

PeeringDB wants input from network operators, exchange operators, facility providers, content distributors, and anyone who uses our interconnection database. We are running an anonymous satisfaction survey until 23:59 UTC on Friday, 8 October 2021, and would like your feedback to help us make PeeringDB more useful to everyone involved in connecting networks.

We had over 200 responses to last year’s survey and those responses helped guide our product development. We’ve made significant improvements to search based on user input, introduced a HOWTO documentation series [], and are developing a documentation architecture directly as a result of your input. We’d like more input, in 2021, so we can keep up with the industry’s evolving needs.

Steve McManus, PeeringDB Product Committee Chair, says: "User comments in the 2020 survey helped us focus development where it was most needed. It directly influenced our roadmap and highlighted the need for specific expertise in documentation and user experience design to solve users’ most pressing needs. Thanks to everyone who gives a few moments of their time to help us make PeeringDB a better service!”

In addition to the questions we asked last year, we have three extra questions about documentation priorities, notifications, and user experience on mobile devices. We are particularly keen to improve our understanding of people’s needs for the website as this was the area with the most divided responses last year.

The survey is available in the six UN languages and Portuguese. We’re happy with people providing free text comments in whichever language they are happiest expressing themselves.

We’ll share the results and the new product roadmap early in 2022.

Go to [] and help guide PeeringDB’s future development.

If you have an idea to improve PeeringDB you can share it on our low-traffic mailing lists [] or create an issue [] directly on GitHub. If you find a data quality issue, please let us know at



About PeeringDB

PeeringDB is a freely available, user-maintained, database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data. The database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), data centers, and other interconnection facilities, and is the first step in making interconnection decisions.


About the Author 

Leo Vegoda is developing PeeringDB’s product roadmap. He was previously responsible for organizational planning and improvement in ICANN’s Office of the COO, and Internet Number Resources in the IANA department, as well as running Registration Services at the RIPE NCC.




At the beginning of the year, a team of AFRINIC staff set out to explore ways to engage more with its members in Africa. This led to the birth of Project “Jenga”. Jenga, which means “Build” in Swahili, aims to build stronger relationships with the African resource holders by organising dedicated sessions to highlight the services offered by AFRINIC and collect feedback and recommendations from our members. This makes Jenga in line with the mission of "Serving the African Internet community by delivering efficient services in a global multi-stakeholder environment".



Over the past few days, the AFRINIC Team has conducted 25 Jenga sessions with Resource Members from 55 countries/economies in our service region. These Jenga sessions were attended by just under 400 participants, with sessions conducted in both English and French.




The main objective of this pilot edition of Jenga sessions was to update members on the ongoing activities. And provide detailed accounts on the external pressure that the organisation is currently facing, particularly the situation whereby AFRINIC found its bank accounts frozen. The Roundtable saw the AFRINIC team discuss this crisis with the members.

During the Jenga session, the team informed Resource Members that AFRINIC had done several things to ensure sustainability. These include:

  • AFRINIC has negotiated with suppliers to grant a grace period for payments.
  • Agreed internally to cut staff costs by 50% for this period if the situation goes on for a prolonged period than expected. 
  • As a last resort, AFRINIC may consider activating the Joint RIR Stability Fund if we do not have any other option. Read more e on the Fund here >> 

During the Jenga sessions, AFRINIC Resource Members engaged in discussions evaluating the operations’ impact and delved into possible scenarios on the way forward. The AFRINIC Resource Members shared different proposals on how AFRINIC can meet its financial obligations and sought clarifications on payments, continuity of core registry function of AFRINIC and explored the impact of the situation to Resource Members in the wake of ongoing misinformation around the crisis. 

The AFRINIC team promised to keep the Resource Members abreast of any new developments and assured the members that the Registry System stability was not at risk and all resource holders will continue to benefit from the registry services. This means that Members can still apply for new resources in the case a member is in need. Therefore, members can settle all their pending invoices as usual.


Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve an uncommon result
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha


We are happy with the outcome of the Pilot Jenga sessions that our Resource Members well received, evident in the rich discussions. We commit to doing more of these Jenga sessions in the future. Internally, this Project has helped AFRINIC staff to come together as a team and become stronger through collaboration and innovation even in the face of one of the toughest challenges AFRINIC has had to face and has helped AFRINIC staff members dive headfirst into in AGILE Transformation Journey. Read Avi’s Journey.


To stay updated on the latest developments, subscribe to AFRINIC mailing lists:


We thank our Members and community for their continuous support.


AFRINIC en Avant!



This Blog Post was penned by Susan Otieno.
She is the PR and Marketing Manager in AFRINIC.