Policy Archive


Versions: 1.0

Status: Implemented



Gregoire O. Ehoumi 
Arnaud A. A. AMELINA 
Adeola Alain Patrick AINA


Amends: CPM, art
28 October 2018


Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal

Section of the soft landing policy reserved a /12 from the last /8 for some unforeseen future uses.

The following section( allows Board at its discretion and considering the demand and other factors at the time when AFRINIC can no longer meet any more request for address space from the last /8 or any other available address space, replenish the exhaustion pool with whatever address space (or part thereof), that may be available at the time and do this in a manner that is in the best interest of the community.Section gives board sole authority to decide on how to use the reserved block to eventually replenish the exhaustion pool and determine the allocation/assignment rules.

Two problems arose from this:

  • If no community-driven policy is adopted to determine how to use the reserved space before the exhaustion of the pool, board may act at its discretion with or without community involvement and consent.
  • The community is in better position to determine what is in its best interest and this is better discussed through PDP.





  • Ref. Name:
  • Old Ref:
    AFPUB-2010-v4-003-draft-02 (GPP-IPv4-2010)
  • Status:
  • Date:
    12 May 2012
  • Author:
    Tobias Knecht | abusix.org | tk [at] abusix.org

1) Introduction

This proposal specifies a dedicated object which shall be used as the preferred place to publish abuse public contact information within the AfriNIC service region.

The mentioned object can be referenced in the inetnum, inet6num and aut-num objects in the AfriNIC Whois Database. It provides a more accurate and efficient way for abuse reports to reach the correct network contact.


2) Summary of current problem

Network owners increasingly operate dedicated abuse handling departments, distinct from the basic operations department.

More and more network owners and other institutions are also starting to exchange data about abusive behavior with each other, to more quickly allow networks to identify internal abuse, external abuse, and other security problems.

Currently within the AfriNIC service region, the abuse reports are sent to e-mail address specified in the e-mail field, as encouraged on the AfriNIC website.[1] These addresses are used because the AfriNIC Whois Database currently has no specialised contact object for abuse departments. Instead, all abuse reports are sent to contact that is has broader responsibilities or different responsibilities.


3) Situation in other RIRs


APNIC found consensus on introducing a mandatory IRT Object for all inet(6)nums and aut-nums at APNIC 29 in Kuala Lumpur March 4th 2010. Further information about the APNIC policy proposal can be found at [2]


An abuse-POC exists for Organizational ID identifiers.[3]


An abuse-c exists for aut-num, inetnum and inet6num objects.[4]


An optional IRT (Incident Response Team) object can be linked to inetnum and inet6num objects.[5]


4) Details of the proposal

It is proposed that the AfriNIC create a new or uses an already existing object, which implements the following properties:

(a) A unique reference by inetnum, inet6num and aut-num

(b) Contains 2 email attributes:

(i) "e-mail:" for personal communication

(ii) "abuse-mailbox:" for automatic report handling

The object should be accessible through Whois. AfriNIC publishes a Best Practice Paper and informs all their members actively to encourage them to use the object to publish abuse contact information.


5) Advantages and disadvantages of the proposal

5.1 Advantages

  • Networks will be able to supply their own, direct contact information for abuse departments.
  • Abuse complaints will not be sent to the "wrong" contact any more.
  • This permits greater administrative and operational flexibility, and faster abuse handling will be possible.

5.1 Disadvantages

This object, like all other existing objects, will face the data accuracy problem. This proposal aims to address the issue of a missing place for abuse contact information and will not improve data accuracy in the whois database. Nevertheless it is suggested to AfriNIC to offer a way to receive reports about not working or not accurate objects. But this is part of another proposal.


6) Effect on AfriNIC members

There will be no immediate impact. The only effect is the opportunity to publish a dedicated abuse contact object and benefit by the advantages.


7) References:




Previous Versions

  1. AFPUB-2010-v4-002
  2. AFPUB-2010-v4-006
  3. AFPUB-2010-v4-003-draft-02 (GPP-IPv4-2010)


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