 64/2 Al-Juraif West (Manchiyah) P. O. Box: 346 11111 Khartoum, Sudan (the) Northern
NCBA Bank Kenya Plc Mara Road P.O. Box 30437 Kenya Eastern
Africom Pvt Ltd 99 Churchill Avenue Gunhill Zimbabwe Southern
Sonangol Rua Rainha Ginga nº 29/31, PO Box 1316 Angola Southern
Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) 3rd Floor Egyptian Universities Network Supreme Council of Universities Building Cairo University Campus Egypt Northern
Kenya Airways Kenya Airways Plc, IS Communication & Networks Department P.O. Box: 19002 – 00501 Kenya Eastern
EFG Hermes Holding Building No. B129, Phase 3, Smart Village, Km 28 Cairo Alexandria Desert Road. Egypt Northern
First Bank of NG PLC 35, Marina Lagos Nigeria Western
University of Ghana University of Ghana Computing Systems University of Ghana P. O. Box 25 Legon Ghana Western
Global Micro Solutions 5th Floor 28 Sturdee Avenue Rosebank South Africa Southern
John Holt Plc 72 Canterbury Street Zonnebloem South Africa Southern
Zee Communications Ltd Near Majestic Cinema, vuga PO Box 4204 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Orange Centreafrique Avenue Boganda Central African Republic (the) Central
Osiris Trading (PTY) LTD 34 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose North, South Africa Southern
GETESA (Orange Equatorial Guinea) Westend Office Park 254 Hall Street Die Hoewes South Africa Southern
Google Kenya Limited ICEA Building, Kenyatta Avenue Kenya Eastern
ALKAN Telecom 8 El Gazaer Street New Maadi Egypt Northern
Sudanese Mobile Telephone (ZAIN) Co Ltd Ghaba St, Acolid Building 8th Floor PO 13588 Sudan (the) Northern
ETISALAT MISR Etisalat Misr S4, Down Town, 90th Street, 5th Compound, New Cairo, Egypt. Egypt Northern
First City Monument Bank, PLC Primrose Tower 17A Tinubu Street Nigeria Western
Namibia University of Science and Technology 13 Storch Street Windhoek West 9000 Namibia Southern
Globacom Limited 1,MIKE ADENUGA CLOSE Victoria island Nigeria Western
Guaranty Trust Bank Plc 714 Adetokunbo Ademola Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Xceed Contact Center Xceed Contact Center The Smart Village KM 28 Cairo Alex Road 12577 Egypt Northern
DATANET.COM LLC Crested Towers 22 Hannington Road P O Box 680 Uganda Eastern
ACCESS BANK PLC 5/13 Prince Alaba Abiodun Oniru Rd,Victoria Island Lagos Nigeria Western
Mauritius Freeport Development Company Ltd Freeport Zone 5 Mer Rouge Mauritius Indian Ocean
Liquid Telecommunication Rwanda Limited ICT Park Boulevard de L'Umuganda P O Box 6098 Rwanda Eastern
Zamani Telecom Niger SA Avenue de YANTALA YN 156 BP 2874 NIAMEY 1 Niger (the) Western
Satcom Networks Africa Block/Showroom 4, Plot No. 3, Lot no. 20 Nyerere Road, Five Star Complex,1st Floor, Box 79315 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Sancfis Faso SA Avenue John F. Kennedy 11 BP 1568 Ouagadougou 11 Burkina Faso Western
National University of Rwanda University of Rwanda UR Head Office KK 737 St Gikondo, Kigali Rwanda Eastern
Mundo Startel SA Rua da Policia, SN Bairro dos Correios Angola Southern
Comsys (GH) Limited #C777/3, 5th Crescent, Asylum Down, Accra-Ghana P.O. Pox 11322 Accra-North Ghana Western
IOCO Infrastructure Services (Pty) Ltd Sanlam Building Cnr Lynnwood Road & Sanlam Street Lynnwood Manor South Africa Southern
Seacom Western Cape (Pty) Ltd Unit 1 Waverly Business Park Wycroft Road Mowbray South Africa Southern
AFRINET SA Avenue Wagenya 8778, immeuble CTC (Congo Trade Center), bureaux 1901&1902 Commune de la Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Ethekwini Municipality 41 Margaret Mncadi Road 4th Floor Rennies House South Africa Southern
Galaxy Backbone PLC 61, Adetokonbo Ademola Wuse 2 FCT Abuja Nigeria Western
South African Digital Villages (Pty) Ltd Building 7, 94 Bekker Road Thornhill Office Park, Vorna Valley Ext 60 Midrand South Africa Southern
Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services (EMTS) Limited EMTS Plot 19, Zone 'L', Federal Government Layout, Banana Island, Ikoyi Nigeria Ikoyi Nigeria Nigeria Western
ISOCEL SA Tour de la Misericorde - 6etage - 8etage Avenue Clozel, Ganhi, Benin Western
CELTEL DRC 1 Croisement Av Tchad Et Bas-Congo Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Rasmilink Safari Plaza, Eastleigh, 6th Avenue P O Box 71977-00622 Kenya Eastern
Alink Telecom Ghana Earl Beam Plaza Dzorwulu Junction Ghana Western
Vodacom Congo Immeuble Mobil Oil 3165 Boulevard du 30 Juin Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
BANKPHB PLC 1 keystone Bank Crescent, Victoria Island. Nigeria Western
Salt Essential Information Technology PO Box 22772 Erf 7992, BRB Building, Ground Floor Cnr Dr A. Bernard May & Garten Streets Namibia Southern
Airtel Ghana Limited Millicom Place, Barnes Road Opposite Worker’s College, Barnes Rd, Accra Ghana Western
Tangerine Limited PLOT-77, YUSUF LULE ROAD Kenya Eastern
Inq. Digital Limited Ground Floor Delamere House Victoria Avenue Malawi Southern
First Rand Bank Limited 288 Pretoria Avenue Randburg South Africa Southern
MISR Information Services and Trading 9 Gazaier Street Mohandeseem Egypt Northern
MIC TANZANIA LTD MIC Tanzania PLC P. Box 2929, The Derm Complex, New Bagamoyo Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
African Development Bank - AFDB Avenue du Ghana Tunis Belvedere Tunisia Northern
TELSOFT GATEWAY CENTRAFRIQUE 6ème étage Immeuble SODIAM, Avenue Boganda BP 2110 Bangui, République Centrafricaine Central African Republic (the) Central
Banco de Fomento Angola, S.A Rua Amilcar Cabral, 58 Angola Southern
Orange Madagascar La Tour, rue Ravoninahitriniarivo Ankorondrano, BP 7754 101 Antananarivo Madagascar Indian Ocean
Tanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC) 147 Kambarage Road, Mikocheni Dar es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil) Nile City Building 2005C, Cornishe El-Nil, Ramlet Boulaq Egypt Northern
T-Systems International GmbH T-Systems South Africa (Pty) Ltd Avanti Towers North Block 4 Churchill Close Tygerfalls 7530 South Africa Southern
Government of Botswana Floor 9, Block 8 Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs Building, Government Enclave Botswana Southern
United Nations Office Nairobi (UNON) C/O ICTS Block W East Wing PO Box 67578 Kenya Eastern
Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd Block B, Level 7 Development House Kingsway Road Lesotho Southern
Orange (SL) Limited Orange ( SL), P. O. Box 75, 25 Regent Road, Hill Station, Sierra Leone Western
Zenith Bank PLC Plot 84, Ajose Adeogun Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
University of Lagos Center for Information Technology and Systems Akoka Yaba Nigeria Western
SKYE BANK PLC Plot 708/709 Adeola Hopewell Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Atlantique Telecom (Cote d'Ivoire) AVENUE BOTREAU-ROUSSEL, Immeuble Kharrat - Plateau 01 BP 01 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Interconnect Clearinghouse Nigeria Ltd NECOM House, 15th Floor, 15 Marina Nigeria Western
BNI Banco de Negocios Internacional, SA Av. Comandante Che Guevara, nº42-A Angola Southern
Roke Investments International Ltd Plot 7, Kulubya Close Bugolobi P.O. Box 31368 Uganda Eastern
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Carnish El-Nile Maspero 11531 Egypt Northern
Internet Puissance Plus Burkina SA 1406, Rue 15.640, Villa Socogib Ouaga2000 15 BP 56 Burkina Faso Western
The Hub Internet Exchange P.O. Box 23618 Claremont Western Cape South Africa Southern
The Open University of Tanzania Address: Kawawa Road, Next to Biafra Ground, P.O,Box 23409 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Coega Development Corporation Coega Business Centre Cnr Alcyon and Zibuko Street, Zone 1 Coega IDZ, 6001 South Africa Southern
Research and Education Network for Uganda House No. 31, The Edge, Makerere University Uganda Eastern
Super Tech STL Limited 226 Osibisa Close Airport Residential Area P O Box KIA 30408 Ghana Western
Sancfis Cameroun SA Avenue Japoma Immeuble ITC, 3eme Etage B P 13801 Cameroon Central
Sudatel Senegal Immeuble Sokhna Soda Cissé-Sacré Coeur 3-Lot N° 9476-VDN Senegal Western
DNS Angola DNS Angola Centro de Logística de Talatona Edifício G Bairro Militar Talatona Angola Southern
Telecontract Pvt Ltd 21A Armadale Road Vainona Borrowdale Zimbabwe Southern
globe internet limited Citrona House, Tsrinana road Malawi Southern
CIELUX TELECOM RDC ESNAP-FASTNET 743, avenue MAMAN YEMO Commune de Lubumbashi, Ref. En Diagonal de la Banque BIAC Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
SEACOM Limited 1st Floor, North Wing Orange Tower, Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
VBN Services Plot 178, Unit 1 Gaborone International Commerce Park Botswana Southern
MESSAGE LABS AFRICA LTD Messaging Solutions 44926-00100 Kenya Eastern
STANBIC IBTC BANK PLC Plot 1712 IDEJOSTA Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Umoya Networks 220 Jan Smuts Avenue Dunkeld West South Africa Southern
MyISP Limited P.O Box 14748-00800 Kenya Eastern
Tangerine Limited Tangerine (U) Ltd P.O Box 7376 Plot 77, YUSUF LULE ROAD KAMPALA Uganda Eastern
Broadband Innovations 68 Richefond Circle Ridgeside uMhlanga Rocks South Africa Southern
Dar Al-Handasah Building 10 Street 26, Smart Village. Egypt Northern
Societe Nigerienne des Telecommunications (SONITEL) NIGERTELECOMS Niger (the) Western
Comtel Communications Suite G09, Sable Square Ratanga Road Milnerton South Africa Southern
Sierra Leone Internet eXchange ISOC.SL C/o 49 Sanders street Sierra Leone Western
UNITEL SA Rua Kwame Nkrumah - Edificio Unitel - Maianga Angola Southern
Smile Communications Ltd Plot 10-12 Corporation Rise Bukoto Kampala Uganda Uganda Eastern
Layer3 Limited 5th Floor IGI House, 3 Gwani Crescent Off IBB Way, Wuse Zone4 Nigeria Western
Chinguitel S.A Tavragh-Zaina ILOT , A 42-142 Mauritania Northern
ETISALAT BENIN Avenue Jean Paul II Immeuble ETISALAT BENIN 01 BP 8052 Benin Western
Visafone Communications Limited 12, Ologun Agbaje Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
State Information Technology Agency SOC Ltd 459 Tsita St Erasmuskloof South Africa Southern
Gateway Communications (Pty) Ltd PO Box 12 The Woodlands South Africa Southern
Gateway Communications Mozambique, Limidata Predio 33 Andares, 6th Floor, Av. Zedequias Manganhela Mozambique Southern
Reflex Solutions 220 Jan Smuts Avenue Dunkeld West South Africa Southern
ETI SA Boulevard du Commerce BP: 5675 Guinea Western
Societe Congolaise des Postes et Telecommunications (SCPT) TELECOM DEPARTEMENT SCPT 1009 BLD DU 30 JUIN GOMBE / Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Unified Payment Services Limited 3, Idowu Taylor Street, P.O. Box 70767, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Screamer Telecommunications Cnr Sterling and Samrand Rd South Africa Southern
WebRunner Limited Hailesilleassie Ave, Opp Olibya Petrol Station, P.O.Box 85297-80100 Kenya Eastern
BancoBic Rua Cerqueira Lukoki, 78 Angola Southern
Afsat Communications Ltd iWayAfrica Limited P.O. BOX 27554-00506 Upperhill rd, Rahimtulla Towers 00506 Nairobi KENYA Kenya Eastern
Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited, c/o Shell Information Technology International B.V. Shell Industrial Area, Nigeria Western
Al'Akhawayn University Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane PO Box 104 Hassan II Avenue Morocco Northern
Oracle Cote d'Ivoire -- c/o: --- 500 Oracle Parkway, M/S 501ip3 Redwood Shores, CA 94065, US -- c/o: --- Côte d'Ivoire Western
Mozambique Research & Education Network - MoRENet Avenida Patrice Lumumba 770 Mozambique Southern
IS - Internet Solutions Mozambique, Limitada Rua do Sidano no38 Mozambique Southern
University of Ibadan Oyo Road Nigeria Western
Raya Holding 26th July st Touristic zone Egypt Northern
Xtranet Communications Ltd 6th Floor, The Citadel, Muthithi Road, Westlands P O Box 27346 00100 Nairobi Kenya Eastern
Zambia Telecommunications Company Ltd aka ZAMTEL Zamtel House, Cnr Chilubi & Church Roads Zambia Southern
Unique Solutions Company Limited 6 Kairaba Avenue P.O.Box 3345 K.S.M.D Gambia (the) Western
Alexandre Miller cc t/a Imaginet 16a Henry Street South Africa Southern
Benwest Internet Services ta Imagine IPS 158 Jan Smuts Ave South Africa Southern
Grindrod Management Services (Pty) Ltd Physical: ------------ Grindrod House 108 Margaret Mncadi Avenue (Victoria Embankment) Postal: --------- PO Box 1 Durban 4000 South Africa Southern
IPSYSTEM S.A Av KwaME N'KHRUMA 11 BP 757 Burkina Faso Western
Airtel Malawi Ltd P.o Box 1235 Chichiri Malawi Southern
The University of Dodoma Room # 132, Main Administration, UDOM, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Mitsol (Pty) Ltd Unit 5, 8 Holwood Office Park La Lucia Ridge South Africa Southern
e-finance BLDG17, Smart Village, KM 28 Cairo-Alex Desert Road, Egypt Northern
Africa Independent Network Exchange (Pty) LTD (AfricaINX) 2nd Floor Block D Hertford Office Park 90 Bekker Road South Africa Southern
South African Airways Airways Park Jones Road O.R Tambo International Airport South Africa Southern
Hormuud Telecom Somalia INC H/WADAAG Road Bakaara Market Somalia Eastern
Tanzania Education And Research Network Kilimahewa Road, House No. 2, University of Dar es Salaam P.O. BOX 95062 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Utande Internet Services (Pvt) Ltd Level 9, Pegasus House 54 Samora Machel Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Powertel Communications 2 Coronation Avenue Greendale Zimbabwe Southern
NAPAfrica Teraco Data Environments 5 Brewery Street Isando South Africa Southern
Aljeel Aljadeed For Technology P O Box 80068 Abu-Salim Libya Northern
Electronic Connections Limitied Electronic House 25 Race Course Road Nigeria Western
Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd ALTRON Campus 20 Woodlands Drive Woodland Office Park Woodmead South Africa Southern
Voix Networks Ltd No. 20/15, Kolda Street Off Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent, Behind NITEL Wuse II Exchange, Nigeria Western
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation NNPC Towers Central Business District, Abuja Nigeria Western
SimbaNET Nigeria Limited 77/79, Eric Moore Road, Surulere, Lagos. Nigeria Western
Sudanese Research and Education Network Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHE) - Baladiya Street P.O. Box 2081 Sudan (the) Northern
Vanilla Future Perfect Corporation cc 125 Buitengracht St, #611 South Africa Southern
Uganda Internet eXchange Point Communications House Plot 1 Colville Street Uganda Eastern
University of Education, Winneba P.O. Box 25 Ghana Western
Atlantique Telecom Niger 720. BLVD du 15 Avril BP 13379 Niger (the) Western
Bank Windhoek Kasino street CIH House P.O. Box 15 Namibia Southern
University Of Port Harcourt, Nigeria University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323 Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria Western
Liberia Telecommunications Corporation (libtelco) Lynch Street Liberia Western
National Bank of Kenya HEAD OFFICE: National Bank Builiding Harambee Avenue P.O. Box: 72866 00200-City Square Kenya Eastern
Central Bank of Uganda Plot 37/45 Kampala Road P.O. Box 7120 Uganda Eastern
Vodacom Mocambique S.A Edificio Vodacom Rua Desportistas, No 649 NUIT: 400111200 Mozambique Southern
Hyperia Limited No-27, Saka Tinubu Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Certified Technology Services Ltd 62/6 Wiawso Rd Takoradi Ghana Western
Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd 37 Independence Avenue, Ghana Western
Malawi Research and Education Network - MAREN MAREN C/O University of Malawi P.O. Box 278 Malawi Southern
Milan Cable P O Box 10367 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Swifttalk Limited 3-6, Alhaji Adejumo Avenue, Ilupeju Industrial Estate, Nigeria Western
Cobranet Limited Plot 8, Rafiu Babatunde Street, Lekki phase 1 Nigeria Western
South African National Space Agency (SANSA) Farm Hartebeeshoek JQ502 District Krugersdorp Gauteng South Africa Southern
Information and Communications Technology Authority Telposta Towers - 12th floor Kenyatta Avenue P.O. Box 27150 Kenya Eastern
Rwanda Internet Exchange Point (RINEX) c/o RICTA 6th floor, Telecom House Building, KG #7, Kacyiru Sector, Gasabo District, Kigali City, Republic of Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
Netwide Internet Services cc POSTNET SUITE 45 PRIVATE BAG 27964 GREENACRES PORT ELIZABETH EASTERN CAPE 6057 South Africa Southern
Broad Based Communications Limited 12 Floor Necom House, 15 Marina Street Nigeria Western
ETC (Pty) Ltd Electronic Toll Collection (Pty) Ltd 36 Assegai Wood Street Rooihuiskraal Extension 39 South Africa Southern
Egyptair Egyptair Computer Building, Cairo airport road Egypt Northern
Mimecast South Africa Upper Grayston Office Park Phase 1, 150 Linden Road South Africa Southern
ICTGlobe Management (Pty) Ltd P O Box 68167 Highveld Technopark South Africa Southern
DT DOBIE KENYA LTD P.O BOX 30160-00200 Kenya Eastern
Jhpiego Corporation 14 Riverside (off Riverside Drive), Arlington Block, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 66119-00800 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254) 732 134000/0722 204988/0733 622501/3541231 Kenya Eastern
Afrihost (Pty) Ltd Afrihost HQ 376 Rivonia Boulevard Sandton Gauteng South Africa Southern
ISPA SA 32 George Street Glen Austin Midrand South Africa Southern
NIC Bank 12170-00100 Kenya Eastern
Universite de Bamako Campus de Badalabougou BPE2528 Mali Western
Zambia Research and Education Network (ZAMREN) University of Zambia Great East Road Campus 1st Floor, School of Education Building PO Box 32379 Zambia Southern
GB Auto 28 K cairo alex desert road Egypt Northern
Phase3 Telecom Limited PHASE3 TELECOM LIMITED, No. 4, YEDSERAM STREET, MAITAMA. Nigeria Western
Computer Warehouse group 54A Plot 10 ADEBAYO DORHERTY RD OFF ADMIRALTY WAY LEKKI PHASE 1 Nigeria Western
NamPower 3 Goethe Str P.O.Box 2864 Namibia Southern
Banco Keve Av. Ho Chi Min Empreendimento Cdt GIKA. Edifacio Garden Towers-Torre B, 12 Andar Caixa Angola Southern
Green Flash Trading Unit 16, Alphen Square South, Cnr 16th Road and George Road, Randjiespark, Midrand. South Africa Southern
Broadband Botswana Internet Plot 50381, Showgrounds Botswana Southern
National Information Center (NIC) TPRA Tower - North Almanshia Bridge - Buri Sudan (the) Northern
Defence Intelligence Agency PMB 551 Garki Nigeria Western
Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Nigeria Institute of Computing & ICT Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Nigeria Western
Cipherwave P O Box 7539 Halfway House Midrand Gauteng South Africa Southern
The Rockefeller Foundation New York Office The Rockefeller Foundation 420 Fifth Ave New York, NY 10018 Phone: (212) 869-8500 Fax: (212) 764-3468 Kenya Eastern
Association of African Universities African Universities House Trinity Avenue East Legon Ghana Western
JASCO CONVERGED SOLUTIONS (Pty) Ltd Ground Floor, 15 Georgian Crescent West South Africa Southern
Amobia Communications 33a Worraker Street Newton Park South Africa Southern
Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT AITI-KACE 2nd Ridge Avenue PMB. State House Ghana Western
Banco Caixa Geral Totta de Angola Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, No 99 Angola Southern
Workonline Communications(Pty) Ltd 114 West St South Africa Southern
Information Connectivity Solutions Limited Plot 4, Sen Victor Oyofo Close, Lekki-Epe Expressway, Chisco Bust-Stop by Enyo Petrol Station| Lagos Nigeria Western
C. M. Corporation, LDA Rua Conego Manuel Das Neves 170 Angola Southern
Bandwidth and Cloud Services Group Ltd c/o Bandwidth and Cloud Services Group Ltd BMK house Uganda 4th Floor, Wampewo Avenue Uganda Eastern
VOffice Solutions VO Connect Head Office Block C, Sweet Thorn on Beyers, 2595 Bosbok Road, Randpark Ridge South Africa Southern
Egyptian Banks Company No. 223, Off 90 St., behind Dusit Thani hotel - 5th settlement, New Cairo, Cairo 11835 – Egypt Egypt Northern
Limelight Networks Block D Business Connexion Park North 789 16th Road, Randjespark South Africa Southern
University of Abuja University of Abuja Airport Rd. Nigeria Western
Ghana Dot Com Ltd 16 Boundary Road, East Legon PMB CT 358, Cantonments Ghana Western
Mainone Cable Company 3B Ligali Ayorinde Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
National University of Science and Technology ICTS Department 2nd Floor Admin Block Corner Gwanda Road/Cecil Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Nigeria ICT Forum of Partnership Institutions 25 Libreville Street Wuse II Admin Nic-hdl: Tech Nic-hdl: Nigeria Western
Zain Zambia PLC Airtel House P.O Box 320001 Zambia Southern
West and Central African Research Network Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) Faculte des Sciences et Techniques Avenue Martin Luther King Senegal Western
Steam Broadcasting and Communications Limited Plot 267A, Etim Inyang Crescent, Victoria Island Annex City: Lagos P.O. Box 516 Nigeria Western
Broadband Infraco Building No. 9 Country Club Estate Woodlands Drive Woodmead South Africa Southern
Access Communications Ltd Accord Centre Yinnakis Roundabout Masauko Chipmembere Highway Malawi Southern
Airtel Madagascar Airtel Madagascar Immeuble S2 Lot II J 1/ AA Morarano Alarobia BP 7620 101 Antananarivo NIF: 2000000297 STAT: 61201 11 1997 0 00052 101 Antananarivo Madagascar Indian Ocean
Telemasters Catalytic Att House (Building 2), Ground Floor Maxwell Office Park 37 Magwa Crescent Waterfall City South Africa Southern
Nnamdi Azikiwe University PMB 5025 Enugu Onitsha Expressway Anambra State Nigeria Western
Sabinet Gateway 1021 Bank Avenue South Africa Southern
Usmanu Danfodiyo University P.M.B 2346, Main Campus, Dundaye Village. Nigeria Western
Medallion Communications No. 8A Saka Tinubu Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Dube TradePort 29 Degrees South 7 Umsinsi Junction Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa Southern
Smart Technology Centre (PTY) LTD Block 10, Townsend Office Park, No. 1 Townsend Road South Africa Southern
Equity Bank Ltd Equity Centre, Hospital Road-Upper hill P.O Box 75104 00200 Kenya Eastern
iPi9 Ruelle des Comelines Quartier Haut de GueGue Gabon Central
Webstorm (Pty) LTD 4 Judges Court 4, Old Main road South Africa Southern
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife Information Technology and Communications Unit (INTECU), Computer Buildings, Obafemi Awolowo University Nigeria Western
TELEKOM NETWORKS MALAWI LTD 5th Floor Livingstone Towers Glyn Jones Rd P.O. Box 3039 Malawi Southern
Afcom Satellite Networks Nigeria Limited 27, Balarabe Musa Crescent, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Internet Exchange Point Association of Lesotho C/O Lesotho Communications Authority 30 Princess Margaret Road Old Europa Lesotho Southern
Tullow Ghana Ltd No. 70 George W. Bush Highway, (Motorway Extension), North Dzorwulu, Accra. Ghana Mailing Address: P.M.B CT 386 Cantonments, Ghana Western
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa West End Towers 4th Floor, Waiyaki Way PO Box 66773 Kenya Eastern
Frontier Optical Networks Ltd Suite 54, Royal Offices Westlands P. O. Box 4167 00100 Kenya Eastern
Clickatell PTY(LTD) 7th Floor, Manhattan Plaza, 100 Edward Street South Africa Southern
Inq Digital South Africa (Pty) Ltd Curzon Place Turnberry Office Park 48 Grosvenor Road Bryanston South Africa Southern
Direct Transact (Pty) Ltd 20 Alkantrant Rd Lynnwood Manor South Africa Southern
Banco Economico,S.A Banco Economico S.A Rua 1 Congresso do MPLA, No. 8 Luanda, Angola Angola Southern
Guaranty Trust Bank (Kenya) Ltd Sky park Branch Plot 1870 Woodvale Close Westlands Kenya Eastern TRV Office Plaza 6th Floor, 6C 58, Muthithi Road, Westlands P.O. Box 39424-00623 Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Eastern
Netpage Company Limited 7th Street East, Off Kairaba Avenue KMC P.O. Box 602 Gambia (the) Western
Global Internet Company H/wadag street Somalia Eastern
Network Information Center Madagascar - NIC-MG Zone Tana Water Front Ambodivona Escalier A, B.P. 7735 Madagascar Indian Ocean
Simbanet Com (K) Ltd Gateway Park, Block A Mombasa Road PO Box 10286 - 00100 Kenya Eastern
RCS-Communication Goshen House, Gate 1 Airport Road South Sudan Northern
Wema Bank Plc No 54 marina Lagos PMB 12862 Nigeria Western
Frampol Investments 14 Glen Shee Avenue Highlands Zimbabwe Southern
ELECTRO METIC ENTERPRISES PTY LTD First floor, Unit 4, Plot 53609, Gaborone West Industrial, Gaborone, Botswana Botswana Southern
INFOGENIE Technologies Opposite Boulangerie Centrale P.O Box 14950 YDE Cameroon Central
National University of Lesotho Main Administration Building National University of Lesotho Main (Roma) Campus Roma Lesotho Lesotho Southern
Econet - Leo SA 1,Place de l'Independance, Burundi Eastern
MUNI S.A Malabo Dos Malabo II, Equatorial Guinea Central
Network International Payment Services 92 El Tahrir St., Saridar Building Dokki Egypt Northern
Telecel Zimbabwe Telecel Zimbabwe 148 Seke Road Graniteside Zimbabwe Southern
Movitel, SA MovitelAv. Guerra Popular, 1086, Distrito municipal kampfumo, Cidade de Maputo - Mozambique Mozambique Southern
Telecom Seychelles Limited Airtel seychelles Limited P.O Box 1358 Providence Seychelles Indian Ocean
Davis & Shirtliff Ltd Dundori Rd, Industrial Area Nairobi Kenya Eastern
NGCOM KM 23 Ajiwe Lekki - Epe Express Way Nigeria Western
Cairo American College 1 Digla Maadi Egypt Northern
Tanzania Ports Authority 1, Bandari Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Aptus Solutions Ltd 759/10 Azikiwe St. Noor Manzil Building Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Dimension Data Ltd Ground Floor, Premier Towers, Pension Road, Ministries, Ghana Western
iConnectSA (Pty) Ltd 2nd Floor ABSA Forum 70 Hans van Rensburg St South Africa Southern
Zimbabwe Internet Exchange ZISPA, Level 5, Pegasus House, 52-54 Samora Machel Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Huge Networks (Pty) Ltd 35 Balfour Rd Vincent South Africa Southern
BitCo 29 Grosvenor Road, Bryanston South Africa Southern
MALAWI SWITCH CENTRE LIMITED 4-6 Victoria Avenue, P.O. Box 384, Malawi Southern
Genious Communications Bd. Allal El Fassi, Operation Boustane I, Imm E, Numero 6 Morocco Northern
Faircape 6th Floor, The Terraces, 25 Protea Road, Claremont, 7708 South Africa Southern
TANZANIA COMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (TCRA) The Director General Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Mawasiliano Towers, Plot 2005/5/1/2, Block C, Sam Nujoma Road P.O Box 474 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Banco National Angola (BNA) Av.4 de Fevereiro No. 151 Angola Southern
Metropolitan Health Corporate Ltd 268 West Avenue South Africa Southern
Bluedust Wireless 8 Buffalo Thorn Crescent Kosmos Ext 3 North West Province South Africa South Africa Southern
Afrique Technologies & Services (VipNet) 215 Bd des Martyrs Côte d'Ivoire Western
FUTURECOM LIMITED 5th Floor Centage Plaza, 14 Allen Avenue, Ikeja Nigeria Western
Go2Cloud Stand 529 1 Clifford Crescent Midstream Estates South Africa Southern
Ashesi University College 1 University Avenue Berekuso, E/R PMB CT3 Cantonments Ghana Western
CEC LIQUID TELECOM CEC Liquid Telecommunication Limited, Elunda II, 3rdfloor, Stand 4648, Addis Ababa Roundabout, Lusaka, Zambia Post.Net box 313, P/bag E10 Arcades, Lusaka Zambia Southern
Zain South Sudan Plot No 997 Block 9 Haya Jebel Gudele, South Sudan Northern
Social Security And National Insurance Trust Pension House PMB 149 Ghana Western
Malawi Internet Service Providers Association - MISPA The Chairman, Attn: Dr Paulos Nyirenda c/o Malawi SDNP, P.O. Box 31762, Malawi Southern
Nigerian Communications Satellite Ltd Obasanjo Space Center, Airport Road, Lugbe, P.M.B 647, Garki Nigeria Western
Abari Communications Plot 69184, Block 8 1st Floor, Iconic Building Botswana Innovation Hub Science & Technology Park P.O. Box AE870AEH Botswana Southern
Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicacoes Avenida Marginal 12 de Julho Caixa Postal 141 Sao Tome and Principe Central
UNITEL T+ Telecomunicacoes, Sociedade Unipessoal, S.A. Unitel T+ Telecomunicações S.A. Rua Cidade do Funchal N.º 8, ASA CP 346-A Praia, Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Western
Esmalo Enterprises 3rd Floor Green Bridge Eastgate 3rd Street Zimbabwe Southern
Reunicable SAS 39, rue Pierre Brossolette ZAC des Mascareignes Reunion Indian Ocean
Info-Gro (PTY) Ltd van Heerden Plaza 45 van Velden Street South Africa Southern
Juniper solutions Limited Olabode House 215 -219 Ikorodu road Ilupeju Nigeria Western
Switch Telecom Corner Main Office Park - 12A 2 Payne Road South Africa Southern
Telesure Group Services 1 Telesure Lane Riverglen Dainfern 2191 South Africa Southern
Levant Pro Limited # 2 Rose Ada George, off Elelenwo Street, GRA Phase 1 Nigeria Western
University of Nigeria University of Nigeria, Nsukka Enugu State Nigeria Western
Africanbank 59 16th Road Midrand South Africa Southern
First in Business Solutions 21 Bond Street South Africa Southern
National Water And Sewerage Corporation Plot 39, Jinja Road, P.O. Box 7053 , Uganda Eastern
Broadband Systems Corporation BSC Building, Remera - Gisimenti Airport road (KN 5 Rd ) Opposite Chez - Lando P.O Box 7229, Rwanda Eastern
Lonestar Communications Corporation P.O Box 10-4673 LBDI Bldg. Congo Town Liberia Western
The Packet Hub Parkview South Africa Southern
Hymax Talking Solutions 5th Floor, Letterstedt House, Newlands on Main, Main Road, Newlands South Africa Southern
Centracom Building 9 Woodmead Estate, Woodmead Drive, Woodmead. South Africa Southern
Guaranty Trust Bank Sierra Leone Limited Sparta Building, 12 Wilberforce street, Sierra Leone Western
SomCable Somcable Somcable House Shaab Road Hargiesa. Somalia Eastern
Tanzania Revenue Authority 6TH FLOOR MAPATO HOUSE SOKOINE DRIVE, PO Box 11491 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Cellulant LTD P. O. BOX 44134 2nd Floor, Vienna Court State House Crescent Kenya Eastern
CI Capital Holding North Tower Galleria 40 El Sheikh Zayed Egypt Northern
ASSET MANAGEMENT CORPORATION OF NIGERIA Information Technology Department, 417 Tigris Crescent, Off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Western
Black Currant Consultant cc P O Box 1145 Greenpoint South Africa Southern
SPACETEL BENIN SA 360 Boulevard Rue de la Marina 01BP 5293 Benin Western
VDC Telecom Immeuble Palm Residence Camayenne Dixinn Guinea Western
Clear Access (Pty) Ltd Clear Access Building 11, Highgrove Office Park 50 Tegel Ave Highveld Centurion South Africa Southern
SPIDERNET SPRL BURUNDI Avenue Kirundo num. 6 Bujumbura Burundi BP 1638 Burundi Eastern
Internet service provider association - DRC Appartement 8.E, 8ème Niveau Immeuble Botour, 68 /69 Avenue Luambo Makiadi Kinshasa/Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Burundi Backbone System SM BP1458 Burundi Eastern
Nigeria Internet Registration Association 8 Funsho Williams Avenue, Iponri, Surulere, Nigeria Western
ORANGE RDC 8 avenue du port Commune de la Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
ITELNET Km7, Bº dos Correios - Rangel Angola Southern
Gijima Holdings (PTY) Limited 1 Pioneer Ave, Midrand, IBG – South Wing International Business Gateway South Africa Southern
INTIC (National Institute of ICT) Av Guerra Popular N. 20 2 andar porta 205 Mozambique Southern
Tagtel Communications (Pvt) Ltd 6 Lockheed Road New Ridgeview Zimbabwe Southern
Airtel Rwanda Ltd Airtel Rwanda Limited, Remera, P.O.Box 4164 Kigali, Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
Forcepoint Mauritius Forcepoint Mauritius C/O CITCO (MAURITIUS) LIMITED 4TH FLOOR, TOWER A 1 CYBERCITY Mauritius Indian Ocean
SCCT Suez Canal Containers Terminal Port Said East Port Egypt Northern
Etranzact Int'l Plc 5th Floor, Fortune Towers. 27/29 Adeyemo Alakija Street, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
ONLIME SL LIMITED 33 Regent Road Hill Station Sierra Leone Western
Central Bank of Nigeria The Director, Information Technology Department, Central Bank of Nigeria, Central Bussiness District, Nigeria Western
Ethiopian Educational Research Network (EthERNet) Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 23976 /CODE 1000 Ethiopia Eastern
Bharat Telecom Ltd 6th floor, Ebene Mews, 57 Ebene Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
Telesom Telesom Tower Bridge road Somalia Eastern
BNH Communication Solutions Azikiwe Street Suite 404 Mavuno House 4th Floor, PO Box 20051 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
ORANGE GUINEE Boulevard du Commerce BP 4549 Guinea Western
Iclix (PTY) Ltd Willows Centre 29 King Edward Rd Willows South Africa Southern
PRESTABIST A cote Ecole publique Bololo. Chad Western
MTN CONGO MTN CONGO Sa. Head Quarter (HQ) 36, avenue Amilcar Cabral Face City-Center. B.P : 1150 Congo (the) Central
I-Net Bridge 7 Sturdee ave, Rosebank South Africa Southern
Angola Cables Lote Cellwave, 2ºandar Via AL5, Zona XR6B Angola Southern
Kenya Red Cross P.O BOX 40712 00100-GPO Kenya Eastern
ARPCE 91 bis avenue de l'amitie immeuble ARPCE BP 2490 Centre -Ville Congo (the) Central
Aga Khan University 10 Urambo Street - Upanga P.O Box 125, 11102 Dar Es Salaam. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
University of the Free State 205 Nelson Mandela Drive South Africa Southern
Mozabanco AV. Kwame Nkrumah, nº 97, Bairro da Sommerchield, Cidade de Maputo Mozambique Southern
Mantrac Ghana ltd Mantrac Ghana Ltd. Ring Road West North Industrial Area P.O. Box 5207 , Accra-North Ghana Western
Telviva (Pty) Ltd P O Box 30359 Tokai South Africa Southern
Data Control and Systems 5th Floor ZB Life Towers, 77 Jason Moyo Ave, Cn Sam Nujoma/Jason Zimbabwe Southern
Lasernet (Pty) Ltd 19 Sunninghill Office Park Peltier Drive South Africa Southern
Echotel Pty Ltd 1st Floor, Block B, Monte Circle, 178 Montecasino Boulevard South Africa Southern
guineanet Hotel Plaza, Hab 201, Plaza del reloj Equatorial Guinea Central
Eko-Konnect Research and Education Initiative 11B Taiye Olowu Street Lekki Phase 1 Nigeria Western
Orange Tunisie Orange Tunisie Centre Urbain Nord Tunisia Northern
UAP Holdings Limited Uapoldmutual Towers, Upper Hill P O Box 43013 - 00100 Kenya Eastern
Network Platforms (PTY) LTD Suite 1 Dowerglen Plaza 73 Sycamore Drive Dowerglen South Africa Southern
Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes Ouaga 2000 01 BP 6437 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Western
Craft Silicon Ltd Craft Silicon Campus, Musa Gitau Road, Off Waiyaki way, PO Box 13628-00800, Kenya Eastern
EO Data Center 25, avenue Louis Braille Tunisia Northern
Dapit Ventures (PTY) Ltd t/a GCSat Botswana Plot 28573 Serotologane Drive Gaborone West, Phase 1 Botswana Southern
ISSALNET SARL Rue N°6, 101 Cité Jourdain, Hai Chouhada (Les Castors) BP 9622 El Makari Algeria Northern
Zinox Telecommunications Limited 5 Redemption Crescent, Gbagada Nigeria Western
MATTEL Av. Mokhtar Ould Daddah ZRF - NB 858A , Tavragh Zina, Mauritania Northern
GameZone Angola Rua Kwamme Nkrumah, 49A 1 Andar, Maianga, Luanda, Angola Angola Southern
Posix Swaziland No.33 Cooper Centre Bypass Road Eswatini Southern
IPX Equatorial Guinea S.A K7 Punta Europa, Off Airport Road Equatorial Guinea Central
Fiber Grid INC Suite 102 Aarti Chambers, Mont Fleuri, Victoria, Seychelles Indian Ocean
Xtranet 37/39 Island circle Rd, Island Office Park Block 3, 1st Floor, Suite 314 Riverhorse Valley South Africa Southern
Orange Burkina Faso 771, Avenue du Président Aboubacar Sangoulé LAMIZANA 01 BP 6622 Burkina Faso Western
Internet Solutions Nigeria Limited 11-12 Ibiyinka Olorunbe Close, Off Amodu Ojikutu Street, Victoria Island, Nigeria Western
AVOXI (PTY) LTD 30A Dias Crescent South Africa Southern
Africell Gambia 43 kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda Gambia (the) Western
e-Government Authority P. O. Box 4273 8 Kivukoni Road Utumishi House 11404 Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
TELECEL FASO Avenue de la Nation Burkina Faso Western
JIREH Technologies (PTY) Ltd. 234 Glover avenue, Block D, Waterford Court, Lyttelton South Africa Southern
American International School Abuja P.M.B 5080 Plot No 346, Cadastral Zone B02 Durumi District Abuja Nigeria Western
Gestora de Infraestructuras de Telecomunicaciones de Guinea Ecuatorial GITGE Edificio Abayak, 3ªPlanta Malabo II Equatorial Guinea Central
Airtel Niger Airtel Niger S.A. Route de l'Aéroport Niger (the) Western
Guaranty Trust Bank (Ghana) Limited 25A Castle Road, Ambassadorial Area, Ridge Ghana Western
MIA Telecoms 134 Walton dr Carlswald Midrand South Africa Southern
Banco Angolano de Investimentos Travessa Ho Chi Min, Edifício Garden Towers, Torre A Angola Southern
CEDESURK ASBL 44, Av. de la Democratie (Ex. Huileries) Kinshasa-Gombe B.P. 14898 a 1 R.D. Congo Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
CloudFlare Africa Ltd 1st Floor, Allied Plaza Francis Rachel Street P.O. Box 1289 Seychelles Indian Ocean
Pamoja, Ltd 6th Floor Tower A One Cyber city Mauritius Indian Ocean
Winrock Nigeria Limited 8 Toamasina Street, Wuse II Nigeria Western
MainOne Cable Company (Ghana) Ltd Capital Place Office Park 11, Patrice Lumumba Road, Airport Residential Area Ghana Western
Golis Telecom Somalia Golis Telecom Somalia,Bosaso Somalia Eastern
Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc 1230 Ahmadu Bello Way Victoria Island Nigeria Western
ISPA Ltd 360 Boulevard Umuganda Rwanda Eastern
Desert Road Pty Ltd t/a Zebranet Desert Road Pty Ltd t/a Zebranet Plot 75783, Unit 5, 1st Floor Block 10, Setlhoa Office Park, Gaborone Private Bag BR87, Broadhurst, Botswana Southern
Triponza Trading 376 CC 14 Dickens Place Tulisa Park South Africa Southern
Airtel Congo S.A Airtel Congo S.A Avenue Amilcar Cabral, centre-ville, B.P. 1038 Brazzaville, République du Congo Congo (the) Central
SOMTEL INTERNATIONAL Ltd SOMTEL INTERNATIONAL Ltd Somtel HQ,26 june avenue Somalia Eastern
Comium Gambia Ltd. 27 Kairaba Avenue Pipeline, KSMD Gambia (the) Western
Kibo Connect Unit F4 Sunrise Park, Sunrise Circle, Ndabeni, Western Cape South Africa Southern
Cilix Software Desportistas Street, Nº691, Building JAT 6.1, 14th floor Mozambique Southern
Wirulink Pty Ltd 221 Panorama Drive, Constantia Kloof South Africa Southern
Platoon trade and Invest 149 PTy 125 Buitengracht St South Africa Southern
Fast Network Ltd Plot 663, Block 3-K (South), Kololo South Sudan Northern
NOVAFONE Inc Congo town,Musu spot adjacent to the vacant lot used as a football Liberia Western
ITM 7 avenue du parc C/Ngaliema Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Smile Communications Tanzania Ltd Regent Business Park 172Chwaku Street P.B. 38372 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Federal University Oye-EKiti Oye-Are Road Nigeria Western
Orange Bissau Praca dos Herois Nacionais BP 1087 Bissau Guinea-Bissau Western
Cyberdyne S.A. Broad Street 80 Liberia Western
Domain Name Services PO Box 4620 Halfway House 1685 South Africa Southern
ICONA for IT and Telecom. LTD Co 2nd Ring Road Alkhorda Building 4th Floor Libya Northern
Nation Media Group Nation Media Group Limited Nation Centre Kimathi Street Kenya Eastern
MTN South Sudan MTN CENTER. Hai Jerusalem, Residential Area, Hai-Cinema, North East Juba, (1) Basic School, P.O Box 573 JUBA - SOUTH SUDAN South Sudan Northern
Telecommunication Sevice Providers Association of Kenya - TESPOK TESPOK 27589 Nyayo Stadium Standard Street Kenya Eastern
Roke Telkom Zambia Plot No. 4372 Sekou Toure Road Off Jacaranda Zambia Southern
Qatar National Bank Al Ahli (QNB AA) 5 Champolion ST, Down Town, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Northern
Fidelity Bank Limited No. 10 Ridge West, Ambassadorial Enclave, Ridge Tower Ghana Western
Credit Agricole Egypt 1, ALFRED REWANE ROAD FALOMO, IKOYI Egypt Northern
Orioncom SPRL 3116, 17e Rue, Route des Poids Lourds, Limete/Kingabwa Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
ELECTRO SHACK INC. Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island Liberia Western
Isuzu East Africa Limited Enterprise Road P.O.Box 30527 Kenya Eastern
Office of the Prime Minister P/Bag 13338 Department Public Service IT Management Bredan Simbwaye Square Block B, Ground Floor, Room 025 Corner of Uhland and Goethe Streets Namibia Southern
ORLEAN INVEST AFRICA LIMITED Intels Transit Terminal Onne Oil & Gas Free Zone Nigeria Western
INQ DIGITAL CAMEROON SA Rue Casino, Bonapriso 1ere Niveau, Immeuble Pharmacie Njo Njo PO Box 4510, Cameroon Central
Agence Nationale des Infrastructures Numeriques et des Frequences (ANINF) Cours Pasteur Gabon Central
Banco Comercial Angolano Company Number: NIF 5410000528 Rua Comandante Valodia, 83 A Angola Southern
Raya Contact Center 26th July St.,Touristic Zone Giza,6th of October-Behind Dar El Fouad Hospital El Motamayez District Egypt Northern
Global Broadband Solution Avenue de la Science, 4630 Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Infrasat Avenida de Talatona S/N Luanda-sul Angola Southern
iRENALA Porte 201,Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche Scientifique,Fiadanana Madagascar Indian Ocean
New Frontiers Technology Consult Limited NFT Mawazo House Plot 593, Off Muganzi Awongererwa Road Makerere. P.O. Box 26411 Uganda Eastern
Teraco Data Environments (PTY) LTD Teraco House 5 Brewery Street Isando South Africa Southern
Cool Ideas Service Provider (Pty) Ltd Building A, Portion 1 and 1B on Third Floor 1 Sturdee Avenue Rosebank South Africa Southern
3S INF 53 rue des sels mineraux, Chargueya 1 Tunisia Northern
Agence des Technologies de lnformation et de la Communication (AGETIC) Hamdallaye ACI 2000 dans la cour de la bibliotheque Nationale Mali Western
Eb@le PEQPESU P/C Projet d'Interconnexion des Universités / Eb@le Kinshasa/Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
CONGO TELECOM 67 Bd Denis SASSOU NGUESSO Congo (the) Central
AREEBA GUINEE SA Quatier Almamy-Commune de Kaloum B.P 3237 Guinea Western
Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) 380 Rue du Professeur Joseph KI ZERBO,01 BP 543 Burkina Faso Western
Societe Reunionnaise du Radiotelephone 21 Rue Pierre Aubert Reunion Indian Ocean
IRESS South Africa (AUSTRALIA) (PTY) LTD Building Three, 2929 on Nicol, 2929 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston South Africa Southern
MOUNA Group Technology Sa. MouNa Internet Building, Avenue de la République, Almamya, Kaloum Guinea Western
Egypt Linx for Communication Services 14 Elsafa St. From Road 9 El mokatam Egypt Northern
Nigerian Research and Education Network Limited by Guarantee Peter Okebukola House, National Universities Commission 26, Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama PMB 237, Garki GPO Nigeria Western
Intercom Data Network Limited 4B Oshogbo Close Area 11 Nigeria Western
Airtel Gabon S.A 124, Avenue Bouêt Montagne Sainte Gabon Central
Uganda Revenue Authority Plot M193/M194, Nakawa Industrial Area P.O.Box 7279 Uganda Eastern
BOTSWANA FIBRE NETWORKS (Proprietary) Limited Zambezi Towers, Floor 2, Plot 54352 West Avenue, New CBD Botswana Southern
WEBMASTERS, LDA. Av. Malhangalene N 787 1st Floor Mozambique Southern
Sea Breeze (Pty) Ltd T/A Mega Internet Plot 20638 Block 3 Indutrial Santawang Way Broadhurst Industrial Botswana Southern
Millenium Outsourcing Ltd Level 3 Alexander House 35 CyberCity Mauritius Indian Ocean
Centenary Rural Development Bank Centenary Bank Mapera House Plot 44-46 Kampala Road Uganda Eastern
CloudAfrica Hosting (PTY) LTD 49 Moray Drive South Africa Southern
Compfix Data Limited International House, Mama Ngina Street Kenya Eastern
Tizeti Network Limited 14 Warehouse Road Apapa Nigeria Western
Pan-Atlantic University KM 52, LEKKI-EPE EXPRESSWAY, IBEJU-LEKKI. Nigeria Western
BACKBONE CONNECTIVITY NETWORK (NIGERIA) LIMITED 60 Lake Chad Crescent, Maitama Nigeria Western
Cloud Innovation Ltd Suite 202, 2nd Floor, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, P O Box 1352 Seychelles Indian Ocean
Angani Limited 1st Floor, Westpoint building, Kenya Eastern
General Telecommunication Networks (NIG) Limited 4, Gbolahan Mudashiru Street, Off MacDonald Road Ikoyi Nigeria Western
OOREDOO TUNISIE SA Siege Social Ooredoo Tunisie SA Les Jardins du Lac Les Berges du Lac BP n641 1053 - Tunis Cedex Tunisia Northern
Ernst and Young Services Limited 102 Rivonia Sandton South Africa Southern
SAGA AFRICA HOLDINGS LIMITED 15, Almadies Route de N'GOR Senegal Western
University of Stellenbosch IT Building, 11 Hammanshand road, University Stellenbosch South Africa Southern
DOLPHIN TELECOMMUNICATION LIMITED No. 6, Motorway Extension, Dzorwulu Ghana Western
Smile Communications Nigeria Smile Communications 230 Awolowo Road Ikoyi Nigeria Western
Equation Business Solutions 40 Newmarket Street South Africa Southern
eStream Networks 22c, Ligali Ayorinde Street Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria Nigeria Western
STOI Internet Immeuble Alima ZI Kaweni Mayotte Indian Ocean
Axiom Networks Ltd Gacuriro, KG 15 Ave, House no 11. Rwanda Eastern
Rwanda Ministry of Education B.P. 622 Rwanda Eastern
Lagos State Government Lagos State Government Secretariat, Alausa ikeja Nigeria Western
KAB Technologies Unit 2 The Square, Prime Park, Montague Gardens South Africa Southern
Telemedia (PTY) Ltd 17, 9th Avenue, Rivonia South Africa Southern
SIMBANET (U) LIMITED DTB Centre 13th floor Kampala Rd Uganda Eastern
Blue Sky Satellite Communications CC 67 Steenbok Avenue Bassonia South Africa Southern
CANAL + TELECOM Immeuble Rodgrigues 2 7, rue Henri Cornu Parc Technor Reunion Indian Ocean
CM Value Added Services (Pty) Ltd Box 310 Gallo Manor South Africa Southern
Activest Twenty Six PTY LTD NQ Studios #103 2 Main Street Newlands South Africa Southern
Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Technology Via Republic Somalia Eastern
ITEC INTEGRATE PTY LTD Itec House, Cambridge Commercial Park, Regent Street, Paulshof South Africa Southern
Finstar - Sociedade de Investimento e Participacoes S.A Edificio ZAP Talatona Angola Southern
GROUPEMENT D'INTERET ECONOMIQUE GROUPE COMMERCIAL BANK - GIE GCB GIE-GCB 361 street Boue de Lapeyrene, AKWA PoBox: 2563 Douala Cameroon Cameroon Central
Zanzibar Connections Company Limited 2nd Floor Old Tritel Building, Migombani Ops Mnara-Mbao, Airport Road, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
National Information Technology Authority Uganda Palm Courts, Plot 7A, Rotary Avenue Uganda Eastern
Instituto Nacional das Comunicacoes de Mozambique Praca 16 de Junho, No. 340 Bairro da Malanga C.P. 848 Mozambique Southern
Comnet Pty Ltd Corner of Malotiroad and Kingsway, Maseru 100 Lesotho Southern
Cape Connect Internet P O Box 2823 South Africa Southern
Blue Cloud Networks Limited 20 1ST RINGWAY, RINGWAY ESTATES Ghana Western
Premier Lotto Limited 112 Funsho Williams, Surulere Nigeria Western
C-Squared Limited Unit B3, First Floor, Plot 7/11 Buganda Road Uganda Eastern
New telco South Africa Pty Ltd. Jasco Park Corner Alexandra avenue and 2nd Road Midrand 1685 South Africa Southern
NetStack Ltd 300 Acacia Road Darrenwood Randburg South Africa Southern
STE AFRICELL RDC SPRL 25, Avenue de la Justice Croix Rouge commune de la Combe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
ZINIA ISP (PTY) LTD Zinia House Hammets Crossing Office Park, 2 selborne avenue, South Africa Southern
Bait Ashames for Data Communication Ahmed Eswahili Street Libya Northern
Mauritius Computing Services Ltd 18, Edith Cavell Street Mauritius Indian Ocean
PCN IT MANAGEMENT CC First Floor 75 Roeland Street South Africa Southern
China Telecom South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Ground Floor, Building 16, The Woodlands Office Park, South Africa Southern
Thought Express Semantic Technology 30 Hudson Street De Waterkant South Africa Southern
Universite Abomey-Calavi 01 BP 526 RP Benin Western
Digital Outsource Services Ltd 1 Waterview Close Century City South Africa Southern
PPF PENSION FUND PSSSF HOUSE, Makole Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Johannesburg Area Wireless User Group (JAWUG) PO Box 1120 Melville South Africa Southern
West Indian Ocean Cable Company 1001 Alexander House 35 Ebene Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
COMSATES SARL Hamdallaye ACI2000 Rue des flamboyants porte 32 Mali Western
Trans-Sahara IT and Communication Gergarish Main RD , Hay Andalus , Libya Northern
LIPTINFOR NIGER SA BP 2840 NIAMEY Niger (the) Western
NATIONAL AGENCY FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Bastos, Rue Ambassade de Chine, Face Haut Commisseriat du Canada Cameroon Central
Interswitch Limited 1648C Oko-Awo Street,Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Babcock University Ilishan-Remo Nigeria Western
Microteck Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. Plot 20613, Unit 5, Block 3 Industrial Botswana Southern
Econet-Leo SA 281 A, Boulevard de l'Uprona Burundi Eastern
ACCENTURE SOUTH AFRICA Pty Ltd 8th floor Convention Tower cnr Staedler and Heerengrach av South Africa Southern
UNITEL STP SARL Avenida Amilcar Cabral Edifício STA, 2 Piso Sao Tome and Principe Central
Serekunda Internet Exchange Point Gamtel Serekunda ExchangeKairaba Avenue Gambia (the) Western
Cable Television Network (CTV) Limited 228 Harbor View Towers Samora Avenue Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
AfriTel Corporation 303 Aarti Chambers Mont Fleuri, Seychelles Indian Ocean
PIXI MEDIA SARL Av Ghassan Kanafani, Bureaux Taiba, Plateau N23 Morocco Northern
AIRTEL TCHAD Avenue Charles De Gaulle, Immeuble Pierre Brock BP 5665 Chad Western
Saicom Voice Services Saicom Voice Services (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor East Wing The Oval Building Wanderers Office Park 52 Corlett Drive Illovo Johannesburg South Africa South Africa Southern
Algerie Telecom Mobile MOBILIS TM Mobilis Quartier des Affaires Bab Ezzouar Algeria Northern
Dalkom Somalia Dalkom House Airport Road Somalia Eastern
Co-operative Bank of Kenya Head Office Address, Co-operative House, Haile Selassie Avenue, P.O. Box 48231 - 00100 Kenya Eastern
Somali Wireless Network TAHLIL BUILDING, KM4 Somalia Eastern
Bank of Tanzania 02 Mirambo Street Box 2939 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Liquid Telecommunications Operations Limited 10th Floor, Raffles Tower, 19 Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
Sahal Telecom Somalia 21 Ka Nofeembar, Bakara Market, Banaadir Somalia Eastern
Custom Solutions Business Trust 437 Esme Av Montana South Africa Southern
TANZANIA POSTAL BANK P. O. Box 9300, Dar es Salaam, Mkwepu Street, TPB Bank Mkwepu Branch, 2nd Floor. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
KT RWANDA NETWORK Ltd KTRN, Korea Telecom Rwanda Networks KG 9 Ave. 17, Nyarutarama Rwanda Eastern
1tel S.A. Av KwaME N'KHRUMA 11 BP 757 Seychelles Indian Ocean
RAWAFED LIBYA Dabnoon Street, Hai Al-Andalus Libya Northern
ICT DYNAMIX (Pty) Limited P.O Box 201330 Botswana Southern
BurundiX A.S.B.L. University of Burundi CHAIRE UNESCO Campus Boulevard du 28 Novembre Burundi Eastern
JENNY INTERNET (PTY) LTD 27 Gemsbok Hutten Heights South Africa Southern
iONLINE INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER Building 14 Stanford Office Park 12 Bauhinia Avenue Highveld South Africa Southern
WiFibre Pty Ltd Unit 2, nr 10 Glen Eagle Office Park 260 Monument road Glen Marais South Africa Southern
Fulloutput 1086 cc 9 van der Merwe Crescent Blomvlei South Africa Southern
Manara Communication and Technology Manara Telecom & Technology Company Bediri Square, Fashloom Area Libya Northern
SGS MCNet Mocambique Ltd Av. Vladimir lenine nr. 174 Mozambique Southern
Spacetel - Guine-Bissau 17, Avenida Unidade Africana Guinea-Bissau Western
LanDynamix Building B, The Braids 113 Bowling Road Gallo Manor South Africa Southern
RMS Powertronics CC 76 Kyalami Boulevard Kyalami Business Park Kyalami South Africa Southern
Ultimate Linux Solutions (Pty) Ltd Unit 201, Building 2B Sunwood Office Park Queen's Crescent Lynwood South Africa Southern
Internet Exchange Point Association of Namibia 33 Locke Street Academia Namibia Southern
Somcast Networks LLC MIA, Somalia Eastern
Somali Research & Education Network(SomaliREN) SOMALIREN, TALEH, HODAN DISTRICT Somalia Eastern
iVeri Payment Technologies (Pty) Ltd Building 9, Inanda Greens, 54 Wierda Rd West, Wierda Valley South Africa Southern
VIETTEL BURUNDI SA Number 51 Boulevard de l'Uprona, Quartier Rohero II, Commune Rohero Burundi Eastern
Electronic Business Services eBS cyber parc de sidi abdallah Alger Algeria Northern
The Cloud Crew (Pty) Ltd Unit 1 & 3 Zhauns bUilding 172 Main Road Claremont 7708 South Africa Southern
Power and Network, Backup Company Ltd Plot No.41, Junction of Lugoda Street and Sokoine Drive. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Mark Elkins P O Box 73892 South Africa Southern
STATURE (PTY) LTD Plot 1266 Luthuli Rd Botswana Southern
Fidelity Bank PLC No. 2, Kofo Abayomi Street Nigeria Western
Djibouti Data Center SARL Haramous 3G Building, Boulaos Street Djibouti Eastern
CHASE BANK Kenya Limited Head of IT Chase Bank Kenya Limited Central Office, Riverside Mews, Riverside Drive P.O. Box 66049 Kenya Eastern
Metrofibre Networx 298 Witch-Hazel Avenue South Africa Southern
4G Telecom Hai-Thongpiny Plot No. 540, Block-3K, Juba - South Sudan South Sudan Northern
SWECOM PLC Bonamoussadi, Fin Goudron Bangue Cameroon Central
World Vision Kenya Karen Road, off Ngong Road, P.O. Box 50816-00200 Kenya Eastern
Centurylink Communications South Africa Pty Ltd CENTRAL OFFICE PARK NO.5 257 JEAN AVENUE CENTURION South Africa Southern
Ampath 166 Witch-Hazel Ave Highveld Technopark Centurion South Africa Southern
Federal University of Technology, Akure(FUTA) Computer Resource Centre, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ilesha Road Nigeria Western
COMMCARRIER SATELLITE SERVICES LIMITED 8th Floor, Kijabe Street, Longonot Place. Kenya Eastern
DIRECTEL COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD 189 Olympic Duel North Riding South Africa Southern
MERISTEM SECURITIES LIMITED 124, Norman Williams Street, S/W, Ikoyi Nigeria Western
iSAT Africa Zambia Ltd 7th Floor Godfrey House, Corner Kabelenga and Longolongo Roads, Fairview Zambia Southern
Wirels Connect (PTY) Ltd The willow office park, george street and 14 avenue,midrand,1685 South Africa Southern
Afrimax Limited 3rd Floor, North Wing Chayamba Building, Victoria Avenue Malawi Southern
Computer Sales & Services 2nd floor of Empire Tower, corner of UN Road & Mathuridas Street. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Gabon Internet eXchange (Gab-IX) BP 13 831 Libreville (Gabon) Gabon Central
Bundu NetworX Shop 10-14 Meander Square South Africa Southern
Ladysmith Wireless Solutions Shop 8A, San Marco Centre 3 Francis Road South Africa Southern
Atlantique TELECOM CAR Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique Immeuble MOOV Central African Republic (the) Central
ARC Informatique Point E - Impasse 29 PE-36 Senegal Western
Sage petroleum- Ghana House No. E17/9 Ablade Road Kanda Accra P.O.Box CT 4377 Cantonments Accra Ghana Western
Mbabane Internet Exchange Association P. O. Box A59, Swazi Plaza Eswatini Southern
Municipal Network Services 2 Akasia Street South Africa Southern
TOPNET Centre Urbain Nord Tunisia Northern
Safcor Freight (Pty) Ltd Safcor Freight t/a Bidvest Panalpina Logistics, 20 Wrench Road, Isando South Africa Southern
TESUCO TELECOMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD 11 Pomona Rd Kempton Park KEMPTON PARK South Africa Southern
Metacom (Pty) Limited 6 Inyoni Street Ndabeni South Africa Southern
VIDOLU Group Pty Ltd-Web4Africa 372 Oak Avenue, Ferndale South Africa Southern
AZAM MEDIA LIMITED Plot 46/4, Nyerere Road, Ilala District, Opposite Tazara Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Converged Telecoms 75 Witkoppen Road, Northriding South Africa Southern
BMW (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 6 Frans du Toit Street Rosslyn South Africa Southern
Airpark Beaufort West CC 71 Bird Street South Africa Southern
Woolworths(Proprietary) Ltd 93 Longmarket Street South Africa Southern
University of Zimbabwe Number 630 Churchill Avenue, Mt Pleasant Zimbabwe Southern
Somali Optical Networks Somali Optical Networks SON Plaza KM5 Road Banadir Somalia Eastern
Technolutions Pty Ltd 19 Kendal Road, Diep River South Africa Southern
Multichoice Support Services (Pty) Ltd 272 VVM Plaza Pretoria ave Randburg South Africa Southern
SKYTIC TELECOM Skytic Telecom 128 rue Bouyala - immeuble MALAYA Pointe Noire Congo (the) Central
Cloud Temple Tunisia GP1 KM12 Tunisia Northern
123 Internetworks (Pty) Ltd Suite 3A, Umhlanga Centre 185 Ridge Road Umhlanga Ridge South Africa Southern
Concerotel Botswana Pty Ltd Plot 74358 New CBD Botswana Southern
I&M Bank Limited I&M Bank Tower, 4th Floor, I&M Bank Tower, Kenyatta Avenue Kenya Eastern
Wadi Degla Investments(WDI) 4th district zahraa El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt. Egypt Northern
Central 8 Limitada Rua 3 Ex Clemencia, Casa 9, Benfica Angola Southern
Trustco Group Holdings 2 Keller street Windhoek Namibia Southern
SEYCHELLES INTERNET EXCHANGE POINT ASSOCIATION Room 7, 2nd Floor Ebrahim Building, Victoria Seychelles Indian Ocean
AlbideyNet Quartier Sabangali Chad Western
Office Tchadien de regulatoin des telecommunications(OTRT-IXP-TCHAD) Office Tchadien de regulatoin des telecommunications(OTRT) Av General Daoud Soumaine NDJAMENA CHAD Chad Western
Madagascar Global Internet eXchange Batiment SIRIUS Zone Galaxy Andraharo Madagascar Indian Ocean
Technische Universitat Berlin (Campus- El Gouna) Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel Street 84513 El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt Egypt Northern
Capital Technologies First Floor, harbour view suites, Samora avenue Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd Advtech House, Block C, Inanda Green Office Park, Wierda Rd West South Africa Southern
Uganda Communications Commission Plot 42-44, Spring Road, Bugolobi, P.O. Box. 7376, Kampala Uganda Eastern
Societe TLDC Immeuble Diamant 2, Centre-Ville B.P 3802 Gabon Central
Link Development 94, Street 105, Maadi Egypt Northern
Embarq Limited NHIF Building,Upper Hill Nairobi Kenya Eastern
Associacao Escola Internacional de Luanda Talatona Angola Southern
Pan Atlantic University Km 22, Lekki-Epe Expressway, Ajah Nigeria Western
Department of ICT Government of Seychelles 3rd Floor Caravelle House Victoria Seychelles Indian Ocean
NEC XON SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD 218 Roan Crescent Halfway House Midrand South Africa Southern
PYROCA 3cc T/A Net Hog Internet Solutions Mauricedale Game Ranch, Jeepes Reef Rd South Africa Southern
Republic Bank (Ghana) Ltd No. 35, Sixth Avenue North Ridge, Cantonments Ghana Western
Agence Nationale de Promotion des TIC (ANPTIC) 01 BP 4701 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Western
Prepaid Utilities World CC 7th Floor Strauss Daly Place,41 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4320 South Africa Southern
IPTEC Limited IPTEC LIMITED South Sudan Northern
China Europe International Business School(AFRICA Campus) Monrovia Road, East Legon Ghana Western
NOSi EPE Av. Cidade de Lisboa, 4to. Piso Cabo Verde Western
IBITS Internet (pty) Ltd 1 Solomon Street South Africa Southern
Mobile Telephone Networks Business Solutions (Namibia) (Proprietary) Limited Corner of Haddy & Church Street, Windhoek West Namibia Southern
NPONE 2 Rue Lakarari Morocco Northern
Adiel Akplogan 3055 St-Martin West H7T-0J3, QC Togo Western
Nigerian Ports Authority 26/28, Marina Street Nigeria Western
Nanocom International Ltd No 34 Munguno Shettima Street Nigeria Western
BIZVOIP 30 Tre Donne Estate Old Sir Lowry's Pass Road South Africa Southern
Kaldera Ltd 3rd Floor, Ebene Mews, 57 Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd, Megawatt Park, Maxwell Drive, Sunninghill, Sandton South Africa Southern
AJYWA TELECOM 44 Avenue Maniema Communie Ibanda Bukavu Sud-Kivu, RDC Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
PYXISE SARL 28 Rue Jean Jaures Reunion Indian Ocean
Viettel Tanzania PLC 10th Floor, Tanzanite Park, Plot No. 38, South Ursino, New Bagamoyo Road P.O.BOX 34716 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
NMB Bank Public Limited Company NMB House Azikiwe/Jamhuri Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Zambia Information and communication Technology Authority Cnr of Independence and United Nations Avenues Zambia Southern
Level 7 Wireless (Pty) Ltd 2 Mango Nook Street, Highveld Technopark South Africa Southern
Optimum Telecom Algeria Route de Wilaya, lot n° 37/4, Dar El-Beïda Algeria Northern
Megafast Networks LTD 13B Trans-Amadi/Oginigba Road, Rumubiakani. Nigeria Western
Digicall Solutions (Pty) Ltd 110 Conrad Drive Craighall Business Office Craighall Park South Africa Southern
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa 1 Robert Broom drive South Africa Southern
Liberia Internet Exchange Point Association LIBTELCO Compound, Broad & Lynch Streets Liberia Western
National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE FUND Head Office, NHIF House Tambukareli, Jakaya Kikwete RD Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
AVS TELECOM SARL AVS Telecom SARL Rue CEPER BP 12340 Cameroon Central
Tarsus On Demand (Pty) Ltd 1 Ruacana Street, Buccleuch South Africa Southern
BETHNET cc Boshoff st 40 South Africa Southern
Legends Connect Pty Ltd 8 Franschoek Street South Africa Southern
Desktop Network Solutions Rotunda House, Moddercrest Office park South Africa Southern
CBC EMEA LTD CBC Towers, 11, Olubunmi Owa Street, Lekki Phase 1, Lekki Nigeria Western
ATEC Systems and Technologies PTY LTD Block 3, First Floor Boardwalk Phase 4 Office Park 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, South Africa Southern
INQ Cote d'Ivoire Cocody II Plateau Vallon, Côte d'Ivoire Western
Session Telecoms(PTY) Ltd Building 13, Centuria Office Park, 265 Von Willich Avenue South Africa Southern
Ministry of Information and Communications, Government of Sierra Leone 8th Floor, Youyi Building, Brookfields Sierra Leone Western
Simply Computers Tanzania Ltd Zanaki / Makunganya Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
South African Bankers Services Company Limited 243 Booysens Street Selby South Africa Southern
ECOTECH Converge PTY Ltd 62 Cussonia Ave, Val De Grace South Africa Southern
Ekovolt Telco Limited 212A Muri Okunola Street Nigeria Western
Kenya Commercial Bank Limited KCB Bank Ltd. P.O. Box 48400-00100 Moi Avenue Street, Kencom House 7th floor IT Division Kenya Eastern
Cimecom - Nortis EJBC, 16-18 Lot Attoufik Sidi Maarouf Morocco Northern
IPTP Inc 102, Aarti Chambers, Mont Fleuri, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles Seychelles Indian Ocean
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Ghana Accra - Cape Coast Road Ghana Western
TANZANIA COMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY AUTHORITY (TZCERT) 20 Sam Nujoma Street, Mawasiliano Towers Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Libyan International Company for Technology Benghazi Street Next to DMV Office Libya Northern
TELECEL CENTRAFRIQUE Rue Monseigneur GRANDIN BANGUI ( RCA ) Central African Republic (the) Central
Agence Nationale de Telesante et d'Informatique Medicale - ANTIM ACI2000 Rue: 340 Porte: 541 Mali Western
SOCIETE NATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS (Tunisie Telecom) Les berges du Lac 1053 Tunis, Tunisia Northern
BCS- Banco de Credito do Sul, S.A. Empreendimento Comandante Gika, Tower B, 15th Floor Angola Southern
Direction Generale de la Securite des Systemes d'Information- DGSSI Avenue Al Melia, Hay Ryad, Rabat 10102 Morocco Northern
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Network Operations Center(NOC), University Information Technology Services, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana Western
Family Bank Ltd Muindi Mbingu Street Kenya Eastern
Hollard Insurance 22 Oxford Road Parktown South Africa Southern
Perlcom CC T/A iSPOT 1 Balmoral Drive South Africa Southern
ABUJA ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION PLC No 1 Ziquinchor Street,Wuse Zone 4 Nigeria Western
EXCELSIMO NETWORKS LIMITED 18B Estaport Avenue, Soluyi, Gbagada Nigeria Western
LABOREX KENYA LTD Farm Auto Spares Building, UNIT 1, on Mombasa Road , Next to Plaza 2000, Opposite Standard Group Kenya Eastern
MAX NET FOR INTERNET SERVICES 16, Block 12, Riyadh Sudan (the) Northern
LANDMARK UNIVERSITY OMU-ARAN KM4, Ipetu road P.M.B 1004, Omu-Aran, State Nigeria Nigeria Western
Unitas Global Inc Eastgate Office Park, Block A South Boulevard Road Bruma South Africa Southern
PC Maniacs (Pty) Ltd Agrihub Office Park Block A 477 Witherite Street The Willows South Africa Southern
Authorite de Regulation des Telecommunications/TIC de Cote d'Ivoire-ARTCI Marcony Anoumabo Côte d'Ivoire Western
International Livestock Research Institute Old Naivasha Road Kenya Eastern
Smile Communication DRC Commune De Gombe, Avenue Douane No.7, Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
NATCOM Development and Investment Limited 24 Chris Alli Crescent , 2nd Avenue Estate, Ikoyi Nigeria Western
CONNECTIS-DATA ANGOLA LDA Rua F, casa 78 Bairro Militar Talatona Belas Angola Southern
STANDARD TELECOM CONGO SARL- STC SA 139, BOULEVARD DU 30 JUIN COMMUNE DE LA GOMBE Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Equity Banque Commerciale Du Congo SA Immeuble BCDC, Boulevard du 30 juin Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
SIMBANET MALAWI LIMITED Suite B21, Golden Peacock Shopping Centre, New City Centre Malawi Southern
iSPACE (PTY) LTD 8 Frosterley Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate La Lucia South Africa Southern
Centro Nacional para Informatizacion de la Administracion Publica Malabo II S/N, Edificio E19-C, Sexto Piso, Puerta 201 Equatorial Guinea Central
Mesh Telecom Pty Ltd Building 31, Waterford Office Park Maroeladal South Africa Southern
HAYO SA 44 Avenue EL Hadji Malick Sy Medina Senegal Western
Mezobyte (Pty) LTD 10 Cecile Road South Africa Southern
AXIONE Gabon SA Zone d olomi - BP 305 Gabon Central
ILNET TELECOM GROUP SARL Place de la Nation Chad Western
Alriyada Internet Networking and DVB Services LLC Tripoli , Libya , Hai Al Andalus Tripoli (5801) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libya Northern
Atcomm Broadband Services Ltd Dr Lucien de Chazal Lane, John Kennedy Avenue, Mauritius Indian Ocean
ETG Integrated Services Ltd No 2, Amodu Ojikutu Street, off Saka Tinubu, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Izwi Technology Group (Pty) Ltd Unit 13 Floor 4, Tygervalley Chambers 2, Willie van Schoor Avenue South Africa Southern
IP WORLD - Sociedade de servicos e telecomunicacoes Limitada Avenida Lenine-Torres Oceano Edificio A,19º Piso ,Letra D Ingombota Angola Southern
AfriVPN Ltd Tenancy 10, Marina House, Eden Island Seychelles Indian Ocean
Geonet Communications Ltd Victoria Plaza, Upperhill 3rd Floor, Kenya Eastern
Zappie Africa LTD Office 14, First Floor, Trinity House Seychelles Indian Ocean
Instance Nationale des Telecommunications - INT Rue Echabia Montplaisir Postal Code 1073 Tunisia Northern
Mawingu Networks Ltd CAPE CHESTNUT COTTAGE ROAD NANYUKI -10400 Kenya Eastern
National Housing Corporation Kambarage House 6 Ufukoni Street,11101 Ufukoni/Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road,Upanga Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Borwood Communications (Pty) Ltd 10 Cranbrook Crescent South Africa Southern
Speer Management Services (PTY)LTD 31 Princess of Wales Terrace Parktown South Africa Southern
Airlink (Pty) Limited No.3, Greenstone Hill Office Park, Emerald Boulevard, Greenstone Hill South Africa Southern
Magnalec (Pty) Ltd t/a PacketSky Studio Office Park 5 Concourse Crescent South Africa Southern
FJ Wiese CC 99A Doornkraal Street South Africa Southern
ARB APEX BANK LIMITED No. 5, 9th Road, Gamel Abdul Nasser Ave. South Ridge, Ghana Western
PARABOLE REUNION 2 Rue Emile HUGOT Reunion Indian Ocean
Arab Tunisian Bank 9 Street Hedi Nouira Tunisia Northern
Host Africa (Pty) Ltd 12 Helena Avenue Cape Town South Africa Southern
FASTHOSTING (PTY) LTD Business Registration, PostNet, Shop No. 3 The Circle Centre, Caledon Street, South Africa Southern
FBC Holdings 45 Nelson Mandela Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Rogers Capital Technology Services Ltd VAT: VAT20216629 BRN: C07027054 1st floor Rogers House, 5 President John Kennedy Street, Mauritius Indian Ocean
Interworks Wireless Solutions Unit 1, 20 Stillewater Road Fisantekraal South Africa Southern
INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS SARL Route de l'Aéroport, Luano City Bloc C, Commune Annexe, Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
DIAKEMINVESTMENT SL 26 Adelaide Street, Sierra Leone Western
Megabit Servers Technologies LTD Suite 3, Global Village Jivans Complex Seychelles Indian Ocean
MINISTERE DES POSTES ET DE L'ECONOMIE NUMERIQUE Cabinet MPEN : Avenue Abdoulaye FADIGA ( 01 BP 3679 ) Togo Western
Children Cancer Hospital - Foundation 57357 1 Seket Al Emam st., Al Sayda Zainab Egypt Northern
Datasync 1 Oak Court, Caledon St., South Africa Southern
Huge Connect (Pty) Ltd 267 West Avenue Centurion South Africa Southern
Letaba Networks (Pty) Ltd 40 Circle Drive South Africa Southern
GUTTI GLOBAL NETWORKS 505 Housing Estate Nigeria Western
CAPITEC BANK LIMITED 5 Neutron Road, Techno Park, South Africa Southern
Agence de Developpement de Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication Rue du Colenel Hassan MOURSAL KOURDA, BP :240 N'Djamena-Tchad Chad Western
IDS Africa Limited 44/48, Channels TV Avenue, Isheri North, Nigeria Western
ICTSI DR CONGO SA 1/2, avenue Mienze Kiaku. Cellule OEBK Commune de Matadi, Province du Kongo Central République Démocratique du Congo R.C.C.M. 14 B 0011 Id. Nat. PM 02 332 N10854F Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Ghanaian Academic and Research Network c/o Vice Chancellors of Ghana Secretariat Great Hall University of Ghana Ghana Western
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Boksburg CCC Trichard and Commissioner street, South Africa Southern
Sithabile Technology Services (Py) Ltd 8 Cambridge Commercial Office Park, 22 Witkoppen Rd, Paulshof South Africa Southern
Bank Of Africa Kenya Limited Reinsuarance Plaza, Taifa Road Kenya Eastern
Britam Holdings Limited Britam Centre, Mara/Ragati Road Junction, Upper Hill Kenya Eastern
Accelerit Technologies PTY LTD 348 Rivonia Boulevard Edenburg Terraces South Africa Southern
Megasurf Wireless Internet CC 149 Louis Trichardt street South Africa Southern
Netdirect Wireless Technology (Pty) Ltd 4 Rustendal Edgemead South Africa Southern
Sahara Group Limited 7A, Oluwa Road Off Alfred Rewane Road Nigeria Western
The International Educational Systems and its branch Modern English School, Cairo New Cairo , South of police academy , tagamoa khamis Egypt Northern
OPCO - Sociedade Operacional Angola LNG, S.A. Condomínio Cidade Financeira Via S8 Rua do Centro de Convenções de Talatona Edifício Atlântico, Bloco 7 Talatona, Belas Angola Southern
SOCIETE NATIONALE DE DEVELOPPEMENT INFORMATIQUE Bd Angoulvant, Cite financiere, tour B 4eme etage - Plateau - 01 BP V69 Abidjan 01 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Satsoft cc 108 Retief Street South Africa Southern
Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi CCK, Campus Universitaire de la Manouba, Manouba Tunisia Northern
Audi Bank S.A.E. Cairo Alex Desert Road, KM 22, Pyramids Heights Office Park, Bank Audi sae, Head Office Egypt Northern
Hollywood Sportsbook Holdings (PTY) Ltd 6 Tetford Circle, Somerset Park, Umhlanga, 4320, KwaZulu-Natal South Africa Southern
Association pour la Gestion du Point d'Echange Internet en Mauritanie (RIMIX) Ilot K NOT Villa No14 Tevragh-Zeina Mauritania Northern
D and D Tactical (Pty) Ltd 66 Bellairs Drive South Africa Southern
NET OI 71 rue luc lorion Reunion Indian Ocean
Gardale Solutions 21A Thor Circle, Thornton South Africa Southern
University for Development Studies Central Administration Tamale Campus Ghana Western
Burkina Faso Internet EXchange Point ( BFIX) Avenue de l'Inependance Burkina Faso Western
Routed Hosting (PTY) LTD 18 Birkett Ave Rondebosch South Africa Southern
Sombha Solutions Store Limited Plot 4-5 Nyabong Road. 4th Floor BMK house Uganda Eastern
Kenya Revenue Authority Times Tower Building, Haile Selassie street Kenya Eastern
POWERNET Powertech Building, 91 Randall Street Liberia Western
Fenix S.L. Parques de Africa, Equatorial Guinea Central
RAGA NET SARL 1, avenue Metallurgie, Kingabwa/ Limete Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Go Communications Network (Pty) LTD 118 Fairway South Africa Southern
Central University College Administration Bungalows Block D, Central University, Off Tema - Aflao Road Ghana Western
Bright Technologies 1 Wonderland Estate, kotopo Nigeria Western
City of Cape Town Telecommunication Branch, Information Services & Technology, 12 Plein St, Durbanville South Africa Southern
Web Telecom Services (PTY) Ltd 53 Candlewood Avenue, Acorn Creek, Somerset West South Africa Southern
JACQCO MANAGEMENT CC 2 Granleigh Crescent South Africa Southern
VEONE Cocody Riviera Bonoumin lot 302 Ilot 23 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Softnet Technologies Limited Plot 144, Migombani Street Mikocheni Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
University of Mines and Technology Esiama Road western region Ghana Western
BRADLEY LIMITED Valley rd, The Chancery Kenya Eastern
University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) UPSA Road, East Legon Ghana Western
THREE6FIVE NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD 13 Challenger Avenue, International Business Gateway, New Road South Africa Southern
Sterling Bank Plc 20 Marina Nigeria Western
JENY SAS Carre 38, Immeuble yaya Guincomey Benin Western
TELCO OI SAS 1 Rue Joseph Wetzell- Technopole de la Reunion Sainte-Clotilde 97490 Reunion Indian Ocean
Office National De Poste(La Poste Tunisienne) Rue Hedi Nouira Tunisia Northern
Zeta-web Nigeria Limited Plot 32 Providence street, Lekki Phase 1 Nigeria Western
The Botswana Internet Exchange (BINX) c/o Paratus Telecommunications Botswana Plot 61918, Fairgrounds Botswana Southern
NetOne Cellular (Private) Limited 16th Floor, Kopje Plaza Building, 1 Jason Moyo Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Optify Systems (Pty) Ltd Unit 142 & 143 Block E Millennium Business Park Edison Way Century City South Africa Southern
WebSprix IT Solution PLC Wollo Sefer, Mina Building Ethiopia Eastern
FFG Connection CC 4 Wilge Street South Africa Southern
Inview Technology Limited Suite E02, Statement Hotel Building First Avenue,off Ahmadu Bello by Federal High Court, Central Business District,FCT Nigeria Western
E.G.I.T. for Technology Services Block 72 of 90 Axis El Tagmoaa El Khames - New Cairo Egypt Northern
Hitec Sure cc 8 London lane, Park Central South Africa Southern
Partners in Aviation and Communication Technology Dakar Senegal Western
JSDAAV ZA Telecoms (Pty) Ltd 34 Wodin Road Valhalla South Africa Southern
INSIST NET Limited 46A Kairaba Avenue Gambia (the) Western
Virtual Technologies & Solutions Secteur 27, Lot 3, Parcelle23, Section514, BP 01 Burkina Faso Western
Bubblestorm Management (Pty) Ltd Buena Vista Office Park Cnr Durban and Kendal Roads Durbanville Cape Town Western Cape 7550 South Africa Southern
Orascom Construction 2005 A, Corniche El-Nil, Nile City South Tower Egypt Northern
KLIQ (Pty) Ltd 82 Sovereign Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Irene South Africa Southern
Haupt Online (Pty) Ltd 191 Anleno Road, Montclair South Africa Southern
Lesotho Network Information Centre Proprietary 30 Princess Margaret Road Lesotho Southern
Unga Holdings Limited Commercial Street, Ngano House, Industrial Area Kenya Eastern
E-Com Cloud Solution Co., Ltd 28 Saddle Drive, Woodmead Office Park, Woodmead South Africa Southern
TELECOM COMORES S.A (TELCO S.A) Batiment Oasis Grande Comore, 99 397 Moroni Union des Comores Comoros (the) Indian Ocean
MEDAFRICA SYSTEMS 14 Rue Annassime, Hay Riad Morocco Northern
HollaTags Limited No 1, Kola Adeyina Close, Off Jerry Iriabe, Lekki Phase 1 Nigeria Western
Ion Telecom and Technology Al Khalij Al Arabi St Alhadayek Libya Northern
Beginning 2 End Technologies Kitson House, 14 Loch Avenue, Parktown South Africa Southern
Axxess DSL (PTY) Ltd 185 Cape Rd, Mill Park South Africa Southern
MTN Business Solutions (Botswana) MTN House, Plot 50361/B, Dennis Todd Office Park, Fairgrouds Botswana Southern
SMS Cellular Services 41 Tugela Crescent, Gallo Manor South Africa Southern
Gadgetronix.Net Ltd Old NSSF Building, Naura Street, Behind Manji's Petrol Station P.O. Box 1116 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
SUD TELECOM SOLUTIONS Ilot: 1227-Avenue de Gouverneur Van Vollen Hoven (Av 5.146), Quartier Zongo, Benin Western
Dark Fibre Africa (Pty) Ltd 59 Regency Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Nellmapius Drive South Africa Southern
Gulf African Bank Geminia Insurance Plaza Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Eastern
WiseTech Global Ltd 3rd Floor, Allandale building, Magwa Crescent, Waterfall, Johannesburg South Africa Southern
Ministère des Postes Télécommunications et de l'Economie Numérique Street KA Kaloum 007, 8th Avenue Tubman Guinea Western
BLUEGATE EXCHANGE 39A Kingfisher Drive, Fourways, Gauteng South Africa Southern
Cameroon Internet Exchange Point (CAMIX) CAMPOST Cameroon Central
HostUS Solutions LLC Pearl Street, Providence Industrial Estate Seychelles Indian Ocean
UNIWISP 39 Sitrus Crescent, Madison Square South Africa Southern
WIOCC SOUTH AFRICA (PTY)LTD The Design Quarter Cnr William Nicol Av & Leslie Road Suite 112, 1st Floor South Africa Southern
Woodynet Ltd Packet Clearing House, c/o Cybernaptic Ltd, Freeport Zone 5, Mer Rouge Mauritius Indian Ocean
Réseau National d'Education et de Recherche du Mali - MALIREN s/c PADES, Institut Cheick ZAYED, Colline de Badalabougou Mali Western
Suburban Broadband Ltd No 15 Bangui Sreet Wuse Abuja, Nigeria West Africa Nigeria Western
Secure Internet Limited Trident Chambers Victoria (1388) Seychelles Indian Ocean
The SPAR Group Ltd 22 Chancery Lane South Africa Southern
Comsol Networks (PTY) Ltd 152 Roan Crescent, Corporate Park North South Africa Southern
Ocular Technologies (PTY) Ltd Block 3, The Courtyards, 32 Peter Place Bryanston South Africa Southern
East African Broadband Services Limited Ntinda, Ntinda Complex building Block A 2nd floor Uganda Eastern
Linux Based Systems Design SA (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, Foyer 3 The Colosseum Century City South Africa Southern
FDH Bank Limited FDH Financial Holdings Limited Umoyo House No. 8 Victoria Avenue North Malawi Southern
Internet Utilities Africa (PTY) LTD 300 Acacia Road South Africa Southern
BUI Medical & Technology Suppliers (pty) Ltd Second Floor, Microsoft Corporate Hill, 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston South Africa Southern
Agence De l'Informatique de l'Etat Technopole BP 6944 Dakar Etoile Senegal Senegal Western
Forbtech 64 Padstow Street South Africa Southern
Hexabyte 4 Rue Ibn Bassem, Menzah 4 Tunisia Northern
Larus cloud service Limited Suite 202, 2nd Floor, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, P O Box 1352 Seychelles Indian Ocean
VirtualComms (Pty) Ltd Unit no.8, Medicover Building, 3 Tom str, Flamwood South Africa Southern
Tehilah Base Digital LTD 58, Solarin Avenue, Ojokoro Village, Agric Ikorodu Nigeria Western
Webb Fontaine Nigeria Limited Plot-9 Blk-3, 7th Street off Ondo Street, Osborne Estate, Ikoyi Nigeria Western
ABC Corporation SARL Lot 13 Zone Industrielle Benin Western
Telecel Liberia Limited Corner of Broad and Lynch Streets Liberia Western
OFFICE TECH Avenida Hassan II, by Malabo junction, Banapa Equatorial Guinea Central
Leal Communication and informatics ltd Motorway M1 Mauritius Indian Ocean
AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society 368 Madiba Street, South Africa Southern
GVA Gabon SAS Boulevard du Bord de Mer (Immeuble Floria 3, 6ème étage) BP 7695 Gabon Central
Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) BRELA House, Plot No:23, Block No:20, Shaaban Robert Street/Sokoine Drive, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Icolo Ltd P.O. Box 1649 Kenya Eastern
Web Squad Connect (Pty) Ltd 4 Hans Schoeman Street, Malanshof South Africa Southern
Ostec limited 3rd floor, Grand oyeeman building, airport city Ghana Western
Kenya Post Office Savings Bank Banda Street, Postbank House, 2nd floor (ICT wing) Kenya Eastern
NETSPACE -SERVICOS DE TELECOMUNICACOES, LDA Residencial Horizonte, Via AL3 No 32, Talatona Angola Southern
SAINT ICT CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD 166 Kensington Drive South Africa Southern
Banco de Investimento Rural, S.A Condominio Plaza Torre 2 Piso 4, AV Pedro Castro Van Dunem Loy , Talatona Angola Southern
Eclectics International Ltd Utumishi Hse 3rd Kenya Eastern
TREFOIL NETWORKS LTD 7 Sirasso Close, off Kigoma Street, Wuse Zone 7 Nigeria Western
KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY KPA Head Quarters Kilindini Road Kenya Eastern
Dotmac Technologies Limited 8 Ikot Ekpene Close, off Emeka Anyaoku Street, Area 11, Garki, Nigeria Western
Swazi Mobile Limited 2nd Floor, Sibekelo Building, Mhlambanyatsi Road Eswatini Southern
Velocity Trade Financial Services (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, 200 on Main, Claremont South Africa Southern
Digital Arena Limited 8 East CANTONMENTS Road La-tebu Street CANTONMENTS, Ghana Western
ECOBANK NIGERIA LIMITED 270,ozumba mbadiwe,road Nigeria Western
Psychz Networks ZA 4A Blackhealth Road Bunks Hill South Africa Southern
Korbitec (PTY) LTD Great Westerford, 240 Main Road, Rondebosch, South Africa Southern
Togo Internet Exchange Point (TGIX) TGIX s/c Ministère des Postes et Economie Numérique, Avenue Abdoulaye Fadiga, Face BCEAO Togo Western
WAN 4 U cc 525 Rachel De Beer Street Pretoria North South Africa Southern
ITTX Telecoms (Pty) Ltd 46 Hesketh Street Moreletta Park South Africa Southern
PCS Holdings Limited 109 Campbell Street Sierra Leone Western
PayCorp Group (Pty) Ltd Sandhaven Office Park, 14 Pongola crescent, Eastgate Ext17 South Africa Southern
Singa Tel Suite F3 Building 27 Thornhill Office Park 94 Bekker Road Vorna Valley Midrand 1686 South Africa Southern
EDM - Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. Avenida Eduardo Mondlane nº70 Mozambique Southern
Covenant University KM 10, IDIROKO ROAD CANAAN LAND OTA, OGUN STATE Nigeria Western
EXCHANGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS LIMITED Plot 22A Guinness Road, Ogba-Ikeja Nigeria Western
A 2 X (Pty) Ltd 6th floor, Katherine Towers, 1 Park Lane, Wierda Valley, Sandton, South Africa Southern
TWK Communications 3 Ilex Close Heldervue South Africa Southern
Weltel 27 Parfitt Avenue, Parkwest South Africa Southern
Xpress Payment Solutions Limited 23 Oba Akinjobi Way Ikeja Nigeria Western
GVA Togo 202 Bis Boulevard du 13 Janvier (01 BP 286) Togo Western
DataKeepers (Pty) Ltd Sandown Square Business Park, Unit 304, Block A, 2nd Floor, Passerina Road, Sandown South Africa Southern
Jasper Consultants Pty Ltd 200 Dr Vosloo Drive South Africa Southern
Voimar (Pty) Ltd Suite C11 Carlswald Close cnr New & Seventh Roads Carlswald South Africa Southern
ASK Internet Technologies CC 4 Harbour Road South Africa Southern
SETIC-FP Largo 1º de Maio Torres Dipanda 7 e 8 Andar Angola Southern
HomeFind24 (Pty) Ltd t/a Property24 240 Main Road, Great Westerford South Africa Southern
The Computer Hut cc 25 Dirkie Uys Street City : Gansbaai (7220) Country : South Africa South Africa Southern
Universal Communication SA 983 Avenue de la Liberté 05 BP : 6439 Burkina Faso Western
RAHA Ltd 8th/9th Floor IT Plaza, Ohio/Garden St, BOX 6458 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
THE UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST University of Cape Coast,PMB Ghana Western
Bank of Kigali Ltd Avenue de la Paix Rwanda Eastern
NEWSHELF 1315 (PTY) LTD 30 Jellicoe Avenue South Africa Southern
Soltia Telecom INC 1O3 Sbam Peng Toag Plaza Seychelles Indian Ocean
Telstream Telecoms Pty Ltd Castor Networks (Telstream Telecoms Pty Ltd) Skeen Office Park, 16 Skeen Boulevard, South Africa Southern
Al Madar Al Jadeed Joint Stock Company Gurji-Sports City Libya Northern
EXMILE TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD 130A Alkalien Street, Zwartkops South Africa Southern
Elige Communications Limited 66268 Kenya Eastern
Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc 23 RD Avenue Nkana East Zambia Southern
VOIPTECH LIMITADA Rua Augusto Macamo nº94 Mozambique Southern
Bioniq (Pty) Ltd 1 Duiwelspiek Street South Africa Southern
Blue Crane Communications (U) Ltd Kampala Boulevard Uganda Eastern
DFCU Bank Limited Plot 26 Kyadondo Uganda Eastern
AWAL TELECOM & TECHNOLOGY 128 qorji road Libya Northern
Outsurance Insurance Company Ltd 1241 Embankment road South Africa Southern
Platinum Index Data Communications Ltd H110, Road 3, Ikota Shopping Complex Vgc - Ajah Nigeria Western
Altron Nexus (Pty) Ltd Woodlands Business Park 20 Woodlands Drive Woodmead South Africa Southern
Strathmore University Ole Sangale Road, off Langata Road, in Madaraka Estate Kenya Eastern
TWC Hosting CC 7 Richard Park, Wimble Close South Africa Southern
IT Consortium Limited No.3 Gem Street, Ajiringanor, East Legon Ghana Western
TENACIT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD 15 Alfred Terrace, Central Hill, Walmer South Africa Southern
Wifiza Telecoms cc 44 Oranje Street South Africa Southern
Firestream (PTY) LTD 943 Livingstone Falls Crescent Waterfall Country Estate South Africa Southern
Wireless Associate Service Providers CC 32 Buiten Street South Africa Southern
University of Energy and Natural Resources Berekum road, Brong Ahafo Region Ghana Western
NETLAYER (PTY) LTD Ground & 1st Floor 22 Magwa Crescent, Gateway West, Waterfall City, Midrand South Africa Southern
Cloud Telecoms (PTY) Ltd 1257 Willem Botha Street South Africa Southern
INFOSET SARL 10, Boulevard du 30 Juin, Galerie du Centenaire, 2nd Floor 2B3-2B4, Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait Egypt S.A.E B227- B228 Cairo/ Alex Desert Road, km28, Smart Village Egypt Northern
Orange Côte d'Ivoire Boulevard Valery Giscard d'Estain, Immeuble Le Quartz Côte d'Ivoire Western
Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd Stanley Lewis Centre, 342 Voortrekker Road, Parow East South Africa Southern
Hammer and Tongues Africa Holdings (Private) Limited Block 3 Tendeseka Office Park, Samora Machel East Zimbabwe Southern
Mega Max Distributors 10 gannet road, pelican Heights, Muizenberg (7941) South Africa Southern
Southey Holdings (Pty ) Ltd 24A Island Circle, Riverhorse Valley Business Estate, Riverhorse Valley East South Africa Southern
Crystal Web (Pty) Ltd 43A da Gama Rd South Africa Southern
Skyvision Guinee SA 8em Etage Immeuble Air France, Kaloum Guinea Western
IP Labs Communications (Pty) Ltd Unit 16, Frazzitta Business Park Durbanville South Africa Southern
Root Technologies Of SA (PTY) LTD West Tower, 2nd Floor Nelson Mandela Square Maude St. South Africa Southern
Verdana Group Pty Ltd 2nd floor, Maude street, Nelson Mandela square Sandton South Africa Southern
Kinshasa Wireless SARL (KIWI SARL) CrownTower 15th floor 1504, Boulevard 30 Juin Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Tysflo (Pty) Ltd Block A Oxford Office Park 5 8th Street Houghton South Africa Southern
eProcess International SA (Ecobank Group) Plot 554/6 Cola Avenue Kokomlemle Ghana Western
CIE NATIONALE ROYAL AIR MAROC Aéroport CASA-ANFA Casablanca (20200) Morocco Northern
WAW SAS 60 Route de l’Aéroport, Ngor Almadies Senegal Western
E-Connecta Limited 25, 4th Crescent Street Ghana Western
Internet Uncapped 9 Lawton Road South Africa Southern
Air Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd 10 Muswell Road, Silver Stream Business Park, Building 3 South Africa Southern
IT Anywhere (Private) Limited 194 Baines Avenue Zimbabwe Southern
Infraplex (Pty) Ltd 15E Riley Road South Africa Southern
Zen Internet Company (SL) Limited 51 Hill Station Sierra Leone Western
BIM - Banco Internacional de Mocambique, SA Rua dos desportistas 873-879/4 TAX Identification Number 400001383 Mozambique Southern
Skymax Integrated Network Ltd 3/1, 2nd Floor Salima House Yola Road, Jimeta-Yola Adamawa State Nigeria Western
Libyana Mobile Phone Company JSC Abu Setta near Al-Furusia Club Libya Northern
Sportpesa [PTY] LTD RadarDad, 17 Queenspark Avenue, Salt River South Africa Southern
Syokinet Solutions Limited Syokimau- Katani road Amani Court B Kenya Eastern
WTTX Communications (PTY) LTD 37 Sparrow View, 21 Kraalnaboom Street South Africa Southern
Atomic (Pty) Ltd 2 Gordon Street, Gardens South Africa Southern
National Bank of Malawi 7 Henderson Street P.O. Box 945 Malawi Southern
Mobifin (Pty) Ltd JD Venter 6 Reënboog Close South Africa Southern
Audatex SA (Proprietary) Limited 134 River Road , Barbeque Downs South Africa Southern
NAS Inter-Global Liberia 96 UN Drive, Mamba Point Liberia Western
iNET Communications Limited 1st Floor World Trade Center Building Ghana Western
L'Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications (ANRT) Centre d'Affaires, Bd. Ar-Riad, Hay Riad. BP: 2939 Morocco Northern
WiberSolutions (Pty) Ltd Unit 3, Southern Cross Capricorn Business Park, Muizenberg South Africa Southern
BDC Wireless Solutions CC 13 Van Blommestein Rd, Onrus River, Onrus South Africa Southern
RESEAU D'EDUCATION ET DE RECHERCHE DU TOGO - TogoRER TogoRER University of Lomé, Togo (01BP1515) Togo Western
Belanet cc 76 Moffat Street, Bela Bela South Africa Southern
Autorité Malienne de Regulation des Télécommincations/TIC et Postes (AMRTP) Rue 360 ACI 2000 Hamdallaye BP 2206 Mali Western
Société Malienne de Transmission et de Diffusion Route de l'aéroport, face à la direction générale de la météo Mali Western
Verizon Communications South Africa 5 Brewery St, Isando, Kempton Park, 1600 South Africa Southern
TEOLIS SAU LBC, Rue du Garage Central – Tokoin Gbonvié Togo Western
Attijariwafa Bank Egypt S.A.E City Stars, Capital 1, Nasr City Egypt Northern
Veritran (Private) Limited Block 6, East Crescent, Arundel Office Park, Norfolk Road, Mount Pleasant Zimbabwe Southern
Banco de Poupança e Crédito S.A Rua Kwame Nkrumah, Ed. Imporafrica, 2º A Angola Southern
Avanti Communications South Africa (Pty) Ltd Building A Wedgefield Office Park, 17 Muswell Road South Africa Southern
Waka 23825-Libreville Gabon Central
ALICOM (PTY) LTD 2654 Whitby Manor Office Park, 167 14th Road, Noordwyk Ext. Midrand South Africa Southern
AGENT BANKING COMPANY OF UGANDA Plot 2702, Block 244, Nyangweso Road, off Kironde road, Tank Hill Muyenga Uganda Eastern
EDELNET CC Suite 5b 21B Cascades South Africa Southern
QCell (SL) Limited 47 Signal Hill Road, Off Congo Cross Sierra Leone Western
UNIPACK PGH Ezzahra GP1 KM12 Tunisia Northern
Atlancis Technologies Limited Unit 5A-5B, Top Plaza Building, Kindaruma Road, off Ngong Road, Kilimani Kenya Eastern
Capricom Networks 5 Ismini Ave Platiunum Park new Wing South Africa Southern
Duara Systems Limited 7th Floor Galana Plaza Kenya Eastern
Cloud One Ltd Unit A3 Saachi Plaza, Argwings Khodek Road Kenya Eastern
L'Azurde Company For Jewelry 1st Industrial Zone, Obour City,Block 13001 Area 12 Egypt Northern
Deloitte & Touche South Africa 5 Magwa Crescent, South Africa Southern
Yappingo Nigeria Limited KM 29 Lekki - Epe Expressway Nigeria Western
Global Tel Sarl Avenue Charles de Gaulle BP:1656 Chad Western
Point d'Atterissement Virtuel - Burkina Faso Av,France-Afrique , Arr 12 secteur 52 03 BP 7103 Burkina Faso Western
AEROCOM BROADBAND SERVICES No 6 Eleventh Avenue South Africa Southern
GVSC Communications (SA) (Pty) Ltd 56 12th avenue South Africa Southern
Federal University of Agriculture Alabata Nigeria Western
Agence Nationale de Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (ANSSI) Immeuble ANSSI, Zogona Burkina Faso Western
Conexxia Guinea Equatorial, S.L Barrio Paraiso- Frente antigua Embajada Americana Equatorial Guinea Central
Sun Network Company Limited Global Gateway8,rue de la perle,Providence Seychelles Indian Ocean
GVA Congo Avenue de l'indépendance Congo (the) Central
First Exploration and Petroleum Development Company Limited Adebola House, 228A Awolowo Road, Ikoyi Nigeria Western
AMTEL LTD Amal Plaza, Bakaraha Market, Moqadishu, Somalia Somalia Eastern
Brilliant Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd 22 Hornbill Road, Meadowhurst, South Africa Southern
Alsatia Networking (PTY) LTD 29 Tweedragt South Africa Southern
EXPEREO MAROC 17, Rue Ibn Khalikane 1er étage Palmiers Morocco Northern
Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pour l'Enseignement et la Recherche (RITER) Tours Administratives Plateau: Tour C, AU 20ième étage; Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique (MESRS) Côte d'Ivoire Western
IDOM Technologies Quartier Bois Rouge C/o DAFG OASIS Reunion Indian Ocean
Kurlec Wireless (PTY) Ltd 112 Ds Van Jaarsveld street South Africa Southern
ASAP Internet (Pty) LTD 6 Pine Lane Bothas Hill South Africa Southern
DIRECTION GENERALE DES IMPOTS Plateau, Cité administrative, TOUR E , Direction de l'Informatique 7ème étage Porte 50 BP V 103 Côte d'Ivoire Western
STE Techplus SARL RDC, Nord Kivu, Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited Randfontein Office Park, cnr Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue, IT Block 9 South Africa Southern
The Phoenix Quest II cc 224 Rondebult Road Libredene (1459) South Africa Southern
POA INTERNET KENYA LIMITED 4th Avenue Towers, 14th Floor, 4th Ngong Avenue, Nairobi, KE Kenya Eastern
Vaal Networking Consultants (PTY) LTD 1 Rossini blvd South Africa Southern
Makerere University Main Administration Building, University Road, Makerere Hill Uganda Eastern
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Rue Imprimerie Nationale Cameroon Central
Rosewill Trading 324 1355 Woodgreen Way South Africa Southern
Methodist University College Ghana P.O BOX DC 940, Dansoman Ghana Western
Fixed Mobile Telecommunications (Pty) LTD First Floor, Terminal Building, Grand Central Airport, New Road South Africa Southern
Microsoft (S.A.) (Proprietary) Limited 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, South Africa Southern
ISWCORP (PTY) LTD 11 Commissioner street South Africa Southern
Village Operator Sanofi House, Cnr K101 & Grand Central Boulevard South Africa Southern
Link-Up Wireless Pty Ltd 220 Mark Street South Africa Southern
Naafi Help Desk Liesbeek House River Park, River Lane, office 26 South Africa Southern
Fasttrack Learning (Proprietary) Limited Plot 122 Unit 5G & 7G Gaborone International Finance Park Botswana Southern
WANT THE FIBRE INTERNET 12 Perdevy Avenue South Africa Southern
Viva Telecoms cc Unit 25, 53 Anthony Road South Africa Southern
WIOCC Nigeria Limited 178B Prince Ade Odedina Street Nigeria Western
STR AFRICA SA NKOK, GSEZ Parcelle J-8 (BP.: 12324) Gabon Central
Facebook South Africa (Pty) Ltd 34 Culross Road, Building 6 South Africa Southern
No Barrier Communications 280 Kent South Africa Southern
Airtelecom 71 McHardy Ave, Brandwag South Africa Southern
ATS All Technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd 510 Rossouw Str, Die Wilgers South Africa Southern
Nuwcom Wireless 72 McDougal St South Africa Southern
Orange Liberia, INC Haile Selassie Avenue , Capitol Bye Pass Liberia Western
ALFA O AND O VENTURES LTD 5 Ramiah Ikhanaede avenue,PZ Road, Off Sapele Road. Nigeria Western
CABLE ONE LIMITED Shop no 5, Jambo Plaza, 3rd Parklands,, KENYA Kenya Eastern
DK Wireless Internet (Pty) Ltd 3 Fabriek Street South Africa Southern
Gironet (PTY) LTD 15 Molopo Road. Wilropark Ext.6 South Africa Southern
University of Ilorin University of Ilorin Permanent Site Nigeria Western
Network & Computing Consultants (Pty) Ltd Cnr. Lombard & Breë Street South Africa Southern
Castlenet Consulting Limited 238 Muri Okunola Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
P.S extra for communication Network and information technology JSC 191, Zone 5, District 3,5th Settlement Egypt Northern
Intelys Technology Africa (Pty) Ltd Unit 6 64 Wessel Road Rivonia South Africa Southern
Algerie Telecom Satellite JSC 27, Chemin Ahmed Kara-Bir Mourad Rais-ALGER. Algeria Northern
Blue Label Distribution (Pty) Ltd 75 Grayston Drive South Africa Southern
FIRSTNET TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (PTY) LTD 11 Richefond Circle, Umlanga Ridge South Africa Southern
VOIZACOM (PTY) LTD 152 Zambesi Drive, Sinoville South Africa Southern
PerfectWorx Consulting (Pty) Ltd Howick Building, Maxwell Office Park, Magwa Crescent West South Africa Southern
PowerCloud SP (PTY) LTD Second Floor, Corporate Park, 4-6 Skeen Boulevard South Africa Southern
US Embassy, Ghana No. 24 Fourth Circular Road, Cantonments Ghana Western
Etranzact Ghana Limited 3rd Floor Heritage Tower, Near Cedi House, Ambassadorial Enclave off Liberia Road, Ridge Ghana Western
HAMILTON TELECOM LIMITED Plot 90 Kanjokya Street, Kanjokya House Uganda Eastern
1 GRID (PTY) LTD 360 Business Park 8 Wessex Road Paarden Eiland South Africa Southern
ComX Networks (PTY) LTD Office 4, Merriman Place, Cnr bird and Merriman Street South Africa Southern
Soft Alliance and Resources Limited 9, NERDC Road Ojuolape House Central Business District Alausa Ikeja Nigeria Western
Vlocity Communications (pty) Ltd Unit D4, Mayfair Sq, Century Way South Africa Southern
Adnexus Celerity Networks (Proprietary) Limited Suite B3 Carlswald Close c/o New and Seventh Roads Carlswald South Africa Southern
AccessGlobal Communication (Pty) Ltd 6 Thesen street South Africa Southern
COZ Internet Ltd #1 French Street Ekete, Nigeria Western
Internet NS (Pty) Ltd 61 Percy Street South Africa Southern
xTom Limited 1st Floor, Dekk House, Zippora Street Seychelles Indian Ocean
Unaitas Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited Cardinal Otunga Plaza, Next to Holy Family Basilica, Cardinal Otunga Road, P.O Box 38721 - 00100 Kenya Eastern
Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) KG4, Ave, Kimihurura Rwanda Eastern
ConnectFocus Technologies Limited Faith House, Block 75, Plot 15 Ichie Mike Ejezie Off Fola Osibo, Lekki Phase 1 Lagos, Nigeria. Nigeria Western
Sudanese Internet Association Sudan Internet Society - Telecommunication tower 1th FL Postal code 13713 zip 11111 Sudan (the) Northern
Malawi Revenue Authority P/B 247, Blantyre, Malawi Malawi Southern
STE RESEAUX FORMATION CONSEIL Immeuble Saadi tour C-D 4ème étage, Menzeh 4 Tunisia Northern
MainOne COTE D'IVOIRE MAINONE COTE D’IVOIRE Batiment B de la Residence KHALIL, sis a Abidjan – Cocody CHU Nord 25 BP 945 Abidjan 25 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Rocking Connect PTY (LTD) Block E, The Terraces, Steenberg Office Park South Africa Southern
Keyloop (UK) Limited External Profit Company 155, West Street Gauteng South Africa Southern
DATATECH SARL Hippodrome, Rue 240, Porte 102 Mali Western
STE NEXT STEP IT 31, Rue 1 Juin, Mutuelle-ville Tunisia Northern
CERES VESTA PALLAS IT SOLUTIONS 4th Ngong Avenue Towers, 14th Floor, “North Wing”, 4th Ngong Avenue, 42713-00100 Kenya Eastern
Balaam Ssempala Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda P.O.Box 37228, Plot 37/45, Kampala Road Uganda Eastern
DXC Technology South Africa (Pty) Ltd 12 Autumn Street South Africa Southern
Link Datacenter For Data Circulation 3 mousdk St., Dokki, Giza Egypt Northern
Bayero University New Campus, along Gwarzo road, Ungoggo, Nigeria Western
Bank of Zambia Cairo Road, Bank Square, P.O Box 30080, Zambia Southern
Dedicated Hosting Solutions Limited Suite 9, Ansuya Estate, Revolution Ave, Seychelles Indian Ocean
GVA Cote d'Ivoire SAS Abidjan Cocody Ambassades, Rue Viviane, Immeuble Green Buro 3ème étage Abidjan (01 BP 1132 ABJ 01) Côte d'Ivoire Western
Tracker Connect (Pty) Ltd Stonemill Office Park, 340 Republic Road, Darrenwood South Africa Southern
Be Broadband (PTY) LTD Office 4 First Floor Stone Arch Centre Square Cnr Brookhill and Sunstone Road South Africa Southern
Zonke Wifi Private Company 15 de Villiers street South Africa Southern
Connected Space cc 301 Manhattan Place South Africa Southern
M'Data Telecom 01 BP 274 Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso Western
Olena Trading cc Malmesbury Farm South Africa Southern
Banco BAI Cabo Verde, SA Edifício BAI Center - Chã de Areia, Av. Cidade de Lisboa Cabo Verde Western
IT PROJET Avenue de la Nation, Central Hotel, 11 BP 849 Ouagadougou 11 Burkina Faso Western
IP Express Ltd 1, PSSDC road, Magodo Phase 2 Nigeria Western
Linux Tech Block E Hilltops Office Park, 73 Villiers Drive South Africa Southern
Enterprise Outsourcing Operations (Pty) Ltd 114 West Street, Katherine & West, Fourth Floor South Africa Southern
BitCo Home Pty Ltd Block A, Wedgewood Office Park, 3 Muswell Road South South Africa Southern
Economic & Strategic Research Center Villa Somalia, Warta Nabadda, Somalia Eastern
Societe Datco Ave Patrice Lumumba, No 74, Ibanda, Bukavu. Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Fawry for Banking and Electronic Payment Technology Services (S.A.E) Smart Village - Building 221- F12 - Financial District Egypt Northern
Exim Bank (Tanzania) Ltd 1404/45 Ghana Avenue, P.O Box 1431 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
GENERAL BUSINESS MACHINES SA 270 Rue Schoelcher BP 1079 Gabon Central
AirLink Broadband Limited Stand No. 25989 Katima Mulilo Road, Olympia Zambia Southern
UNLIMITED SARL 44, Avenue de la justice C/ Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Flashnet Technologies Limited 1st Floor, PPF Towers, Ohio Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
EKO Electricity Distribution PLC 24/25 Marina, Lagos Island Nigeria Western
La Direction générale des impôts Direction Générale des Impôts 01 BP 119 Burkina Faso Western
United SA 165 avenue BATETELA, IMMEUBLE CROWN TOWER, LOCAL 1305, C/Gombe, V/Kinshasa, P/Kinshasa Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
The Computer Shop Plett 8 High Street South Africa Southern
National Social Security Fund Workers House, Plot 1, Pilkington Road Uganda Eastern
Netovate (PTY) LTD Dock Road Junction, Corner of Stanley & Dock Road, Waterfront South Africa Southern
Your Communications Pty Ltd 128 Jan Hofmyer Road Westville South Africa Southern
Swazisat (Proprietary) Limited Floor 7 Mbandzeni House,Office No-73, Karl Grant Street Eswatini Southern
Somtel Somalia LTD Howladaag Stree 101, Bakaro Market, Mogadishu Somalia Somalia Eastern
Eswatini Revenue Authority Sibekelo Building 2, Mbabane, Swaziland Eswatini Southern
Teracom Communications 23 Hofmeyr Street Welgemoed South Africa Southern
African Banking Corporation Limited ABC Bank House Kenya Eastern
Mossnet cc Blue Mountain Village, 149 Park Road South Africa Southern
F & G Telecommunications cc 171 Waverley Road, Dan Pienaar South Africa Southern
Pattern Matched Technologies (Pty) Ltd Block H, Midridge Office Estate, International Business Gateway, Pioneer Street & New Road, Midrand South Africa Southern
Bank of Ghana No. 1, Thorpe Road, Bank of Ghana Ghana Western
Wirelexx (Pty) Ltd 74 Perel Street South Africa Southern
Brainshare Technologies and Services Nigeria Limited No. 20 Olaitan Sebanjo, Lekki Phase 1 Nigeria Western
BULSHO FIBER LINK LIMITED Eastleigh General Waruingi St Urban Point Hotel Kenya Eastern
Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited 91 Jan Smuts Drive, Mutual Park South Africa Southern
Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company Plc Capital Building, 115 MKO Abiola Way Nigeria Western
Comput8 IT (Pty) Ltd Unit 500A Island Office Park, 35-37 Island Circle, Riverhorse Valley South Africa Southern
Open Access Technologies (Pty) Ltd 172 Main Road South Africa Southern
YULCOM TECHNOLOGIES centre commercial ouagadougou n° 201 01 BP 1616 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Western
EYAZS-IMPERIUM, LDA Avenue Kim Il Sung Mozambique Southern
Radical Technology Network Limited Plot 267A Etim Inyang Crescent, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Upperlink Limited 4 ASSBIFI Road, Central Business District Nigeria Western
Web Africa Networks (Pty) Ltd Block E Boulevard Office Park Searle St Woodstock South Africa Southern
SKY TREND NETWORKS LIMITED Huduma House, Muchai Rd. Postal code 4563-00506 Kenya Eastern
HERO TELECOMS (PTY) LTD 38-40 Bird Street Stellenbosch South Africa Southern
Societe d'Amenagement et de Developpement Vert (SADV) 2-4, Rue Al Abtal- Hay Erraha Morocco Northern
La Sentinelle Ltd Rue des Oursins, Baie du Tombeau Mauritius Indian Ocean
Wanderport Swaziland Inhlanyelo Fund Division, Tibiyo Insurance House, The Offices Business Park Eswatini Southern
Cellfind (Pty) Ltd 300 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Eco Fusion 4 Office Park South Africa Southern
Suretel CC 4 Leeu St, Rant en Dal South Africa Southern
DK Telecom Ltd Sky Blue Plaza Bijilo Gambia (the) Western
Cartrack Technologies (Pty) Ltd 11 Keyes Avenue South Africa Southern
Sunset Rose Investments (PTY) LTD Cnr Atlas & North Rand Road, Beyers Park South Africa Southern
The International School of Kenya Limited Kirawa Road, Kitusuru Kenya Eastern
HOLOGRAM IDENTIFICATION SERVICES S.A.R.L Sise 11, Avenue Okapi, Quartier Congo, Ngaliema Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Jebo Connect Pty Ltd 46 Church Street South Africa Southern
Amber Financial Technologies (RF) (Pty) Ltd 275 Chris Hougaard Street South Africa Southern
TBE Egypt for Payment Solutions and Services S.A.E 2A, 200 St. Maadi, Cairo, Egypt. Egypt Northern
Unwired Communications Limited Suite 201, 2nd Flr, Madonna House, 03 Westlands Rd Kenya Eastern
Too Much Wifi 16 Milner Road, Metro Industrial  South Africa Southern
Living Faith Church WorldWide Living Faith Church Faith Tabernacle, KM 10 Idiroko Road Canaan Land Nigeria Western
National Identification Authority 1 KILIMANI STREET Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Shoprite Checkers (PTY) Ltd Shoprite Home Office Brackenfell, IT Building 5 South Africa Southern
Super NET Limited Plot 1 K-12, 4th Class, Tombura Road South Sudan Northern
Enabling ICT Solutions (Pty) Ltd 242 Jean Avenue South Africa Southern
CyberSOC Africa Limited CBC Towers, 10/11 Olubunmi Owa Street Off Admiralty Way, Lekki Nigeria Western
Open Link Communications 36 Valley Pride, 1007 Tanga Street, Strubens Valley South Africa Southern
3D WIRELESS PLUS LIMITED NO.1 Amanfro Ashaley Botwe Street, Amanfro, Ghana Western
City Lodge Hotels (Proprietary) Limited Bryanston Gate Office Park, Homestead Ave & Main Road, Bryanston, South Africa Southern
Radio Electronic (Proprietary) Limited 8 Sipres Street Namibia Southern
Technology Software Limited NO.13A, IDOWU MARTINS STREET, VICTORIA ISLAND Nigeria Western
NETACTUATE ZA 26 Peter Place rd South Africa Southern
Fibrecom Limited Green City Park, Kelvin Siwale Road Zambia Southern
Net Solutions Limited Bibi Titi Mohamed Street, Opposite CBE Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Speed Net Serviços, Lda Urb. Nova Vida, Rua 70 Ed. E-149 Nº6 Angola Southern
Infinity Wireless Portion 413, Farm Waterkloof South Africa Southern
The Standard Bank of South Africa (Proprietary) Limited Standard Bank Centre, 4th Floor, 5 Simmonds Street South Africa Southern
Backspace Technologies (Pty) Ltd 17 New Church Street South Africa Southern
KFML Holdings (PTY) Ltd 6th Floor Oasim North, Havelock Street South Africa Southern
Garden City University College PLT 6, 14TH ATTA YAW STREET Ghana Western
Valley View University Mile 19 Off the Adenta, Dodowa Road Oyibi Ghana Western
Premium Pension Limited 4 Awgu Close, off Faskari Crescent, Area 3, Garki Nigeria Western
PAYFAST (PTY) LTD 240 Main Raod South Africa Southern
A.M.C Telecom Immeuble Cnss Avenue Alphonse Fondere Congo (the) Central
Ikeja Wireless (Pty) Ltd 27B Concorde Crescent, Airport City, Matroosfontein South Africa Southern
MAXINET COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD 155 Main Road South Africa Southern
Giga for Telecommunication and Technology Limited Al-Kahf St. Libya Northern
Globe com (Pty) Ltd 390 Party Street, Erasmia, South Africa Southern
American International School of Mozambique Rua Raraga 266; Bairro Costa do Sol Mozambique Southern
BANQUE CENTRALE DU CONGO 563, Boulevard Colonel Tshiatshi Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Baraka Broadband Solutions Sarl 20 Rue de la Gare Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Cajutel (SL) Sarl Limited 6 Pivot Street Wilberforce Fre, 5719 Street, 77 Sierra Leone Western
Devinity Trading PTY LTD 8 Andesiet Road, Amalgam South Africa Southern
Direction Générale des Impôts - Ministere de l'economie et des finances - MAROC Rue Haj Ahmed Cherkaoui - Quartier administratif Agdal Morocco Northern
Fliber (Pty) Ltd 57 Victoria Avenue Pionier Park South Africa Southern
FONTEL (PTY) LTD 99 Scholtz Street South Africa Southern
Mulangane Information Technology Consult SARL - MITC SARL Av Konda Konda n8, Ngaliema Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
NetIT Solutions LTD Km6 West By-Pass, GOVERNMENT RESERVE AREA Nigeria Western
Senelec SA 28-30, Rue Vincens Senegal Western
SkyWire (PTY) LTD 924 Kudu Avenue, Allens Nek South Africa Southern
Somlink Wireless Network Wadada Taleex, Hodan Mogadishu 252, Somalia Somalia Eastern
Super Group Trading (Pty) Limited 27 Impala Rd, Chislehurston South Africa Southern
Swift Connect Private Company 38 President Street South Africa Southern
The South East Academic Libraries System Trust c/o NMMU Library and Information Services, Room 204 D, Summerstrand Campus (North), University Way South Africa Southern
Trackmatic Solutions (Pty) Ltd Waverley Office Park, 125 Corlett Drive South Africa Southern
Trinity Technologies Ltd Trinity Technologies, Block A111 Plot No 5. Hai Malakal South Sudan Northern
VGR Communications Ltd 3rd Floor, Cnr Mgr Gonin & Lislet Geoffroy Streets Mauritius Indian Ocean
Winners Incorporated 72 Broad Street Liberia Western
Wiselink Broadband 19 Rietbok Ave South Africa Southern
Libyan Elite Company for Technical Solutions DakkaDosta Libya Northern
Enterprise Services CDG Technopolis Morocco Northern
SAHEL TELECOM LIBERIA Palm Spring Hotel Complex Liberia Western
Cynox-IT Limited Plot No. 2978, Logone close, off Erie crescent, off Nile street, off Alvan Ikoku way, Maitama Nigeria Western
AFREENET SA Secteur 03 (ex05), Parcelle K, Section BO, Lot 16 Burkina Faso Western
Technical Support Solutions (Pty) Ltd 83 Mauritius Crescent, East Rock Stellenberg South Africa Southern
CloudFace Pty Ltd 384 Brooks Street, Menlo Park South Africa Southern
OCTOPI SMART SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD 15 Waterlilly Crescent South Africa Southern
PDS Networks Nigeria Limited Plot 1193 Kasimu Ekemode Street, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Universite numerique Cheikh Hamidou KANE (UN-CHK) Siege UN-CHK à la cité du savoir à Diamniadio Senegal Western
Timeless Network Services Ltd House 66, Alfred Garden Estate, Kudirat Abiola Way Nigeria Western
Bank Misr S.A.E 151 Mohammed Farid st. Abdeen , (2nd Floor Information and Communication technology Center) Egypt Northern
National Communication Authority (NCA) 2nd Floor, Ministry of ICT & PS main building-Gumbo South Sudan Northern
Redstor Africa (PTY) Ltd Redstor, 57 Sloane Street, The Campus, Tha Gabba Building Ground Floor South Africa Southern
Vodacom Business Africa Group (PTY) Ltd Vodacom Corporate Park, 082 Vodacom Boulevard, Vodavalley South Africa Southern
CRAZYWEB TECH (PTY) LTD 22 Waterbok Street South Africa Southern
Fixed Solutions 26 Ali Amin Nasr city Floor 6, nasr city Egypt Northern
KEMNET TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Njema Court, Rhapta Road, Westlands Kenya Eastern
DIAMOND TRUST BANK TANZANIA LIMITED DTB Centre, 991 Kahama Road - Masaki, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
NBS BANK PLC NBS House Corner Chipembere Highway, Johnstone Road, Ginnery Corner Malawi Southern
LEC Communications (Pty) Ltd House 286, Pioneer Road Lesotho Southern
UBX (TANZANIA) LIMITED Mikocheni B, Lucy Lameck Street, Plot 6 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
IP Telecom SA (PTY) Ltd WB01A Tannery Park, 21-23 Belmont Road South Africa Southern
FiberFly PTY Ltd Office No 5 Edcod Center, Corner of Edwards Avenue and Codrington Avenue South Africa Southern
Surf4Life Pty (LTD) 7 Rambo Junction, 400 Roan Crescent, Corporate Park North, Randjiespark South Africa Southern
MegaMore Wireless Broadband Limited 9 Zango Road, Gate B Dakata Nigeria Western
STE MDICIS SAS 8e Niveau, Local 8A, Immeuble du 30 Juin, Boulevard du 30 Juin, Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
STE ELITE NETWORKS SARL No24, Boulevard Kanyamuhanga, Goma, RDC Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
De Choicetech Integrated Ltd 1, Kola Adeyeye Street, Ikosi Nigeria Western
National Communications Authority National Communications Authority, NCA Tower, Airport City Ghana Western
SA Domain Internet Services cc 13 Cavalcade Road, Green Point South Africa Southern
Société Amanet SARL Avenue Maldoum Bada Chad Western
Ingululu Communications 34 Noodsberg Road South Africa Southern
Jemstep Incorporated (In State of Delaware) External Profit Company 138 West St 3rd Floor South Africa Southern
Iristel Kenya Limited The Mirage, 8th floor, unit 4, Along Chiromo Road Kenya Eastern
O'Play Digital Services Limited Plot 8, Dr. Nurudeen Olowopopo Avenue, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria Western
Ets OliverSoft 115, avenue BNGN/HIMBI Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
SIBANYE GOLD LTD 1 Hospital Street, Libanon Business Park, Westonarea South Africa Southern
VOD Communications (Pty) Ltd 265 Von Willich Ave, Die Hoewes. South Africa Southern
GVA Burkina Faso Rue de l’intégrité, Zone ZACA Burkina Faso Western
I-TEAM (Pty) Ltd 372 Che Guevara Road, Glenwood South Africa Southern
Sierra Rutile Limited 110 Wilkinson Road Sierra Leone Western
Eden Technologies Company Limited 384, Malakia South Sudan Northern
HORIZON IT SOLUTIONS LTD Concord House , Hai Malakal South Sudan Northern
Africa on Cloud 12 Zandvoort Rd, Edgemead, 20 South Africa Southern
GVA Rwanda Ltd Faiview building, Street 622 Kimihurura, Gasabo, Umujyi wa Kigali Rwanda Eastern
RTS Net Pty Ltd 7 Charl Cilliers Street South Africa Southern
MPACT OPERATIONS (PTY) LTD. 4th floor, 3 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch South Africa Southern
Spidd Africa Ltd 4th Floor, Plot 2A, Kampala Road Uganda Eastern
Royal Science and Technology Park RSTP , Innovation Park, ePhocweni Eswatini Southern
Central Bank of kenya Haile Selassie Avenue, CBK Head Office Building Kenya Eastern
Liberty Holdings Limited Liberty Life Centre. 1 AmesHoff Street South Africa Southern
Axa Mansard Insurance PLC Santa Clara Court, Plot 1412 Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Nigeria Western
Consolidated Bank Ghana Limited 1st Floor Manet Tower 3, Airport City PMB CT363, Cantonments Ghana Western
Hirani Telecommunication ltd Mellow height shop no 7 Kenya Eastern
Compagnie Financiere du Congo S.a.r.l. 34 avenue des Cliniques Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Sahel Fiber Telecommunication Chad (SAFITEL TCHAD SA/CA) SUDATCHAD SA/CA- Bololo St. 3.017 6600 Chad Western
DATACONNECT COTE D'IVOIRE Cocody 2 Plateaux Vallon, 2e tranche – Rue Boga Doudou, Lot 1384 ilôt 144 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Societe 'Sahel Tele Internet' SA/AG Avenue Ngarta Tombalbaye Face Rond Point, Sonasut Chad Western
BENGOL.NET LIMITED BW-399, Waller Close Road, Sunnyside Malawi Southern
Mind the Speed (PTY) Ltd 11 Kasjoe St South Africa Southern
Zarclear (Pty) Ltd 9th Floor Katherine Towers South Africa Southern
DELTANET FIBER CIC PLAZA, Airport Road South Sudan Northern
University Of Ngaoundere Registrar's Office, The University of Ngaoundere, Dang Cameroon Central
MUYA FIBRE CONSTRUCTION LTD Plot 47, Riverside South Sudan Northern
Abraj Libya Co For Communications & information Technology Jamal Abdelnasir St Libya Northern
Catholic University of Ghana (Fiapre) (CUG) 363 Catholic University Avenue - Fiapre Ghana Western
Rhema Systems & Associates Ltd No. 5 Onyaa Crescent Off Ring Road Central P. O. Box 8008 Accra - North Ghana Western
SELCOM PAYTECH LTD 8th Floor Uhuru Heights, Bibi Titi Mohamed Rd. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Rayv Product Development (Pty) Ltd 146 Lechwe Street South Africa Southern
VDB Communications (Pty) Ltd 26 Border Street, CLAAS Building South Africa Southern
Logicalis SA (PTY) Ltd Bergzicht Building, 163 Uys Krige Drive, Plattekloof South Africa Southern
BillyRonks Global Ltd 1 Adekunle Owobiyi, Off Nob-Oluwa Street, Ogba Lagos Nigeria Western
Zambia Revenue Authority Revenue House, Kabwe Roundabout, Kalambo Road Zambia Southern
Guichet Unique du Commerce Extérieur De Côte d'Ivoire Immeuble Plein Ciel - Boulevard Valery Giscard d'Estaing Côte d'Ivoire Western
Ozone aljadid for telecom and technology LLC gergaresh-alborj street Libya Northern
Trakatel Limited 5th Floor Centage Plaza, 14 Allen Avenue Nigeria Western
CloudProx Hosting (Pty) Ltd 30 Tre Donne Estate, Old Sir Lowry's Pass Road, Somerset West South Africa Southern
Agence Ivoirienne de Gestion des Frequences radioelectriques (AIGF) Marcory Anoumanbo Côte d'Ivoire Western
Open Fibre (Pty) Ltd 17 Kent Road, Dunkeld West South Africa Southern
Egyptian Credit Bureau Estealam S.A.E The Egyptian Credit Bureau I-Score Smart Village Km 28 Cairo- Alexandria Desert Road Street No. 26, Building No. 5 Giza -Egypt Egypt Northern
KUMASI TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY O&A Street, AK-040-6130 Ghana Western
MHYAS HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD Suite 4, Goodhope centre, 285 St. Patricks road South Africa Southern
The Egyptian Stock Exchange 4 (A) El Sherifein St. Down Town Egypt Northern
Skystar Global Solutions Limited 10 Olorunmbe Street Wemabod Estate, Off Ajao Road, Off Adeniyi Jones Nigeria Western
SOCIETE DIGITAL COM SA/AG Ndjamena-Tchad, Repos 2, Rue 4669, Porte 0298 Chad Western
Elements Cloud Limited Suite 23, 1st Floor, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Mahe Seychelles Indian Ocean
INFRATEL CORPORATION LIMITED Sub A of Stand #4909 | Along United Nations Road Zambia Southern
FINANCE TRUST BANK LIMITED Plot 121 & 115, Block 6, Katwe Uganda Eastern
WorldVu South Africa (Pty) Ltd 257 Jean Avenue South Africa Southern
Agence des technologies de communication et de sécurite (A.T.C.S) Rue 27.114 , secteur 20 wayalguin, ville de Ouagadougou, province du kadiogo Burkina Faso Western
Kaltrade 470 (Pty) Ltd Block A, Wedgewood Office Park, 3 Muswell Road, Bryanston South Africa Southern
Mzansi ComNet 320 West street South Africa Southern
Masstores (Proprietary) Limited 16 Peltier Drive, Sunninghill South Africa Southern
Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Petroleum House Ghana Western
Seven Network Inc. 103 Sham Peng Tong Plaza Seychelles Indian Ocean
ZA Gas CC 14 Voortrekker Street, Heidelberg South Africa Southern
MikroTikSA Networks CC Unit 8, Salem Park, 63 Killarney Avenue, Killarney Gardens South Africa Southern
Product Merchandiser Kudu Str 28 South Africa Southern
Travelport Services (Kenya) Limited MMID Studio 1st Floor Suite A, Westlands Road Kenya Eastern
World Sports Betting Services (Pty) Ltd Unit 22 Eagle Canyon Office Park, 21 Jan Frederick Ave, Randpark South Africa Southern
Wired Tech Pty Ltd 1st Avenue No 9 South Africa Southern
Witronics Pty Ltd 61 Edwards Avenue South Africa Southern
Old Mutual Insure Limited 1 St. Andrews Road Parktown South Africa Southern
Jambo telecoms limited plaza 2000, mombasa road Kenya Eastern
BOLSA DE DÍVIDA E VALORES DE ANGOLA, SGMR, S.A Rua Marechal Brós Tito nº 41, Piso 8, Edifício Sky Business Tower Angola Southern
Intaweb (Pty) Ltd. 16 Disa Street South Africa Southern
Presbyterian University College, Ghana David koku Adamah , IT Unit, Meteo Lane1, Presbyterian university college Ghana Ghana Western
Emalangeni Technologies (Pty) Ltd 22 Bullpin St. South Africa Southern
Davo Corp CC 3 collins road, westdene South Africa Southern
Tecpoint Global Solution limited 39, Cooper Road Nigeria Western
Nowtech PTY Ltd 7 Mollier street South Africa Southern
Koforidua Technical University Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua-Nsutam Road, Koforidua Ghana Western
Al Ertikaz Co. for Internet Service & Information Technology Jamal Abdel Nasser St, Benghai-Libya Libya Northern
Nkponani Limited 19 Langbasa Road, Ado Ajah Nigeria Western
Crisp Fibre (Pty) Ltd No 5 Fountain Square 78 Kalkoen Street Monument Park South Africa Southern
Vobiss Solutions Limited 27 Abokobi close, Cantonments Ghana Western
IMS Ventures 35 Ferguson, Illovo, Sandton South Africa Southern
Al Bayan Media Limited HM 85, 2nd Floor Ham shopping Mall, Makerere Hill Road Uganda Eastern
Datapacket Maroc SARL Complexe Commercial Bouylaghman N115 116 Morocco Northern
Agence pour le Developpement du Numérique Immeuble ARCEP (à côté de TOP CHRONO) Rue des Cheminots Benin Western
AFR-IX TELECOM LIMITED Othopia House, 14 Senchi Street Ghana Western
Zanzibar Information Communication Technology Infrastructure Agency (ZICTIA) Wakala wa Mkonga, Vitambulisho Street, Mazizini. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
C-Way Computers CC 22A Prinses Street South Africa Southern
Universite Mohammed VI POLYTECHNIQUE - UM6P Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique Lot 660 – Hay Moulay Rachid Morocco Northern
Smart Network Limited 06th Floor UAP Equatoria Tower, Hai Neem South Sudan Northern
ANYCONNECT- Tecnologias e Telecomunicações S.A Belas Business Park Talatona Angola Southern
Silicon Sky Consulting (PTY) LTD Silverstream Business Park 10 Muswell Road Bryanston South Africa Southern
CAMPASS PLC 269 Rue 1043 (Rue de l’Hôpital) Cameroon Central
ISAT AFRICA KENYA LTD Gateway Business Park, Block A, Mombasa Rd Kenya Eastern
Star Network Marketing Services Company (Proprietary) Limited : 1 Chrome Close, Burgundy Estate, 7441 Cape Town, South Africa South Africa Southern
Global Network Systems (PTY) LTD 8 Menston Road, Westville South Africa Southern
Digitel Holdings Limited Hai Neem (Behind Equatoria Tower) Juba, South Sudan South Sudan Northern
Xpedite Systems (Pty) Ltd 37 Bantry Road South Africa Southern
ZANOG 2 Top of the hill street South Africa Southern
Easy BroadBand Limited NMS Center Kenya Eastern
KorCom (Pty) Ltd 6 Malherbe Street South Africa Southern
Lucert Technologies Pty Ltd. 17 River Bend Lane, Stone River Estate, Beverley South Africa Southern
Ifowuni (PTY) Ltd 89 Hugo Street, Goodwood South Africa Southern
Orbicom pty ltd 141 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg, South Africa South Africa Southern
DishNet Africa Limited Opposite Ministries , Airport Road South Sudan Northern
Jenny Internet Swaziland (Pty) Ltd Office 15. Checkers Business Park Eswatini Southern
Advanlink, Lda Torre Yewhing, MDC Shopping Center - 4º Andar - Via Expressa Angola Southern
Jenny Internet LDA Polana Cimento, 53 Julius Nyerere Avenue, 1 Andar Mozambique Southern
VIPNET BURKINA FASO immeuble El Hadji Diendére Idrissa, 5ème étage,lot10,Parcelle 02,Section A16, Avenue Loudoum,Projet zaca 06 BP 10541 OUAGADOU Burkina Faso Western
DataKeepers Ltd 3rd Floor, The Core Mauritius Indian Ocean
WANANCHI CABLE (T) LIMITED TANCOT HSE 2 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
TFyreIT (PTY) LTD 29 Geelhout Avenue South Africa Southern
EFT Corporation Ltd Suite 308, 3rd Floor, NG Tower, Cybercity Ebene (72201) Mauritius Mauritius Indian Ocean
Netway (Proprietary) Limited Plot 64517, Fairgrounds Botswana Southern
Mansoura University Elgomhouria St. Egypt Northern
Business Connexion (PTY) LTD 1021 Lenchen Avenue North South Africa Southern
IO Tech Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd 13 Richard Road, Industria North South Africa Southern
SIMBA MEDIA GHANA LIMITED C34/17 Black Meteor Loop, North Alajo Ghana Western
Tele Internet (PTY) LTD 28 Hertz Blvd. South Africa Southern
Groupe Netforce Rue Nongremasson Tanghin, 2ème etage immeuble Pierre Ouedraogo Burkina Faso Western
Telasera Technologies PTY LTD 3 Eastman Road South Africa Southern
Jenny Internet (Pty) Ltd Plot 50161, Section 8, Building 3, Unit 1, Block 5 Botswana Southern
Jenny Internet Services Ltd 1st Floor Blue House, Part of Plot 2374 Zambia Southern
Momentum Metropolitan Life Ltd 268 West Avenue, Centurion South Africa Southern
GROUPEMENT DES SERVICES EAU ET ELECTRICITE GS2E (GROUPEMENT DES SERVICES EAU ET ELECTRICITE). Prestation de service. Av. Houdaille, Tour Sidam, 9ème Etage Plateau - 01 BP 8142 Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Western
Keter Technologies (Pty) Ltd 62 Kroep St South Africa Southern
Vodafone International Services L.L.C VHUB1 mehwar building (B2109) smart village CAIRO ALEX desert road Abou Rawash, Cairo/Alexandria Desert Rd., Giza Governance, Egypt. Egypt Northern
ZIPHER WIFI (PTY) LTD 121 Soutpansberg Drive Van Riebeeck Park South Africa Southern
Fibre Stream PTY Ltd Block D, Meyersdal Eco Office Park, South Africa Southern
Outremer Telecom Digital Solutions Ltd 7th Floor ,Cybertower 2 Mauritius Indian Ocean
Tizeti Network Ghana Limited Plot 231, Bissau Avenue, East Legon Ghana Western
Ciudad Infrastructure Limited No 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu Street Nigeria Western
Cogent South Africa (Pty) Ltd Central Office Park Unit 4, 257 Jean Avenue South Africa Southern
Fibre Geeks Pty Ltd Bronze Office, Nooitgedacht VIllage, Koelenhof South Africa Southern
URBAN WAVE INTERNET SOLUTIONS 41 Cyfret Crescent, Eikenhof South Africa Southern
SmartLink Co for Information Technology and Networking Elhijaz Street, Elbarka near Police Station Libya Northern
Wiza Solutions Pty Ltd Unit 3A, Mountain View Office Park, 28 Bella Rosa St, Rosenpark South Africa Southern
Youth Net and Counselling C/o Youth Leadership Development Centre, Along M5 Zomba Lilongwe Road, Next to Calvary Church, P.O. Box 471 Malawi Southern
Garnaal Beleggings CC 15 Klipspringer Street South Africa Southern
Techwood Trading (Pty) Ltd. 8 Agapanthus South Africa Southern
Blue Streak Horizons Net Limited No M37, Bowles Road, Mnarani Kenya Eastern
Crimson Moon Trading 19 Edge View, Beacon Bay South Africa Southern
Krypton Web (Pty) Ltd 20 Nourse Ave Epping South Africa Southern
Agile Solutions Provider (PTY) LTD 77 Stonewood Estate South Africa Southern
Dimension 5 Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd 10 Kerk Street South Africa Southern
Access Technology Consultants (PTY) LTD 310 Ambassador House South Africa Southern
Donya Digital (Pty) Ltd PLOT 20582, Moshaneng Road, Block 3 Industrial Botswana Southern
InsideData PTY (Ltd) 11 Stott Road, Wemmer South Africa Southern
Simplifyd Systems Nigeria Limited 38 Ladoke Akintola Street GRA Ikeja Nigeria Western
CRDB BANK PLC CRDB Headquarters, Plot No.25 & 26 Ally Hassan Mwinyi Road & Plot No.21 Barrack Obama Road P.O. Box 268, 11101 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Christian Service University College Christian Service University College, Odeneho Kwadaso Near Opoku Ware SHS,Kumasi. Ghana Western
Zeplin Investments Ltd B3 Om Plaza, Lamu Road, Kenya Eastern
Platinum Broadband 151 Monument Road South Africa Southern
Globus Bank Limited 6 Adeyemo Alakija Stree, Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria Nigeria Western
DIAMOND TRUST BANK UGANDA LIMITED DTB Centre, Plot 17-19 Kampala Road, Uganda Eastern
Triqa Wifi 10 Nettie Street South Africa Southern
National Assembly Abuja ICT Department, National Assembly Complex Nigeria Western
Ekiti State University Kilometer 15, Iworoko Road Nigeria Western
ZTEL PTY LTD 20 Phlox St South Africa Southern
FedEx Express South Africa (Pty) Ltd 172 Herman road, Meadowvale, Germiston South Africa Southern
Alhadatha Alalamiya for telecommunications and information technology L.L.C Jamaa Assaqaa Rd, V6F8+W3 Tripoli Libya Northern
R A Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, NG Tower Mauritius Indian Ocean
Credit Bank PLC Credit Bank PLC, One Africa Place Building, Waiyaki Way, 14th Floor. Kenya Eastern
South Coast Fibre (pty) LTD 4 Margaret Ave South Africa Southern
JAIZ BANK PLC Kano House, 73, Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District, Abuja Nigeria Western
Evercare Hospital Lekki Limited 1, Admirality way/Bisola Durosimi-Etti Drive, Lekki Peninsula Scheme1, Lagos Nigeria Western
ARROW NETWORK SYSTEMS LIMITED #25 Mukose Street, North Kaneshie | Opp C.M.B. Flat-Accra Ghana Western
EMIS - Empresa Interbancaria de Serviços,S.A Rua Joaquim Kapango, nº 5, 3º andar, Edifício Kimpa Vita Átrium - Luanda, NIF 5401115970 Angola Southern
Intrasurf Broadband cc 3 fairway villas South Africa Southern
Gigs Broadband Pty Ltd 17 Potgieter street South Africa Southern
LIMPO WIFI (PTY) LTD 39 Boundary Street South Africa Southern
Khula Tech Solutions 117B High Street, Grahamstown South Africa Southern
NEWTELNET CAMEROUN SAS Omnisport, Avenue Marc Vivien FOE Cameroon Central
Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Limited 2nd Floor, Tower B, DTB Centre, Mombasa Road Kenya Eastern
COMTECH sarl 8778 Wagenya,1302 Immeuble CTC knshasa Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
AZAMPAY TANZANIA LIMITED 41 Msasani road , Masaki Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Broadspectrum Limited 24 Botwe Dzorwulu Road, Dzorwulu Ghana Western
Digital Business Solutions SA Rue JOSS, ancien immeuble SAGA, Bonanjo Cameroon Central
Karti Telecom Limited 2nd Floor, 843 Lenana road Kenya Eastern
RAXIO DATA CENTRE SMC LIMITED Plot 781, Block 113 Namanve Industrial Park Uganda Eastern
valU B129 Smart Village Egypt Northern
The Governing Body of College of Business Education College of Business Education, Upanga, Alongside Bibi Titi road, near Dar es salaam Institute of Technology Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
China Mobile International South Africa (Pty) Ltd Central Office Park No. 4, 257 Jean Avenue, Centurion, Gauteng, 0157 South Africa South Africa Southern
IMBIL TELECOM SOLUTIONS NIG. LTD 20 Adeshina Street Nigeria Western
MAFAB Communications Limited 8a Ibiyinka Olorunibe close, off Amodu Ojikutu street, Victoria Island. Lagos Nigeria Western
EFANEST LIMITED No. 4 Central University Road, Prampram. CT 6615 Ghana Western
Opentel Technologies (PTY) LTD 40 Wessels Road Block B Rivonia South Africa Southern
EDIATTAH Conseils & Solutions Abidjan Cocody Av. Jean Mermoz Côte d'Ivoire Western
Faulu Microfinance Bank Limited Faulu Kenya Microfinance Bank Head Office on Ngong Lane along Ngong Road Kenya Eastern
First Capital Bank PLC Livingstone Towers, Glyn Jones Road, P./Bag 122, Blantyre Malawi Malawi Southern
We Do Wireless (Pty) Ltd Kloof Street South Africa Southern
Radiospoor Welkom (Pty) Ltd 4-8 Morris Avenue South Africa Southern
Societé FOCON-NET TELECOMS Sarl Moursal, AV Mobutu face CECOQDA Chad Western
BRAND-fi Technologies Ltd 104 Riverside Kenya Eastern
Yooko Technologies 149 Watermeyer street South Africa Southern
STE INTERNET SMART SOLUTIONS RDC immeuble Pacha Center,75 Avenu kheireddine Pacha Bloc C1082 Monplaisir -Tunis Tunisia Northern
The Office of the Minister of State in the President's Office MTUMBA - TAMISEMI STREET Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Elu Investments Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) External Profit Company Kraaibosch Park South Africa Southern
OXAHOST A-12 Complexe Résidence Jinène du Lac., LAC 2 - Tunis Tunisia Northern
AdNotes (Pty) Ltd 54 Mitchell Drive South Africa Southern
Lulu Tech Advanced Technology Almamora Block 72, Madani street near Almotawkil Hotel Sudan (the) Northern
SILICONE CONNECT Centre-Ville Brazzaville, HOTEL ELBO 4eme Etage Congo (the) Central
Pesa Pap Digital Limited Daykio Plaza, 4th floor, Ngong Lane, Off Ngong Road Kenya Eastern
Bluecentrix PTY LTD 137 Main rd South Africa Southern
Vumatel Pty Ltd The Crescent 31 Georgian Crescent East Gauteng South Africa Southern
Uganda Christian University Plot 67-173, Mukono Hill, Bishop Tucker Road Uganda Eastern
Flash Wireless ISP Enterprises No1 Aikomo Awodele Street Nigeria Western
NET99 (PTY) LTD 381 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park South Africa Southern
ZAPTECH LIMITED Plot No: 6, Mazengo Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Sky World Limited Western Heights, 7th floor, Karuna Road, Westlands Kenya Eastern
Wananchi Telecom Limited 8th Floor , Block A, Gateway Business Park, Mombasa Road Kenya Eastern
Xpand IT (Pty) Ltd 2nd Floor, Block E, The Pivot, 1 Montecasino Boulevard South Africa Southern
ECHOTEL TANZANIA LIMITED Plot 17 Swahili/Matumbi Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
GXQ IT Solutions (Pty) Ltd 31 Snyman Rd, Brummeria, South Africa Southern
Hostking (Pty) Ltd 105 Wellington Street, Goodwood South Africa Southern
CASTLEROCK MANAGED IT SERVICES COMPANY (PTY) LTD WB01A Tannery Park, 21-23 Belmont Road, Rondebosch South Africa Southern
BAT Computer Technologies Limited 8 Odebunmi Street Micom Bus Stop Egbeda Lagos Nigeria Nigeria Western
Express Data Networks Limited Star House, 4flr flr, Njiri kago Road Kenya Eastern
Sonke Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd 377 Rivonia Boulevard, Spaces Office Building South Africa Southern
SIDIAN BANK LIMITED Sidian Bank, K-REP Center, Kilimani 6th Floor. Kenya Eastern
SOCIETE BENINOISE D'INFRASTRUCTURES NUMERIQUES Immeuble Houngbedji (à côté de la Direction de l’Emigration et de l’Immigration) Av. Jean Paul II Cotonou Benin Western
TF TELECOMS 4 Stafford Crescent, Hurlingham South Africa Southern
Corebach Backbone SARL residence fahd rue al massira al khadraa Morocco Northern
Jumbo Technologies PTY LTD Unit 5, Constantia Office Park, 546 16th Road South Africa Southern
ST DIGITAL 75 rue Alliance Française – Imm Entrelec Bali Cameroon Central
Access and Content Ltd 368 Kashim Ibrahim Way, Blk 2 House 1 Nigeria Western
VTS Connect Pty Ltd 29 Diaz Business Park, Beach Boulevard, Diaz Beach South Africa Southern
AIM Firms Limited #53 Umoja Street, Off Sam Nujoma Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
First Basics Technologies Limited Season Center, Embakasi Kenya Eastern
Silver Solutions 1234 Unit 14 Burgers Park, De Waal Street, Brackenfell South Africa Southern
GVA RDC 130 Avenue Kwango Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Banco Valor, S.A (BV) Condomínio Cidade Financeira Rua do Centro de Convenções Via S8 Edif. V Bloco 9/10, Piso 1 Angola Southern
Coleso Legal Technologies (Pty) Ltd 93 North St, Ferndale South Africa Southern
Converged Technology Networks Limited #744, Mazengela Drive, Area 47, Sector 4 Malawi Southern
Sybyl Kenya Ltd The Address, 9th Floor, Muthangari Drive Kenya Eastern
HOSTEUR AFRICA SAS 313 Boulevard du 13 Janvier Togo Western
Spearhead Sales (Pty) Ltd Shop No. 10, 45 Voortrekker Street South Africa Southern
Geidea Technology Cairo Festival City- Business PArk- Building 1- New Cairo- Egypt ( city: Cairo) Egypt Northern
ProData Africa Limited Block B, Accra Digital Centre, Ring Road West, Adjacent State Housing Corporation, Digital Address: GA-174-3217 Ghana Western
Virtual Spot Internet cafe cc 25 Darlington road Berea South Africa Southern
VOLUS SOLUTION TECHNOLOGIE Zone Industrielle Kheireddine Le Kram, 46 rue Al Khawarizmi Tunisia Northern
NCW (Pty) Ltd 19 All Saints rd South Africa Southern
Pan African Solutions & Services Kenya 6th Floor, Regional Office, BOA House, Karuna Close off Waiyaki Way, Westlands Kenya Eastern
Nexusnet Limited AICC Building, 5th Floor Ngorongoro Wing, Room # 511 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 736 avenue Monseigneur Vogt, BP 1917 Yaoundé; Cameroun Cameroon Central
Bank Gaborone Limited Plot 74768, Cnr. 2nd Commercial & Western Commercial, Central Business District Botswana Southern
Africa Online Operations (Mauritius) Limited 8th Floor, Ebène Tower 52 Cybercity Mauritius Indian Ocean
Redefine Properties Limited Redefine Head Office 4th Floor, 155 West Street Sandown, Sandton South Africa Southern
Petroleum Equalisation Fund (Management) Board Plot 542 Cadastral Zone B09, Shehu Yar'Adua Way, Kado District Nigeria Western
National Identity Management Commission 11 Sokode Crescent, Off Dalaba Street Zone 5, Wuse Nigeria Western
Soepa Soap Vervaardigers CC 70 Groen Avenue South Africa Southern
Computer Sales & Services (C.S.S-SA) Ilot o lot 52 B. Mauritania Northern
Everlytic (Pty) Ltd Block B2, Rutherford Estate, 1 Scott Street, Waverley South Africa Southern
CEFLIX-SCEPTER LIMITED 23, Ize iyamu road, Alausa, Ikeja Nigeria Western
Xyberdata 1st Floor Banyan House Vivea Business Park Mauritius Indian Ocean
Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) Plot 423 Aguiyi Ironsi Street Maitama Nigeria Western
DEVELOPMENT BANK OF RWANDA (B.R.D) Plc BRD Head Office KN 3 (former Boulevard de la Revolution) Kigali – Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
Kenya Commercial Bank (Tanzania) Limited HARAMBEE HOUSE Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Unipak Nile Ltd 5th Industrial, Area 49 Giza, Egypt Egypt Northern
KWATTEL - SERVICOS DE PAGAMENTO, S.A Rua Gamal Abdel Nasser, Loanda Towers, Tower B, 6th floor Angola Southern
One Mobile Networks Pty Ltd 1317 Soteria, Chicago Avenue, Strand South Africa Southern
Q LINK Holdings (Pty) Ltd Block F, Gelnfield Office Park, cnr Glenwood & Oberon, Faerie Glen South Africa Southern
International School of Tanganyika Plot no 698 United Nations Road/Mindu Street, Upanga Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
SynBurst (Pty) Ltd 39 Santa Cruz Crescent Big Bay Western Cape South Africa Southern
PROCOMSAT AFRIQUE 934 Boulevard de Tensoba – secteur 28 Burkina Faso Western
Atima Creations LTD Outering Road; Fedha Total Building, Suite B10 Kenya Eastern
CABO VERDE TELECOM, S.A Rua Cabo Verde Telecom, Várzea, CP 220 Cabo Verde Western
Lamanfam Group Lda Rua Alameda Principe Real nº65, Bairro Miramar, Municipio de Luanda Angola Southern
Devboks 155 West Street South Africa Southern
Calbank PLC 23 Independence Avenue, Ridge Ghana Western
cybrscrb ltd. House of Francis, Room 303, Ile Du Port Seychelles Indian Ocean
AFRICA DATA CENTER SA Yaounde BP 5Omnisport, Immeuble Matrix Telecoms Cameroon Central
Sahdsoft Technologies CC Unit 5, Parkfield Court, 1185 Park Street South Africa Southern
Association Burkinabe des Domaines Internet (ABDI) OUAGADOUGOU SECTEUR 3 KOULOUBA Burkina Faso Western
Université de Maroua Rectorat -- Université de Maroua, Cameroun -- Campus de Kongola-Djoulgouf-Kodeck Cameroon Central
Takealot Online RF (Pty) Ltd 10 Rua Vasco Da Gama Plain, Foreshore South Africa Southern
C Steinweg Bridge Pty Ltd 1 Bridge Close South Africa Southern
Net4 Telecoms 71 Constantia Cresent South Africa Southern
MODEM COMPUTER SERVICES (PTY) LTD 13 Jaspis Avenue South Africa Southern
ORCA TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD 16 Queen Victoria South Africa Southern
ADEX Technology Villa N°09 Bis Cité Ben Haddadi Es-Saïd 16002 Dar Ediaf, Cheraga, Algeria Northern
Bluetown Ghana Ltd 9 Pawpaw Street, East Legon, Ghana Western
Sonic Computers & Wi-Fi cc 75 Main Rd South Africa Southern
Associação Cabo Verde Internet Exchange Point Rua da Cidade do Funchal Cabo Verde Western
AFR-IX TELECOM CAMEROUN SARL Immeuble Carrefour Cameroon Central
Directcore Technologies Limited No. 3, Sri-Aurobindo Avenue, Mzima Springs, Lavington, Nairobi - Kenya Kenya Eastern
Open Connect Limited Old Air Malawi, 4 Robins Road, Blantyre Malawi Southern
BLUE ITS BUSINESS SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD 348 Stateway , Doorn South Africa Southern
One Wireless Pty Ltd Unit 3 Imhoff office park, Imhoff Farms, Kommejtie Road South Africa Southern
WINCABLE AND INTERNET LIMITED Ismailia flats , Plot 52, Aly khan road , East Upanga Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Bluedog Technology Unit 3 Imhoff office park, Imhoff Farms, Kommejtie Road South Africa Southern
GOIL COMPANY LIMITED Junction of Kojo Thompson and Adjabeng Roads, House No. D659/4, Accra Ghana Western
Afribone - Guinee SA Immeuble Al Iman Manquepas Guinea Western
The National Examinations Council of Tanzania Mwenge, Bamaga, Bagamoyo road adjacent to TBC 1 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Vovida Communications Ltd Penthouse 2, Omega Centre, Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse 2 Nigeria Western
Fibrehub Internetworking Services Ltd 68/72 Allen Avenue Nigeria Western
MTAANI TELECOM 434 Kenya Eastern
Future Fibre Installations (Pty) Ltd 41 Kompnaje street, Avondale South Africa Southern
Mpu Communications (Pty) Ltd 29 Ferreira St South Africa Southern
MUBVUMELA CORPORATION PTY LTD Unit 7, Block C, Boabab Office Park, 86 John Vorster Drive South Africa Southern
Global Sense Pty Ltd 236 Ontdekkers Road, Horizon South Africa Southern
Sprint Internet Limited Ericson house, Nakasero, 1 floor Uganda Eastern
National Bank Of Rwanda 4 KN 6 Ave, Kigali, Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
MINISTERE DES FINANCES ET DU BUDGET avenue nelde rigobert Chad Western
WirelessONE 11A Dannhauser Street South Africa Southern
MANN IT (PTY) LTD 209 mimosa rd, northcliff South Africa Southern
Bonus 1000F Koumassi Remblais BP 777 ABJ 25 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Parallex Bank Limited Plot 1261, Adeola Hopewell Street Victoria Island Nigeria Western
CoLi Link Ghana Limited 5 lantana street accra, dansoman Ghana Western
KAGNY TECHNOLOGIE SARL U Apt A1, 1ere Etage Immeuble Themos, Commune de Kaloum Tombo Guinea Western
VENTURE INTERNET HOLDINGS 25 Madeleine Drive South Africa Southern
Revabit Limited Community 3, site A, Aviation road, Tema Ghana Ghana Western
TELKO MANAGED SERVICES LIMITED No. 3, Murphy Atsepoyi Street, Ramat Crescent, Ogudu GRA Nigeria Western
SO! Limited Somcable Building, Road Number 1 Somalia Eastern
Leader Net Services Sarl Cité Chemin de Fer Immeuble Mamou Guinea Western
Echo 45 Trading (Pty) Ltd 25 Victoria Link, Route 21 Business Park, Irene South Africa Southern
Evolution Tel (Pty) Ltd First Floor, 03 Desmond, 3 Desmond Street, Kramerville South Africa Southern
KAOPU CLOUD (NIGERIA) LIMITED 12 Bolaji Taylor Street , off Obawde road, Aruna, Ogba Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria Nigeria Western
Netaccess Systems Limited 19 Ikorodu Road Maryland, Lagos State Nigeria Nigeria Western
Pres Connect Unit 5a, 7@Dolerite office block, 7 Dolerite cres. South Africa Southern
Silkway Solutions (Pty) Ltd 2nd Floor, Tijger Park 2, Cnr. Bloemhof Rd and Willie van Schoor Ave. South Africa Southern
DAL Group Co. Limited No. 1/15 Block 4f, Khartoum area, Khartoum North Sudan (the) Northern
Group Vivendi Africa Uganda Limited Ntinda, Nakawa Division Uganda Eastern
Kasi Cloud Limited 4, Edward Hotonu Street, Off Goshen Beach Estate Road, Lekki Phase 1 Nigeria Western
Albaraka Bank of Egypt Fifth settlement, Plot 29 road 90,New Cairo,Egypt Egypt Northern
ONEX SA (PTY) LTD 19 Liverpool Road, Benoni South, Benoni, 1502, South Africa South Africa Southern
Tangerine Life Insurance Limited 22 Funsho Williams Avenue, Alaka, Surulere Nigeria Western
NETELLIGENT CONSULTING cc 3rd Floor, The Links Building, 2 Golf Course Dr, Mount Edgecombe South Africa Southern
The Expert Company (Pty) Ltd 22 Sloane Street South Africa Southern
Green Telecom Limited 42 Msasani road, Oysterbay, P.O. Box 20332 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Firmlinx (Pty) Ltd 17 Geringer Street, Del Judor South Africa Southern
TAYOCOM JCCI CENTRE, Opposite General Hospital, Fanole Somalia Eastern
Africell Angola S.A Rua dos Municipios Portugueses, Largo do Ambiente, Edifício Kings Towers Building Angola Southern
BRIDGE BANK GROUP COTE D'IVOIRE Immeuble Teyliom - Plateau 33 avenue du Général De Gaule Côte d'Ivoire Western
Dew CIS Solutions Limited ABSA Towers 12th Floor, Loita Street Kenya Eastern
Ministry of Foreign Affairs African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates 7 Street Franklin Roosevelt Morocco Northern
SAFARICOM TELECOMMUNICATIONS ETHIOPIA PLC Bole Sub City, Woreda 01, House No. New, Wollo Sefer (Safaricom HQ) Ethiopia Eastern
IMVULA ITECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD 47 Harding Street South Africa Southern
Epik Africa Limited 2/4, Oriade Omotosho Close Nigeria Western
Werners World of Wireless Rooihout 19 South Africa Southern
Bitconnect Pty Ltd 1017 Meyer street, Rietfontei South Africa Southern
Bluecom Ltd Tripiano Dahabshiil HQ Somalia Eastern
Airtouch Connections Limited Valley View Flats, Lantana Road, Westlands Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya Eastern
MapleLeaf Technologies International Limited Plot 7, Dortemag Close, Magboro, Opp. Mountain Top University, Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. Nigeria Western
Insight Actuarial Solutions (Pty) Ltd 2ND FLOOR GATEWAY WEST 22 MAGWA CRSCENT WATERFALL CITY MIDRAND South Africa Southern
Datonet (Pty) Ltd Plot 206 Bashewa, Tiegerpoort South Africa Southern
Vayacom Limited 6th Floor Applewood, Ngong Road Kenya Eastern
SMARTCLOUD AFRICA LIMITED 9401-00200 Kenya Eastern
CloudGistics 9 Constantia Main Road South Africa Southern
Mymanga Networks Martpoa Building, Red Hill Road Kenya Eastern
Signal HD Av. Kapolowe 8001 Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Wavex Internet Service Provider LTD Park Road, Sirimon Building, Ground Floor Kenya Eastern
IronTree Internet Services Unit 1 Westlake Square Westlake South Africa Southern
NuruNet Communications Ltd Roshanmaer Building, 1st Floor West Wing,Lenana Road. Nairobi Kenya Eastern
Click Fiber Communications Limited Mustard Building office No. 10, Major Jackson Muriithi Street Kenya Eastern
Vilcom Networks Limited Ramco court Mombasa Road Kenya Eastern
Botswana Postal Services Limited Khama Crescent Street, Plot 53952, Poso House Botswana Southern
BrowsePoint Telecom Nigeria Limited No 2, Lawan Danbazau Strret, Gandun Albas Layout, Nigeria Western
Khulani Office Solutions (Pty) Ltd 20 Donald Road, Vincent Park South Africa Southern
Crown Networks Limited Plot 10, 3rd Street Industrial Area Uganda Eastern
DFA Zimbabwe (Private) Limited Block D, Emerald Park, 30 The Chase, Emerald Hill Zimbabwe Southern
Poynting Delta Unit 4, N1 Industrial Park Landmarks Ave South Africa Southern
Lime Emerging Solutions Limited Kasarani Arcade, Room G30A Kenya Eastern
Motus Corporation (Pty) Ltd 140 Boeing Rd East, Elma Park South Africa Southern
Afr-ix Telecom Niger Boulevard Abdoul Aziz Bouteflika Niger (the) Western
ZSIC LIFE PLC Insurance House, Plot 4432 Cairo Road Zambia Southern
Connect Services Liberia, LLC Tubman Blvd Sinkor 18 street Liberia Western
Société d'Infrastructures Numériques (SIN) 21, Avenue Nicolas Grunitzky Togo Western
EQUITY BANK UGANDA LIMITED Church House ,4th floor, Kampala road Uganda Eastern
Intersat Company Limited Sky Blue Plaza, Bertil Harding Highway Gambia (the) Western
Pan African IX Data Centres Kenya Ltd L.R. NO.209/13125, Britam Tower, Hospital Road, Kenya Eastern
Mdantsane Mobile 3162 Zone 12, Mdantsane South Africa Southern
World Mobile Chain Limited Michenzani Mall Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Múltipla - Sociedade Múltipla de Angola, Limitada Torres Oceano, 19ª andar, Ingombotas Angola Southern
LULI FIBRA CABLE SOLUTION LIMITED 12, Olatunbosun Street, Williams Estate, Lagos Nigeria Western
Association Nationale D'Education Et De Recherche Du Burkina Faso - F@soREN Blvd Charles De Gaulle, Ouagadougou / @12.3746995,-1.5026806, Burkina Faso Western
Spectrum Internet Service Ltd 2 Old Grip Road Ghana Western
Gifra Wireless Network Limited Suite 1a, 1st floor, Ekiti State House Suites Nigeria Western
Hawaritha investment Limited Derm Plaza 13th floor, Plot No. 18, Block No. 45A, Bagamoyo Road, Kijitonyama Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
ATX NET Limited Hai Amarat, Airport Road, Juba South Sudan Northern
Adumo Technologies (Pty) Ltd Block C & E, Wedgewood Office Park 3 Muswell Road, Bryanston South Africa Southern
9 Payment Service Bank Limited 16, Adeola Odeku Nigeria Western
WELINK HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD 22 Magwa Cresent, Gateway West South Africa Southern
Treten Networks Limited Oak Place, Nike Art Gallery Road, Ikate, lekki Nigeria Western
Banco de Cabo Verde Avenida OUA, nº 02 Cabo Verde Western
LIGHTHOUSE FIBRE (PTY) LTD 36 Zenith Street, Solheim, Germiston South Africa Southern
Routelink Integrated Systems Ltd 4th Floor, Africa Re House, Plot 1679, Karimu Kotun Street Victoria Island 101241 Lagos Nigeria Nigeria Western
BET Software (Pty) Ltd 65 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge South Africa Southern
SAVENET LIMITED 1st floor,room 5, Dash Building, Mosque road Kenya Eastern
Smart City Technology Company Ltd Plot 18, Block XV, Kolapo Ishola GRA, Akobo Nigeria Western Limited Wabera Street, ST. Ellis House, 3rd Floor. Building no. 2 Kenya Eastern
Datacom Telecommunication Limited Freezones Enclave Tema, Tema , Accra Ghana Western
Rapid Networks (Pty) Ltd Windstone Farm South Africa Southern
Surf Net Solutions Limited Complex Plaza, 2nd Floor Suit A6, Mombasa Road Kenya Eastern
AddPay (Pty) Ltd 6 Meson St, Techno Park, Cape Town, 7600 South Africa Southern
Telsense 173 Oxford Road South Africa Southern
QSupport Cloud (Pty) Ltd 8 Roseways, 7 Numerosa road South Africa Southern
VAIMO ECOMMERCE SERVICES (PTY) LTD Office Park Falcon House, 179 Lunnon Rd, Hillcrest South Africa Southern
BLOOSAT SA Dragages Cameroon Central
Systel Limited Soliton Park, North Airport Road Embakasi P.O Box 27699 Kenya Eastern
NetSat Communications (PTY) LTD Highbury Complex, Unit 8, Rand Street, Strubensvalley South Africa Southern
RATEL PLUS NIGERIA LIMITED Plot 372/373 Zawachiki layout , behind 1000 Housing Estate Dorayi- Off Fansheka Road . Nigeria Western
Lello & Companhia, Limitada Rua Marcelino Dias Nº4, Maculusso Angola Southern
LINK CONNECT SERVICES (PTY) LTD Shop 5, Surfbay Centre, Lot 972 Marine Drive, Shelly Beach. South Africa Southern
NETCOM sa Nouakchott SEBKHA PH 05 ILOT 75 Mauritania Northern
Maru T (PTY) LTD 20 De Korte St South Africa Southern
MNDPT Place Philibert TSIRANANA Antaninarenina Madagascar Indian Ocean
SOTENG- Tecnologia & Sistemas, LDA Kilamba, Building G31, Apt 101 Angola Southern
Mr. Price Group Limited 350 Umhlangane Road South Africa Southern
INFINITY CONNECT (PTY) LTD 3 Gerrit Maritz Ave Monument South Africa Southern
Ilitha Infrastructure (Pty) Ltd 42 Bath Ave South Africa Southern
Baremetal Computer Traders 64 Ajax Way, Woodlands, Mitchells Plain South Africa Southern
CFM WIRELESS (PTY) LTD 29 Kerk Street South Africa Southern
Ace Micro Services Limited Ace Micro Services Limited, Block C, Maple Court, Westlands Close off Westlands Road Kenya Eastern
Experian South Africa (Proprietary) Limited Experian House, Ballyoaks Office Park, 35 Ballyclare Drive South Africa Southern
Julius Berger Nigeria PLC No.10 Shettima A. Munguno Crescent Utako Nigeria Western
Intellicomms Pty Limited 89 Bute Road, Sandown, Sandton South Africa Southern
Ring a Nerd cc 41 Lang Street South Africa Southern
N. E Diversified Limited No. 15 &16b Democracy Crescent Gaduwa Estate Abuja Nigeria Western
AXETAG Ilot 742 Benin Western
SLASH TRES HAUT DEBIT 52 Chemin Hibon Reunion Indian Ocean
Coquina Software Company Limited F3, Ewet Housing Extension Nigeria Western
Flex Serve IT (Pty) Ltd 212 BOUNDARY ROAD South Africa Southern
Global Platinum Solutions (Pty) Ltd 116 Oxford Street South Africa Southern
Millenia Limited Millenia Limited Northern Bypass Road Opp. Two Rivers Mall Kenya Eastern
National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) - Egypt - S.A.E Plot No. 155, Service Center, 5th Settlement, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Northern
Majda Smart Solutions 3 avenue de la Bourse Lac2, Immeuble Zenith, 2éme étage Tunisia Northern
FIRSTNET SA immeuble l'espérance 1291, Av.MgrSteinmetz Benin Western
NINETEC SARL Street: Quartier Foulani Kouara, Rue FK-40, Parcelle H, Ilit 2544, City: Niamey Country: Niger Niger (the) Western
Click Cloud Hosting Services CC 10 Helidoor Street Namibia Southern
Apex Fund Services South Africa Limited Maitland House 1, River Park, Gloucester Road South Africa Southern
Starlink Internet Services Nigeria Ltd 5th Floor The Octagon Nigeria Western
CCI SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD 3 The High Street South Africa Southern
Boost Networks 4 KWV Place, Glen Erasmia Boulevard South Africa Southern
Intech Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd 48 Ireland Avenue, Eldoraigne South Africa Southern
CIM Financial Services Limited Corner Edith Cavell Street Mauritius Indian Ocean
Zoodlabs(SL) Limited 1 Bendu's Drive Sierra Leone Western
Gigify Uganda Limited Plot 23 Mpanga Close Uganda Eastern
Watch Tower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses (LTD/GTE) Watch Tower KM 51, Benin-Auchi Road Nigeria Western
Icon Fiber Solutions ltd 1396 Kenya Eastern
Wifi-Resources (Pty) Ltd 21 Olga Rd South Africa Southern
SI Futures (Pty) Ltd Unit 2C, Suite E, Oudewesthof Village Square, Van Riebeeckshof Road, Bellvile City South Africa Southern
Transnet Limited 138 Eloff Street South Africa Southern
MANGONET INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Plot 870B, Bendel Close, Off Bishop Aboyade Cole Street, Nigeria Western
Nile Fibertech Co. Ltd Eastern Plaza, Suite No. 405, South Sudan Northern
Halan for technology and services Giza - 6th of October City , District B2, Offices in the Mall of Arabia Egypt Northern
AFRIMETRO INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Woodlands Shopping Centre, Office #4 Eswatini Southern
Guaranty Trust Bank (Uganda) Ltd Plot 56 Kiira Road Uganda Eastern
AOS LTD 1st Floor, Kami House,KN 5 RD. , Rukiri IP.O Box 7411 Kigali, Rwanda Rwanda Eastern
Upstream Connect (Pty) Ltd 1 Vall road South Africa Southern
ATIS TELCOM LIMITED Trance towers 7th floor tsavo road off Mombasa road Kenya Eastern
True Technologies cc Shop 3, Fountains estate, Blaaukrans str South Africa Southern
BCN - Banco Caboverdiano de Negócios, SA Avenida Amilcar Cabral, nº97 Cabo Verde Western
RAIN GROUP HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD Quarter Lifestyle Village, 27 Somerset Rd, Green Point South Africa Southern
Lusaka Internet Exchange point Stand Number 4909 Corner of United Nations Road &, Independence Ave, Lusaka Zambia Southern
National Company for Telecommunication Services NCTS- Suez Road Km 26 Cairo Egypt Egypt Northern
Le Mond Group Co Ltd Douala Cameroon, Deido Trois Boutiques Cameroon Central
TRADESWITCH (PTY) LTD Kaaimans Building, 5th Floor, Hilden Rd, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081 South Africa Southern
EDGETECHIT CC Unit 10 DuVille Industrial Park,Stillewater St,Fisantekraal 7550 South Africa Southern
Limpopo Connexion SOC Ltd 13 Biccard Street South Africa Southern
Mzanzi Lisetta Media and Printing (Pty) Ltd Rusma Building, 1 Hamman Street South Africa Southern
ARC International Telecoms Block C, Sweet Thorn Office Park, 61 Bosbok Rd, Randpark Ridg South Africa Southern
Africa Online (Africa) (Pty) Ltd 36A Promenaden Road, Klein Windhoek Namibia Southern
East London Industrial Development Zone SOC LTD Lower Chester Rd, Sunny Ridge South Africa Southern
Dearie Communication 2 Nepa Ajah Nigeria Western
MR Price Group Limited Upper Level Durban Station Complex, 65 Masabalala Yengwa Ave, Stamford Hill South Africa Southern
Zoom Broadbands Limited 45, Beach Village Estate, Beach Road Kenya Eastern
Fibreworld Telecommunications Networks Limited 11th Floor, Eleganza House 15B Joseph Harden Street Lagos Island Nigeria Western
Optinode Group LLP City View Plaza, Hamza, Jogoo Rd, 11th floor, K1 Kenya Eastern
M/s Housing Finance Bank Limited 4 WAMPEWO AVENUE Uganda Eastern
Boss Telecom Ltd Apa Arcade Kenya Eastern
Gigawave Solutions PTY LTD Unit 13 Sunninghill Office Park, 9 Peltier Drive South Africa Southern
First Atlantic Bank Limited Atlantic Place, No. 1 Seventh Avenue, Ridge West Ghana Western
DEGNON-GROUP cotonou adjakè Benin Western
TechTribe IT (Pty) Ltd 28 Main Rd, Southern Paarl South Africa Southern
Zecaspace (PTY) Ltd 63 New St South Africa Southern
Wave5Wireless Limited 17/19 Badejo Kanlesanwo Street, Matori Nigeria Western
Netmetrix 30 Orange street, West Acres, Nelspruit South Africa Southern
Banco Millennium Atlantico S.A. Cidade Financeira – Edifício 7/8 - Via S8 Angola Southern
JENNY LESOTHO PTY LTD Avani Lesotho Hotel & Casino, Hilton Road Lesotho Southern
Tourvest Travel Services Tourvest Office Park,1 Wedgewood Link Rd, South Africa Southern
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Mexico area at Debrework Tower 10th Floor Ethiopia Eastern
ITEX Integrated Services Limited 1E Sinari Daranijo Street Nigeria Western
PLASMA TELECOM SOUTH AFRICA PTY LTD Wrigley Field Building, The Campus Business Park, 57 Sloane Street South Africa Southern
IIP1 Pty Ltd Top Floor 8 Bird Street South Africa Southern
Wild Peach Trading 52 (PTY) LTD 2 Weavers Nest, Brettenwood estate, Salt Rock South Africa Southern
Mthinte Communication Pty Ltd 25 Pine Street, Ashley South Africa Southern
Maxinet Broadband Mount Tabor Street, Nii Okaiman West Ghana Western
UNICAST TECHNOLOGY LTD Moonz plaza office no.204,hh Towers Kenya Eastern
NATIONAL INTERNET DATA CENTER (NIDC) Mwenge Satellite Station, Kijitonyama, Wizara Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Lexistar Alliance Ltd. Suite 1, Second Floor Sound & Vision Francis Rachel Street Victoria Seychelles Seychelles Indian Ocean
Open Access Data Centres (Mauritius) Ltd Level 2, Alexander House, Silicon Avenue, Mauritius Indian Ocean
Afrifiber SAS AfriFiber SAS, Zone Industrielle Sud, Lotissement 240, Djibouti Djibouti Eastern
Accel Technologies - Suarl 165 Virage, route de l’aeroport Senegal Western
ITC Global Communication Technologies Limited 36 Royal Avenue, Doxa off Peter Odili Road, Port Harcourt Nigeria Western
Gigabit Connections Limited P.O. Box 25333. Rewa House 1st Floor, Kirukuri Street Kenya Eastern
ATEB TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Sam Nujoma Road PSSSF complex tower Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Ictpack Solutions Limited 78178 Dar es Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Serverlibya Al-Daqadosta behind Marwa Clinic Libya Northern
FLINK TECHNOLOGIES LTD Kasarani Arcade- Mwiki road Kenya Eastern
TForge (Pty) Ltd Building 2 Waterfall Point Office Park C/O Waterfall Drive & Woodmead Drive South Africa Southern
AF-CIX Limited Plot 18, Jagal Close, Jagal Road, Oregun, Lagos Nigeria Western
WOW Networks Limited 3A konoko Street wuse2 Nigeria Western
Omicron IT (Pty) Ltd 3 Biccard Street, Polokwane South Africa Southern
Absolute Hosting (Pty) Ltd 1 Madison Close South Africa Southern
Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development Ghana Western
Public University of Cape Verde Zona K do Palmarejo Grande, Praia, Santiago, Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Western
N'Djamena IX Avenue du Colonel Hassan Moursal Kourda Chad Western
Edge connect (pty) Ltd 6 Nokwe avenue South Africa Southern
Future Technology Solutions Today Limited 1st Floor Sam's Valley Building 7th Patrice Lumumba Loop Ghana Western
LINX (Internet Exchange) Kenya Limited 5th Floor, West Wing, ICEA Lion Centre Riverside Park, Chiromo Road, Kenya Eastern
Pula Net Proprietary Limited Plot 1283/4, Old Lobatse Road Botswana Southern
Pepea Internet Limited Muarakwa Road Kenya Eastern
Paratus Telecommunications Limited c/o Arch Global Consult Ltd, The Junction Business Hub, Arsenal Branch Road Mauritius Indian Ocean
The Kenya Trade Network Agency Embankment plaza, longonot road, upper hill Kenya Eastern
MASTERCARD SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor 23 Melrose Arch Boulevard Melrose Arch South Africa Southern
Sky Telecom Company Limited Brusubi, West Coast, The Gambia Gambia (the) Western
FOCUS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Focus Building, Rue Lac Mâlaren, Les Berges du Lac Tunisia Northern
CELCOM NETWORKS LIMITED Off Lamu Road, Behind Mnara Schools, Garissa Kenya. Kenya Eastern
Register Domain SA (Pty) Ltd 5 Niblick Way, Fairways Office Park, Somerset West South Africa Southern
COMSATES NIGER Avenue du Niger, Imm. Clean House Niger (the) Western
Nilmage Two4Seven Limited 17 Ololade Avenue, Shangisa Nigeria Western
Banco De Comercio e Industria S.A. 56PH+X3G, Largo do Atlético Angola Southern
Equity Bank Tanzania Limited Golden Jubilee Towers 3rd Floor, Ohio Street Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Swift Broadband Limited Wisedove Plaza, First Floor, Room 9 Kenya Eastern
STL FIBERCO LTD No 34 Awka Crescent, War College Estate, 3rd Avenue, Gwarinpa, Abuja Nigeria Western
Rwanda Development Board(RDB) KN 5 Rd, KG 9 Ave Rwanda Eastern
iSquared Technologies (Pty) Ltd 5th Floor Letterstedt House, Newlands South Africa Southern
CACHU Y HERMANOS, S.L. LAMPERT Equatorial Guinea Central
Qrios VAS Limited 27B Adewale Kolawole Crescent, Lekki Phase 1 Oceanside Nigeria Western
Rackzar (Pty) Ltd M5 Park, 1 Eastman Road, Maitland South Africa Southern
Novia East Africa Ltd 1423 Kenya Eastern
Banco YETU S.A. Torre do Maculusso piso2 Rua Frederico Welwitsch. Angola Southern
HSAMS - Soluções Tecnológicas, LDA Bº Lar do Patriota Rua nº Casa nº 142 Luanda – Angola Angola Southern
Pronto Broadband Solutions Limited Mamman Kontagora House; 23A, Marina Road, Lagos Nigeria Western
Department of E-Government Private Bag 338 Malawi Southern
BullTech Group (Pty) Ltd Heritage Office Park, Building D1A, 1 Ontdekkers Road South Africa Southern
VEZA ICT 15 Impala Rd Rispark South Africa Southern
Teltwine Networks Limited 1 Yemi Suara Street Graceland Estate Ajiwe Ajah Nigeria Western
EUPHORBIA SARL Carré 354 Maison SODOGANDJI, Scoa Gbéto; R5.160 Rue Gouverneur Félix Eboué Benin Western
Alpha online Technology Bietry Boulevard de marsille immeuble hadi Bp 777 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Techseeds Telecommunications 51 Woodlands, Inchanga Road, Craigavon South Africa Southern
NADIF BUSINESS SERVICE SARL Quartier Sabangali, Carré 3, Porte 275, Tél 66290530 N'djamena- TCHAD Chad Western
Chakaza Holdings (PTY) Ltd Plot 334, Inyoni Park, Coates Valley, Manzini, Kingdom of Eswatini Eswatini Southern
Global Data Services Quartier Plateau Niger (the) Western
CDN NETWORK 5 RUE DIXMUDE ETG 1 N 2 BENJDIA C/O C.A LES ETOILES Morocco Northern Limited Plot A2, Hakeem Balogun Way, Alausa Nigeria Western
Digitegrity 145 Second Street, Parkmore South Africa Southern
TIRISAN TECH SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD Block B1 Flite Park 748 Richards Drive Midrand South Africa Southern
Lwayo Communication 162 Ditike street Khubvi Block B Makonde South Africa Southern
Hakonix Technologies Limited D20 Boya Place, Plot 1004 Ameh Ebute Street, Wuye Nigeria Western
Women's University in Africa 549 Arcturus Rd Manresa Zimbabwe Southern
TECHNO BRAIN BPO ITES LIMITED Heritan House 3rd Floor, woodlands Road, Off Argwings Kodhek Road, Hurlingharm, Kenya Eastern
Stellar Technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd Unit D17 Waterford Court, Corner of Rabie and Glover Ave, Lyttelton South Africa Southern
Friends Wireless Limited No. 23, Ndjamena Crescent, Wuse II Nigeria Western
Ndende Technologies (Pty) Limited Block 2 Ground Floor, Pinewood Office Park, 33 Riley Road , Woodmead, Sandton South Africa Southern
AddIX Technology Solutions PLC H.No 182, Woreda 5, Arada Subcity Ethiopia Eastern
Connect, Surf and Smile Limited Enipaul plaza 253 Oron Road Uyo, Uyo Nigeria Western
THE ZA DOMAIN NAME AUTHORITY NPC First Floor, Sanofi House, 44 Grand Central Blvd, Halfway House South Africa Southern
Snowvalley Communications 43 Graham Street South Africa Southern
Abex Interconnects Limited 49 Akosombo Road Airport Residential Area Accra CT2886 Cantonments A Ghana Western
NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE LIMITED Sokoine Drive & Azikiwe Street, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority 9 Salmin Amour Road Private Bag 261 Malawi Southern
SAWALINK LIMITED Granville suite, sore road, SouthB Kenya Eastern
Xcobean Systems Limited Purvi House, Mpaka Rd. Kenya Eastern
Dolphin Coast Wireless Pty Ltd 82 Zen drive , Ballito, 82 Zen drive , Ballito South Africa Southern
STE SAFOZI Rue Hedi Nouira, Residence Maya, Apt 6D, Ennasr II, Tunisia Northern
West Africa Data Centres Limited 42 Ring Road Central Ghana Western
Société Nationale d'Electricité du Burkina (SONABEL) 55 avenue de la nation Burkina Faso Western
SABI NETWORKS LIMITED 129 Iju Road Nigeria Western
HANIF TELECOM LIMITED Hse No.184,Midlands Estate,Awori Lane,Mihango,Embakasi Kenya Eastern
One Mile Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. 65 Libertas Street, Noordheuwel South Africa Southern
Secure Conekt (Pty) Ltd Floor 2, Block B, Woodlands Office Park, 20 Woodlands Drive, Woodmead South Africa Southern
Simtel ISP 19 Montgomery cres South Africa Southern
Intdev Internet Technologies (Pty) Ltd International Business Gateway Park, Cnr New And 6th Road South Africa Southern
e-centric Switch (Proprietary) Limited CSG, 240 Main Road,, Great Westerford Building South Africa Southern
Telcoptics Solutions Ltd Haile Sellasie Avenue, Tayedi Building Next to Pride-inn Hotel Kenya Eastern
STE LEYA TECH + SOLUTION SARL (L.T.S SARL) AV.LUMUMBA N-53 Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Manano Telecommunication SARL Rue de 30m Chad Western
Cubic Information Systems Company Limited ibn Kaab alley, BenAshour St., next to Alqadisia Square, 2869 Libya Northern
Ndeye Maimouna Diop Diagne Amitie 2 Senegal Western
Swift Fibre 18 Estate Esperanza, 42 Furrow Road, Equestria South Africa Southern
Discovery Bank LTD 1 Discovery Place South Africa Southern
Prudential Bank Limited 8 John Harmond Street, Ring Road Central Ghana Western
Libyan Spider for IT LTD. Bab Ben Ghashir, 82510, Tripoli, Libya Libya Northern
Cheetahnet Solutions Limited Plot 18B George Street Uganda Eastern
EGATE CLOUD SERVICES LDA Av. comandante valodia rua gil vicente csa nº13 Angola Southern
Intramech Enterprises (Private) Limited 2nd Floor, Pasangano Building, Avondale Zimbabwe Southern
NEXT THING NETWORKS Limited Connections Hotel Building RM R5 - Mlolongo. Kenya Eastern
African Development Bank 339 Witch-Hazel Ave, Eco-Park Estate, Centurion South Africa Southern
CAIXA ECONOMICA DE CABO VERDE, S. A. Av Cidade Lisboa Cabo Verde Western
Nextgen Telcoms LTD House C, B16, Oba Akiloye Street, Lekky County Homes Nigeria Western
MCSWEEN TELECOM Limited 14th Floor, Avenue du Commerce Rwanda Eastern
GlobeMed Egypt 75 15 street ELMAADI Egypt Northern
FIBERONE BROADBAND LTD 2, amaechi onuoha crescent, lekki phase 1 Nigeria Western
Alaan for Communications and Information Technology with Limited Liability Ras Hsan - Soug Giuma Libya Northern
Hayo Telecom (Pty) Ltd 50 Long Street South Africa Southern
Bravoscan 252 (PTY) LTD Shop 4, Palm centre, Irwin str South Africa Southern
Vumacam (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, 23 Melrose Boulevard, Birnam South Africa Southern
Fastfeet Limited Road 1 suite a103/104 ikota shopping complex Nigeria Western
Bitstream Internet Solutions (Proprietary) Limited 140 Hage Geingob Street Namibia Southern
FBNQuest Capital Limited 16 Keffi Street, Off Awolowo Road, S.W. Ikoyi, Nigeria Western
Sociedade Mineira de Catoca, Lda AV. Talatona - Luanda Sul S/N Quarteirão GU -01 Angola Southern
Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital 3 Kenya Eastern
Ore & Metal Company 15 Fricker Rd, Illovo, Sandton South Africa Southern
Kwendanet Tecnologias e Serviços, Lda Rua 137, Casa 147, Bairro Kifica, Distrito Urbano do Benfica Angola Southern
TDS Hitech Solutions Limited 19A Community Road Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos. Nigeria Western
Euphoria Telecom (PTY) LTD 1 Sunset Lane Pineslopes South Africa Southern
Jevi-Tech Communications Ltd Mapa House, Suite F14 Biashara Street Kenya Eastern
SOUTHERN CROSS SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD 646 Sak Street, Wingate Park South Africa Southern
ARM Pension Managers (PFA) Ltd 5, Mekunwen Road, Off Oyinkan Abayomi Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos Nigeria Western
LNX Solutions (Pty) Ltd Unit 12, Old Castle Brewery, 6 Beach Rd, Woodstock South Africa Southern
Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale 21, Angle Avenue Sanawbar et Avenue Allal El Fassi, Quartier Hay Riad Morocco Northern
N W Internet Service GED 10 VDP Zoetmelksvallei Lichtenburg South Africa Southern
THE TRUSTEES OF THE TANZANIA NATIONAL PARKS The Mwalimu Nyerere Conservation Center, Postal code 23106, Burka Estate Olasiti, Arusha Urban. Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
SOGEB SA Centre Emeutteur Cimenterie Guinea Western
NOVA Commercial Bank LTD 23 Kofo Abayomi Street Victoria Island, Lagos Nigeria Western
Connectis SA boulevard kanyamwanga 5 Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Accra Technical University GA-106-2535, Barnes Road Ghana Western
TouchBasePro PTY LTD Hyde Park Lane Office Park, Hyde Lane, Hyde park South Africa Southern
IP4Solutions number 4, Land il Mefti il Jadida Assouyouf Chamaa, Alraml Egypt Northern
Unitic Limited Dasheeeq Towers, 11th Floor Unit 2, 6th Street Eastleigh Kenya Eastern
Agility Infrastructure a limited liability company Suez Ataqa Suez Canal Economic Zone - Al Ain Egypt Northern
Maxko for Gaming Development 1 Nasr Soliman, Ad Doqi, Dokki Egypt Northern
Department of HIV & AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Department of HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatis, Mtunthama drive, CHSU, Area 3 Malawi Southern
Oxygn ISP (PTY) LTD Office 11 New Salt Rock shopping Mall, Salt Rock South Africa Southern
Fimnet Communications Limited Blue House HQ ,Mweni Road Kenya Eastern
Invisible Waves 39 Maxwell Street South Africa Southern
Pepkor Trading (Pty) Ltd Bellville 55 Willie Van Schoor Avenue, Bellville Park South Africa Southern
HEROTEL BUSINESS (PTY) LTD Floor 2, 221 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn South Africa Southern
Novasys IT (Pty) Ltd 88 Sovereign Dr South Africa Southern
Minntech (Pty) Limited 29 Moolman Street, Cycad Estate South Africa Southern
GEEZNET TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Clock Tower Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Tatu Telecom Company SEZ Limited Tatu City, Kiambu Kenya Eastern
Windstream Limited West End Park Court, Muthaiga North, House 3 Kenya Eastern
Sive Setfu ICT Solutions (Pty) Ltd Unit 914 Wonderpark Estates,Cnr Heinrich and first Street, Karenpark, Gauteng South Africa Southern
BARMEDAS.COM LTD BWIRU ROAD - PLOT 106 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Netmoz Sociedade Unipessoal Lda Mozambique Maputo Matola Machava Av das indústrias nº45 Mozambique Southern
Splizr Networks (Pty) Ltd 1 Olievenhoutbosch, 9 Princeton Office Park South Africa Southern
Digital Group for Telecom and Informatics Co Aljaraba Street Libya Northern
STELLAR-IX KubeD Zone Galaxy Andraharo Madagascar Indian Ocean
Lunafibre Pty Ltd C108 Sandown Square Business Park, Passerina Road Sandown South Africa Southern
Verse Telecom Limited No. 10 Algiers Street, Wuse Zone 5 Nigeria Western
Bank of Abyssinia Share Company HQ Building, Gambia st, Legehar, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Ethiopia Eastern
Currimjee Informatics Ltd Ground Floor Phoenix Central Mauritius Indian Ocean
CALNET FIBRE (PTY) LTD Unit 5 , Meyersdal Office park, 65 Phillip Engelbrecth drive, Meyersdal, Alberton, 1448 South Africa Southern
Ministère du Numérique 6,8 Boulevard Colonel Tshatshi, Kinshasa - Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Smartgae Proprietary Limited 2989, Plot 53/71 Unit B2 Moreton Place, Gaborone International Commerce Park Po Box 26286, Game C Botswana Southern
SOMOTT 6263 Beerta Banadir Rd Somalia Eastern
Pure Infrastructure Limited 51 Lenana Road, A6 Kenya Eastern
Freedotel Communication Technologies Ltd UNH NEAR DR. ADAMAFIO LOOP, SHARP CURVE, DANSOMAN Ghana Western
WhiTech unit no 13 the eight floor,building no 10061 Zahraa Al Maadi Egypt Northern
REALTIME COMMUNICATIONS (PTY) LTD 8180 Chiqe Street, Clayville ext.71, Olifantsfontein 410-JR, Midrand South Africa Southern
Calmex Mobile 340 witch-hazel avenue South Africa Southern
National Oil Company of Malawi Ltd 4 Floor, Kang'ombe building, City Center Malawi Southern
DIRECTION GENERALE DES DOUANES ET ACCISES Immeuble DGDA, Place Royale, Gombe BP 8248 KIN I Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
Flash Mobile Vending (Pty) Ltd 2 Fir Street, Blackriver Park, Observatory South Africa Southern
Post Bank (Uganda) Limited Plot 4/6 Nkrumah Road Nkrumah Road Uganda Eastern
ABT Telecoms (Pty) Ltd 204 Rivonia Road, Block E, First Floor, Morningside, 2057 South Africa Southern
Tradepage (Pty) Ltd Block A, Blueberry Office Park, Apple St, Randpark Ridge, Randburg South Africa Southern
GECAMINES Avenue Kamanyola, 7 Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
VPSie Egypt for Information Technology 7 Ibn Jubair, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt Egypt Northern
right advanced business co ltd Apartment no:1, floor 4, building 1,land no 1/75, Algazeera street Sudan (the) Northern
Optimus Bank Limited 55 Bishop Oluwole Street.Victoria Island Nigeria Western
LINKAFRICA (PTY) LTD 43 Island Circle South Africa Southern
Ecole Supérieure Multinationale des Télécommunications (ESMT) Cerf Volant, 1000 Dakar Colobane Bayelaye Colobane/Fass/Gueule Senegal Western
Light Bridge Internet (Pty) Ltd 1 Kunene Street, Aerorand South Africa Southern
Ndiza Information Systems 257 Jean Avenue South Africa Southern
Nisi Technologies Ltd 34 Osia Street Nigeria Western
TMCEL - Moçambique Telecom, SA Rua Belmiro Obadias Muianga, 384 Mozambique Southern
Byte Orbit (PTY) LTD 2nd Floor, Sable Park, Bridgeways Precinct, Sable Park, South Block, Floor 2 South Africa Southern
Université Virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire (UVCI) Abidjan Cocody Deux-Plateaux, rue K4 Côte d'Ivoire Western
Bkonnect(PTY) LTD 22 hornbill randburg South Africa Southern
FREEPASS LTD 7 Mliverton Rd Ikoyi Nigeria Western
Tawala Networks Limited ACCRA ROAD WHITE ANGLE HOUSE 2ND FLOOR ROOM 116 Kenya Eastern
HOSTOWEB 10 Rue Lalla Aicha, Espace Riad Fès, Bureau N°16 Morocco Northern
HTT Telecom immeuble YooMee Salle de fête AKWA Cameroon Central
Zimbabwe Research & Education Network 15015 Ganges Road, Belvedere Zimbabwe Southern
MTD Networx Building 5 Clearwater office park 2 Millennium blv South Africa Southern
Softnet Business Systems Limited Azure Towers, Lantana Road, Westlands Kenya Eastern
Glidepath Group of Companies (Pty) Ltd 2B Opperman Street, Vaalpark South Africa Southern
TAAG Linhas Aereas de Angola, S.A Rua da Missão 123 Angola Southern
Bakwena Entertainment and Production Services (PTY) Ltd 16902 Skhosana Street, Daveyton Ext 2 South Africa Southern
EAC directory Limited 2-48 Vision Plaza, Mombasa Road Nairobi Kenya Eastern
iiNet Connect Pty Ltd C/O BORSENBERG & OOSTERLAND Sreet, Daljosafat South Africa Southern
Cameroon Postal Services (CAMPOST) Boulevard du 20 mai, yaoundé Cameroon Central
ESPAÇONET - TELECOMUNICAÇOES, (SU), LDA Condomínio vida Pacifica Zona 3 Bloco 1 Prédio Apt, 902 Angola Southern
LTX Omega Mushrooms Farm Rietdraai 51 South Africa Southern
E-Lapariah Technologies Ltd 178, Ibrahim Taiwo Road Nigeria Western
Afrieta 11 Osman-Gani Roshnee/Dadaville South Africa Southern
Skylink Networks LTD Highway Towers, 2nd Floor, Room 4 Kenya Eastern
FIBRE SOURCING BOTSWANA PROPRIETARY LIMITED Plot 74769, Unit 6, Mowana Mews, Gaborone, Central Business District Botswana Southern
Hqzen tech solutions Ltd. PLOT 49/47 NTINDA ROAD Uganda Eastern
NetOne Data Ltd AFTER FOXDALE MALL ,0/0, 12553-NET1 ZAMBEZI ROAD, ROMA Zambia Southern
Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited Plot No.10, Hannington Road Uganda Eastern
Koncept Digital Integrated Services Limited 12 Karaye Street off Akintola Bouleved Street Garki Abuja Nigeria Western
TekSupport (Pty) Ltd 15 Harrington Street South Africa Southern
Universite Cheikh Anta DIOP de DAKAR UCAD-FANN HOCK/DAKAR/SENEGAL Senegal Western
Rocketnet Internet Namibia Pty Ltd 36 Toerrmalyn street, Eros, Windhoek Namibia Southern
BigPay Ghana Limited 703 Okukuseku Street, Asylum Down Ghana Western
RWANDA SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD (RSSB) Plot 1003 Ubumwe Cell, KN 3 Rd African Union Boulevard, Kiyovu, Nyarugenge Rwanda Eastern
Cube ICT Solutions (Pty) Ltd Unit 16 Ground Floor Oxford Office Park, 3 Bauhinia Street Highveld Technopark South Africa Southern
Neurotel Communications 6 EXETER South Africa Southern
FASTHUB SOLUTIONS LIMITED Plot 473, Jangwani Beach Area, Kunduchi Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Sunyani Technical University PT19-20A ABESIM ROAD SUNYANI Ghana Western
Cosmiq Broadband 2 Ncondo Pl, La Lucia Ridge South Africa Southern
Marveltec 20 Allen Street South Africa Southern
OneCloud LDA Avenida Marginal, nr 9035, Bairro Triunfo, Cidade de Maputo Mozambique Southern
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry World Agroforestry, United Nations Avenue, Gigiri, Nairobi Kenya Eastern
Loc Eight Mobile (Pty) Ltd Maerua Park, Centaurus Road, Maerua Mall Namibia Southern
Libyan United International Telecommunication and Technology Company Al-Andalus District Libya Northern
Mavoni Telecoms (Pty) Ltd 8 GERMBOK LANE CNR 12TH AVENUE South Africa Southern
JIJI FIBER LTD 1396 00232 Kenya Eastern
Fastr Connect (Pty) Ltd 5 Marconi Crescent, Montague Gardens South Africa Southern
Abantu Cloud Africa (Pty) Ltd 63 Peter Place South Africa Southern
Vhost Limited Mango Park 3 Kenya Eastern
Umbrella Corporation ZA 176 Bush Telegraph Ave, Northlans Business Park, Northriding South Africa Southern
Yala Kenya Limited View Park Tower, Utalii Lane Kenya Eastern
Societe Cajutel Guinee - SARLU Immeuble en fac de l'esplanade de 28 Septembre Guinea Western
SAFHOME FIBRE LIMITED Gatwick Business Center, Kangundo Road Kenya Eastern
Providusbank PLC 724 Ademola Adetokunbo, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Kasi Networks Limited Plot No: 17 House No.36, LIBYA/MOROGORO Street, Ilala Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Savanna Fibre Limited Naguru 1, Village 21A Uganda Eastern
W.A.S.P LIMITED 18 Nikoi Street, East Legon Ghana Western
IX AFRICA DATA CENTRE LIMITED IMARA DAIMA,OFF MOMBASA RD, LR Number:209/10563/3, PO BOX 41648-00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya Eastern
HOME CONNECT NETWORKS LIMITED The Gallant Mall, 3rd Floor Kenya Eastern
Azania Bank Limited Mawasiliano Towers, Sam Nujoma Road, Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Hynfra Technologies Ltd Workstyle, The Address, Muthangari Drive Kenya Eastern
Localtel Communications Limited 5 General Mathenge, Unit 2 Kenya Eastern
Centre d'informatique et de recherche de l'armée et de la sécurité (CIRAS) 39 rue de Lamothe Plateau ville Congo (the) Central
Aljuman Aljadeed Limited Liability company Venice Street, Benghazi Libya Northern
Tabasamu Fibre Networks LTD 2nd floor, office #8, Highway mall, Industrial area, uhuru highway, 9207 LR Number:37/130 Kenya Eastern
Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi Ltd 59 Mandala Rd, Mandala Malawi Southern
Redsea Sahara Travel Building N0. 222/B, Alkawthar Zonning- Hurghada City, Red Sea Governorate - EGYPT Egypt Northern
Data Sciences Corporation Pty Ltd 3 Georgian Crescent West South Africa Southern
Develop Net (PTY) LTD 3 Bennie Osler st Unitaspark South Africa Southern
HotFibre Pty (Ltd) 43 Sea Cow Lake Road South Africa Southern
Bongo Live Enterprise Ltd 67 India St Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Thinkst Applied Research (PTY) Limited Unit L6, 5 Howe Street, Observatory South Africa Southern
VENNET SOLUTIONS LIMITED 2nd floor, Capital House, Moi Avenue Kenya Eastern Limited P.O. Box 1573, Plaza House, City Centre. Malawi Southern
BPR BANK RWANDA PLC Nyarugenge, Nyarugenge, Umujyi wa Rwanda Eastern
ONE Carrier 140 WEST STREET South Africa Southern
FZX Media Consulting Limited 41. G.R.A Layout, Behind INEC Office, Murtala Mohammed Highway, Calabar, Cross River State. Nigeria Western
Lilongwe Open Neutral Internet Exchange Limited Lilongwe Microwave Malawi Southern
Zettabyte Storage (Pty) Ltd 7 Scirpus road, Lake Michelle South Africa Southern
Afriland First Bank HOTEL DE VILLE Cameroon Central
Fiber One (SL) LIMITED 9 LUMLEY ROAD JUNCTION Sierra Leone Western
In2IT (PTY) Ltd. 11 Autumn St, Rivonia, Sandton South Africa Southern
Leonecom No. 14 Pultney Street Sierra Leone Western
iMobility (Pty) ltd Aspen Business Park - Arizona Building, Aspen Lakes ext 13 South Africa Southern
Onix Data Centres Ghana Limited Amrahia-Katamansu Road, Gk-0806-3548 Ghana Western
WEBB FONTAINE GUINEE SA Batiment BLOC B du Port Autonome de Conakry / Almamya Guinea Western
OGOS INNO-TECH LIMITED Plot 1108 Kyadondo, Lubowa Estate, Wakiso District Uganda Eastern
Alwen Networks Co. Limited NORTH PARK 3RD FLOOR, EASTERN BYPASS Kenya Eastern
Regional Maritime University RMU, Nungua, off Tema Beach Road Ghana Western
UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA GHANA LIMITED Heritage Tower Abassadorial Enclave, Off Liberia Road Ridge, P.M.B 29 Ministries Accra, Ghana Ghana Western
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology 4302 Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Boldnet Internet Solutions Mantey Farms Junction, Sowah Akpor Kpabi Street, Frafraha Ghana Western
V Dot Net Pty Ltd 10 Gardner Williams Ave, Paardevlei Rising No 2 South Africa Southern
Kyrascene (Pty) Ltd 93 Pretorius Street , President Park South Africa Southern
Maroc Datacenter MDC N° 34, Zone industrielle Attasnia, Temara Morocco Northern
Skyworks Telecoms nr 4 Zelda Place Reyno Ridge South Africa Southern
CONNECTION CAMEROON S.A 317 Rue Sylvani Akwa-Douala Cameroon Central
Vitel Wireless Limited 3c Durban Street, Wuse2 Nigeria Western
Two Five One Communications and Marketing PLC Kirkos Kifle Ketema, Woreda 02 Bldg # 729 Ethiopia Eastern
Access BANK CAMEROON PLC RUE 11.78 Boulevard de la liberté WOURIS 20-10-003-00-012 Cameroon Central
FieldBase Services Limited CBC Towers, 10/11 Olubunmi Owa Street, Off Admiralty Way, Lekki Nigeria Western
Betta Technologies 266 Hippo Street Zwartkop Centurion South Africa Southern
Genesis Intercellular Limited 3B Amenam Street, Total Estate, Lokogoma, Abuja; 12 capetown Street Wuse Zone 4 Nigeria Western
Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital Campus Chipatala Avenue P.O. Box 30096 Chichiri, Blantyre 3 Malawi, Africa Malawi Southern
Linkorg Networks LTD 177b Sinari Daranijo, off Ligali Ayoride, Victoria Island Nigeria Western
Castor Networks RDC SA 6 L'Avenue Bismark No 3, Commune de la Gombe Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
PAN AFRICA TELECOM (PTY) LTD 26 Marconi Drive South Africa Southern
LA DIRECTION GENERALE DES DOUANES Bloc des Madeleines, Boulevard de la République x Avenue André Peytavin Senegal Western
OPTIMIZED NETWORKS SARL AVENUE WAGENIA N° 1 Q/DE LA GARE C/GOMBE Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Central
ELEPHANT TECHNOLOGY LIMITED GoldPark homes, Wood Avenue, Kilimani Kenya Eastern
Bongani Connects Unit 9 Aandskof, Botfontein Road, Kraaifontein South Africa Southern
Click Connect Proprietary Limited Unit 05, Broadhurst, Lot 5648 Nakedi Road Broadhurst Industrial, Botswana Southern
Sharart Altaqanaya Co, for Telecom & Technology Zawiah alsagri street Libya Northern
KONNECT DATA NETWORKS LTD 5th Floor Ereto Plaza Kenya Eastern
Lightstruck Connect 22 Kildare Road South Africa Southern
Avitech Solutions LTD 5 Mirema Drive 1st Ave, Avitech House ,Nairobi - Kenya. Kenya Eastern
Bridge Fiber Solutions OUAGADOUGOU ZAD PARCEL 03 LOT N°03 SECTEUR 15(IMMEUBLE TELECEL) Burkina Faso Western
BRAVANTIC EVOLVING TECHNOLOGY, S.A Moçambique, Cidade de Maputo, distrito de Kapfumo, bairro de Central, Av 24 de Julho, n 11, 4 Andar Mozambique Southern
Dodoma FiberCo Limited Office no 305, Ground Floor, Plot15/16, Block B, Area D Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Fibernet Broadband Ltd 26B, Gbemisola street, off Allen Avenue. Ikeja Nigeria Western
OPIN TECHNOLOGIES GHANA LIMITED 8, Sir Arku Korsah Road, Airport Residential Area, Accra Ghana Western
Promethean Consulting Limited 21A, Chief Collins Uchidiuno Street Nigeria Western
Access Bank Tanzania Limited 5th & 6th Floor, The Uhuru Heights, Plot no 63/27, Bibi Titi Mohammed Road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Bubble Cloud Mozambique, SA Av. Vladimir Lenine, no. 1123, 10th floor, Maputo Mozambique Southern
AYRADE N° 1254 - 7 eme étage - Centre commercial Mohammadia Mall Algeria Northern
INDEPENDENT MONITORING SERVICES (PTY) LTD Unit A8 Prime Park Mocke Road Diepriver South Africa Southern
AD Solutions Carré 2069, Parcelle C, Mènontin, rue 2864 quartier Zogbohouè Benin Western
NGCOM LASTMILE SOLUTION LTD 5 Odu Close, Off Ekere street,Rumuomasi Nigeria Western
Telenet Solutions Limited Sharp Center, Wambui Road L.R. Number 209/12217 Kenya Eastern
GOWIFI Liberia LLC Khoury Building, Second Floor, Adjacent to Conex Gas Station at Boulevard Junction, in the Township of Congo Town Liberia Western
CAMBRIDGE BROADBAND NETWORKS NIGERIA LTD Plot 21, Block 98, Olori Muyibat Oyefusi Street, Lekki Phase 1. Nigeria Western
Hubtech Investments 75 Durham Road, Club View South Africa Southern
AIBRA GROUP LIMITED Acacia Estates Offices 1st Floor , Plot No. 84 , Kinondoni road Tanzania, United Republic of Eastern
Business Connexion Mozambique, LIMITADA Moçambique, Cidade de Maputo, distrito de DISTRITO KAMPFUMO, bairro de Bairro Polana Cimento, AV, Matires da Machava nº1352 Mozambique Southern
Old Mutual Investment Group (PTY) Ltd West Campus, Mutual Park, Jan Smuts Drive South Africa Southern
GVA BENIN Ilot: 2287, Quartier: Zongo-Ehuzu, Parcelle: A, Maison: BOLLORE IMMEUBLE COMMERCIAL Benin Western
TeleWyz LTD 13th Floor, Cocoa House Building, Old Adebimpe Street, Dugbe, Ibadan, Oyo State, NIGERIA Nigeria Western
Fire-IT (Pty) Ltd 36 Regency Drive, Route 21 Business Park South Africa Southern
Arpu Telecommunication Services S.A.E Street 269, Block 3, New Maadi, Bassatine District Egypt Northern
HUBSIX SASU 3rd Floor, No. 8586 Sacre-Coeur 1 Zone de Transition, Dakar Senegal Western
FLICKSWITCH (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Unit 108, Sovereign Quay, 34 Somerset Rd, Green Point South Africa Southern
Central Networks Communication LTD 5A, 6th Floor, Baraka House, Kahawa Sukari Ave, Kahawa Sukari Kenya Eastern