Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

Support Emails and Mailing Lists


1) Support Email

AFRINIC is committed to providing assistance to all matters related to its services, such as membership and IP address enquiries. Consequently, AFRINIC has different emails for each request that requires particular expertise ensuring no query goes unnoticed. AFRINIC emails are listed below and we strive to create a sound support experience for all correspondents.


You may also find our FAQs helpful.


 ServiceEmail Contact 
Hostmaster/IP Resources hostmaster [at] afrinic dot net
Billing billing [at] afrinic dot net
Account Info & Services service-support [at] afrinic dot net
Routing Registry irr[at]
DB-help afrinic-dbm [at] afrinic dot net
Prospective Members new-member[at] afrinic dot net
Training training [at] afrinic dot net
Outage incidents[at]
AFRINIC  Fellowship fellowship [at]
AFRINIC  Fellowship Alumni fellowship-alumni [at]
General contact [at] afrinic dot net
Escalation admin-escalate[at]
RPKI rpki-help[at]
DNS and DNSSEC dns-masters[at] 
Data Protection dpc[at]


2) Mailing List

AFRINIC hosts public mailing list forums to facilitate discussion on a range of topics related to Internet number resources management, network engineering, and Internet governance. Most of these mailing lists are open to anybody who has an interest in the activities of AFRINIC working groups and provide space for people to share information for the benefit of the entire community.

While AFRINIC encourages using these lists for a healthy, relevant debate and information sharing, we also advise all to ensure that the AFRINIC Community Code of Conduct is respected.

You may consult the AFRINIC Privacy Policy to learn more on how AFRINIC is committed to protecting your privacy, confidentiality and security of the data that you provide us when using our website, contacting our office, or interacting with us.

Use the email contact below or click on a link to subscribe, unsubscribe, or change the preferences on your subscription. 


2.1) How to subscribe to the mailing list?

There are two ways:

  1. Subscribe and fill in the online form which can be obtained by clicking the different lists below.
  2. By email: you can send a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the word subscribe in the subject field 


Note that only subscribers can post messages. You can check the entire list here



 To subscribe to the AfNOG mailing list, kindly send an email to afnog-request[at] 




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