About Us

Following a proposal for setting up an Internet registry for Africa by several early Internet adopters in Africa, during an INET workshop in Malaysia (1997),  a steering committee was set up to work on AFRINIC's structure and business plan. 

The idea behind the initiative was to adopt the allocation policies applied by the already established RIRs (RIPE NCC and APNIC) to Africa’s realities. In 2000 this proposal resulted in a consensus on the setup of AfNOG (the African Network Operators group).

Moreover, the first AFRINIC observers were appointed to the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) during the same year. In 2001, the steering committee recommended the appointment of an initial Board of Trustees based on sub-regional representation. Dr Nii Quaynor chaired the first AFRINIC Board with the mission to formalise the organisation and work towards its accreditation as a Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

In 2004, after a selection of potential host countries, AFRINIC was incorporated in Mauritius. It was decided that the Board would consist of elected representatives from the six identified sub-regions in Africa (Northern, Western, Central, Eastern, Indian Ocean and Southern).

AFRINIC was registered in Mauritius with its operations dispersed in South Africa (Technical operations), Egypt (Backup and disaster recovery) and Ghana (Training coordination)

In April 2005, ICANN accredited AFRINIC as the fifth Regional Internet Registry according to criteria defined in its ICP-2 document (criteria for the establishment of regional Internet registries).






AFRINIC’s activities are overseen by a Board of Directors (BoD) and managed by an appointed Chief Executive Officer, who oversees the staff and daily operations. The BoD is supported by the Council of Elders, which performs an advisory function. AFRINIC is governed by a set of Bylaws developed and approved by the community.


Compliance Statement

In accordance with its mission statement, AFRINIC is committed to applying the principles of good corporate governance in its day-to-day operations



AFRINIC is governed by a set of Bylaws that are developed and adopted by the AFRINIC membership.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (BoD) is elected by AFRINIC members on a regional and non-regional representation basis as defined by Article 13 of the Bylaws.  Once appointed to the BoD, each director represents and works for the entire region and not just for the sub-region seat they were elected into. The BoD responsibilities as outlined in Article 15 of the Bylaws are to: 

  • Determine the guidelines for the allocation of address space for Members.
  • Consider broad Internet policy issues in order to ensure that the policies and strategies of the company fully respond to the changing Internet environment.
  • Determine a financial budget for the activities of the Company for a given period.
  • Establish a ceiling for expenditures for a given period and from time to time to vary such ceiling as they deem fit.
  • Fill any casual vacancy in the office of the auditor of the Company.
  • Provide any general directives to the Chief Executive Officer regarding the staffing of the Company.
  • Determine the conditions of employment of the employees of the Company who are employed at an Executive level
  • Reduce or waive fees payable by any person to the Company, or to amend in any manner whatsoever the conditions relating to the payment thereof
  • Appoint or remove the secretary of the Company and to determine the remuneration payable to such secretary; and
  • Appoint such committees for such reasons and with such terms of reference as they shall consider necessary or desirable.