Policy Archive

This Policy is superseded by 'IPv6 PI Clarification'



Versions 1: AFPUB-2018-V6-004-DRAFT01

Initial Draft Posted to rpd.

Status: Archived



Jordi Palet Martinez

jordi.palet at theipv6company.com

The IPv6 Company


Amends: CPM art 6.8
28 March 2018


Summary of the Problem Being Addressed by this Policy Proposal

Since this policy was developed, the IPv4 addressing space has been exhausted, and the IPv6 deployment has evolved, so it doesn’t make sense to tie an IPv6 policy to the existence or IPv4 (same way as it is not tied the initial allocation policy).

In addition to that, because AFRINIC provided IPv6 PI at no cost to existing IPv4 PI holders, it may happen that the “default” assignment was requested without a proper addressing plan and this may not be the correct one at the implementation time.



Similar text exists and/or has been proposed in related policy documents at other RIR communities.



Summary of the problem being addressed by this proposal

The Policy Development Working Group (PDWG) discusses about the policy proposals and anyone may participate either in the Resource Policy Discussion mailing list (RPD) and the bi-annual Public Policy Meetings (PPM).

However, not all RPD participants are able to attend all the PPM, where the Chairs determine whether rough consensus has been achieved, so discrimination is generated towards those not able to attend, which usually are a much larger group.

With its requirement of face-to-face participation at the PPM, the current PDP might – at least partially – be the cause of the low levels of community participation in the process.

This proposal would simplify the process by not requiring participation at the in-person PPM to achieve consensus – instead, consensus would be determined balancing the mailing list and the forum – and would therefore increase community participation. 


Ref. Name:

Versions: 1.0 

Status: Witdrawn

Obsoletes: CPM 3.0 - The Policy Development (PDP)


Jordi Palet Martinez

jordi.palet at theipv6company.com

The IPv6 Company


Amends: CPM ar 3.0
23 October 2018


Revision History



23 October 2018

Version 1: AFPUB-2018-GEN-002-DRAFT01

Initial Draft Posted to rpd



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