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2021 January

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 4 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
CEO's Monthly Updates

CEO's Monthly Update - January 2021

Dear Colleagues,   It is my hope that you have started the year on a good note and are keeping well. It is my pleasure to share with you the first monthly update of this year.   AFRINIC ... read more..


2021/01/28 - Announcement of Public Holidays

Please note that Thursday, 28 January and Monday, 1 February 2021, are public holidays in Mauritius. AFRINIC Offices shall be closed and will resume business on Friday 29 January and Tuesday 2 Februa... read more..


A Comprehensive audit of the AFRINIC WHOIS Database

"AFRINIC has taken actions and kept its stakeholders informed about the situation. Infrastructural improvements on its database have been implemented and the operational business rules and procedu read more..


Report on AFRINIC’s WHOIS Database Accuracy

AFRINIC undertook an audit of all IPv4 number resources, which consisted of verifying the rightful custodianship of those resources. The audit also verifies the processes adopted for the allocation of... read more..

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