

Dear AFRINIC Members,


The Nomination Committee NomCom (2022) is pleased to announce that the nomination process for AFRINIC’s Board is open for the seats below:

  • Seat 1 (Northern Africa), to serve a three-year term in terms of Articles 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by Prof. Habib Youssef
  • Seat 2 (Western African), to serve a three-year term in terms of Articles 13.5 and 13.6 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by Dr Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun
  • Seat 7 (Region-Independent), to serve a three-year term in terms of Articles 13.4 Section (ii) and Article 13.5 of the AFRINIC Bylaws. This seat is currently held by Oluwaseun Ojedeji

A natural person residing in the above sub-regions may be nominated for Seat 1 and Seat 2 and from any sub-region for Seat 7 in compliance with the provisions of the ByLaws <>

Nominations may be made by:

  1. An AFRINIC Resource member in good standing; 
  2. Self-nomination, be formally endorsed by at least two (2) AFRINIC Resource members in good standing.


A Resource Member can nominate or second only one candidate.

All nominees must provide supporting evidence of their involvement in the AFRICA Internet ecosystem such as references from past Non-Executive Directors of AFRINIC, proof of participation in either ICANN, IGF, ISOC, AFRINIC activities.

A nominee is required to provide evidence for:

  1. Participating in at least three (3) AFRINIC events (physically or online) in the past four (4) years;
  2. Having at least eight (8) years of professional experience in any of the following areas; Internet Number Resource Policies, ICT, Finance, Audit, Legal Practice and Human Resource Management.


In addition to the above, a Nominee,

  1. Should disclose any potential or existing conflict of interest with AFRINIC in their application.
  2. Must at all times be available and committed to participating in Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online)
  3. Demonstrate a clear understanding of AFRINIC’s By-Laws.
  4. Show previous active participation on any of AFRINIC mailing list discussions in the past three (3) years.
  5. Nominees are further required to take note of the following as stipulated in Section 13.10 of the AFRINIC bylaws.


No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:

  1. is under 18 years of age;
  2. is an undischarged bankrupt;
  3. would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of Mauritius, be prohibited from being a director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of that Act;
  4. is prohibited from being a director or promoter of or being concerned or taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;
  5. is not a natural person; or
  6. has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind.


To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination form available at <>

The nomination period shall end on 18th April 2022 at 23:59 UTC.

Note: Nominees whom the Nom Com has selected as candidates should make arrangements to attend AFRINIC-35 in-person or online on the Day of the Election (03 June 2022). They will be afforded an opportunity to introduce themselves and make a short presentation to the AGMM.

Nominees are called upon to send a short video presentation to the member list as well as to the NoMCom with a campaign statement if they wish, and a short biography.

NomCom wishes to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions. Gender and Language diversity balance is strongly encouraged while a working understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

In order to have more inclusivity and diversity on the AFRINIC Board, women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply as nominees for all the open Seats, but especially for Seat 7 (Region-Independent) and will be highly ranked above all others.

The Nominations Committee reserves the right to disqualify nominees from the final candidates slate who engage in any form of election malpractice.



The following timeline shall be used as far as practical.

  • 21st March 2022: Call for Nominations;
  • 18th April 2022: Close of Nominations;
  • 30th April 2022: Publication of candidates;
  • 5th May 2022: Opening of public comments to the candidates;
  • 19th May 2022: e-voting and proxy registration open;
  • 29th May 2022: Close of Proxy Registration;
  • 3rd June 2022: Election day and end of electronic voting.







Dear AFRINIC Members and Community,


The Board of Directors appointed the following persons to the Nomination Committee 2022:

  • Mr Ali Hadji Mmadi
  • Mr Bill Sangiwa
  • Mr Noah Maina
  • Dr Abdalla Omari (Board representative)



Subramanian Moonesamy
Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors