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RT Stats

Request Tracker Statistics

From * : To * :

RT Statistics from2024-02-01 To 2024-07-27

  Number of RT Type Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Hostmaster Total logged 2223 2567 3366 1009 1249 872
Total opened 2111 2217 2763 954 1226 824
Total resolved/closed 2106 2213 2756 932 1203 772
Total still open 117 354 610 77 46 100
Billing Total logged 239 132 229 158 120 117
Total opened 202 112 207 128 100 89
Total resolved/closed 198 108 191 104 77 58
Total still open 41 24 38 54 43 59
New-member Total logged 25 38 29 48 33 33
Total opened 21 30 24 41 29 28
Total resolved/closed 20 26 14 25 9 5
Total still open 5 12 15 23 24 28
Service-support Total logged 225 211 266 491 319 220
Total opened 159 135 172 216 195 149
Total resolved/closed 145 127 160 185 172 107
Total still open 80 84 106 306 147 113
Others Total logged 1528 785 1408 1893 920 1040
Total opened 1076 659 1277 1230 808 647
Total resolved/closed 1067 644 1266 1201 790 588
Total still open 461 141 142 692 130 452
  • Billing: queries related to proforma, invoices and payment,
  • New-member: Queries /clarifications regarding how to become an AFRINIC member
  • Service-support: Queries /clarifications regarding how to become an AFRINIC member
  • Hostmaster: additional resources, any general queries related to resources management
  • Others: technical assistances required by members in regard to services provided by AFRINIC (r-DNS, Training, myafrinic, Whois, etc.)

RT Average Turnaround Time

Global RT average Turnaround Time

RT Average Turnaround Time Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Opened & Closed during timeframe period (days) 0.43 0.6 0.72 0.79 0.72 0.69
Opened before & closed during timeframe period (days) 61.92 65.99 31.27 60.44 37.47 56.32

Hostmaster RT Average Turnaround Time

Hostmaster Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Opened & Closed during timeframe period (days) 0.37 0.49 0.55 0.62 0.39 0.53
Opened before & closed during timeframe period (days) 33.77 29.24 13.11 43.86 43.35 44.32

New Member RT Average Turnaround Time

MOD_AF_RTSTATS_NEW_MEMBER Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Opened & Closed during timeframe period (days) 0.43 2.75 1.6 2.22 0.5 5.6
Opened before & closed during timeframe period (days) 115.37 186.66 137.2 162.85 66.5 130.97

Billing RT Average Turnaround Time

Billing Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Opened & Closed during timeframe period (days) 0.36 1.33 2.6 1.09 3.23 0.71
Opened before & closed during timeframe period (days) 57.9 41.46 46.4 39.61 32.1 17.8

Service-support RT Average Turnaround Time

Service-support Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Opened & Closed during timeframe period (days) 1.65 2.1 1.73 2.1 2.16 1.61
Opened before & closed during timeframe period (days) 89.99 75.27 55.08 51.68 29.33 36.14
AFRINIC Registration Services and Customer Services Teams works on the following tickets:
  1. Requests for new membership & resources (New-Member queue and service-support queue)
  2. Requests for additional resources from existing members (Hostmaster queue)
  3. Technical assistance required by existing members in regard to reverse DNS and whois database (Hostmaster queue; myafrinic-dbm queue, myafrinic-activate queue, )
The turnaround time for a ticket to be closed by those Teams would depend on several factors:
  1. Whether the member is in good financial standing: hostmasters would attend to request for any additional space, only if the member is in good standing (i.e has no outstanding fees)
  2. Resource requests have to be evaluated against their respective policies: in such cases, the hostmasters would have to ensure that the members are satisfying the policy stipulations by asking for supporting documentation and/or clarification. The time taken for these tickets to be resolved would also depend on the time taken by the requestors to respond to the hostmasters.
  3. New members: the process is complete once AFRINIC has received payment and the original Registration Service Agreement has been received by the Registration Services. The time taken by the requestors to complete those steps varies as well.

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