Policy Archive


  • Ref. Name:
  • Status:
    Under Discussion
  • Date:
    26 Oct 2014
  • Author(s):
    - Karmann Olumomo

1)   Summary of the Problem being addressed by this proposal

Some members are experiencing extreme long wait for their additional allocation request to get passed, some members are experiencing none technical information requested from AFRINIC (customer data, marketing channels etc), in order to improve overall service quality of AFRINIC, here is the policy.


2) Summary of How this Proposal Addresses the Problem

To improve overall service quality and transparency of AFRINIC’s number resource services by documenting roles and responsibilities of AFRINIC.


3) Proposal

3.1) AFRINIC should make decision on subsequent allocation requests based on AFRINIC policy, and conclude a request no longer than the 20% of the total period AFRINIC approves the resources for. (E.g. If AFRINIC is issuing resources to its member to meet its 12 months needs, the longest waiting time for AFRINIC allocation process should not be longer than 20%*12month, to cope with 80% utilization requirement for additional allocation). If AFRINIC was not able to make decision on a certain request within this period, for each additional month beyond this period, the requesting member should receive percentage of the requested period of the total request until such decision has been made, in order to protect member from smooth running of its business.


3.2) AFRINIC should publish standardized base information request for each typical type of resource allocation.


3.3) AFRINIC should not store, request any marketing or business related none-technical information from its member, for example, customer data, marketing channel, and marketing budget.


3.4) AFRINIC allocations should be solely made based on current policy, no other factor other than policy should infer with AFRINIC’s decision on processing allocation requests.


3.5) Unless otherwise appealed, AFRINIC Board should not be directly involved in IP allocation process.


3.6) For the interest of overall policy development process, other RIR staff as well as its governing body personnel (advisor or board member, for example) should not be involved in AFRINIC policy development process.


3.7) AFRINIC policy working group chair election should be conducted independent from AFRINIC board nomination committee; candidates should be free of any requirement.



  • Unique identifier:
  • Status:
  • Submission Date
    02 Oct. 2012
  • Author:
    Jean Robert Hountomey

1.Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal

The African network infrastructure is growing with changes and extensions. This growth has brought changes in telecommunication and Internet infrastructure. With the emergence of new operators, mergers and acquisitions, the dynamism brought by the penetration of Internet technology has required organizational changes with job rotation. The need for accurate whois data has been in the news for years all over the world.

Inaccurate data is still present in the AfriNIC whois database because changes have occurred in organizations (point of contact, contact information etc.) and object owners have not updated their records. The result is a “No response” from “whois” contacts listed in the AfriNIC Database.


2. Summary of How this Proposal Addresses the Problem

This proposal asks AfriNIC to maintain accuracy through a periodical database clean up. Furthermore, at least once a year or at the renewal of resources, AFRINIC staff should conduct a whois database information validation.


3. The Proposal

 AfriNIC members are committed through the RSA to maintain their data and keep it accurate.  AfriNIC will then maintain accuracy of whois information through periodical database clean up.


3.1 Cleanup

3.1.1 - General Database Cleanup: At the ratification of this policy, AfriNIC staff will conduct a first cleanup by asking all POC present except those who received their objects in less than a year to confirm their POC information. We leave to AfriNIC staff the discretion to use any communication tool they find useful for this action.

3.1.2 - Annual Clean up: After the first cleanup, AfriNIC will conduct a cleanup one time a year. We leave to AfriNIC's staff to define the period.

3.1.3 - At the request of additional resources or services, AfriNIC staff will ask the organization to update its records.


3.2 Steps

3.2.1 - AfriNIC staff will ask members to confirm accuracy of their records in the Whois database in a month’s timeframe when contacted by email.
3.2.2 - After one month, AfriNIC Staff will use any communication tools at their discretion to contact those who have not answered or those whose email has bounced back.
3.2.3 - After a month of unresponsive response, the record will be marked invalid.
3.2.4 - AfriNIC may publish a report twice a year about number resources with invalid POC.
3.2.5 - One year after the first contact initiation, if the data is still not accurate and the organization has failed to respond to the call to resolve the data inconsistency, AfriNIC will claim the number resources back.


4. Situation within other RIRs




  • 02 Oct. 2012 - Draft 2 Posted on the Mailing List by Author, with minor revisions.
  • 13 Apr. 2012 - Draft 1 Posted on the Mailing List by Author

Previous Versions