
26 March 2018 - Sunday Folayan and Haitham El-Nakhal have stepped down from their positions as Chair and Vice Chair of the AFRINIC Board, pending the conclusion of an investigation into allegations that have been made against them.  They sent email messages of resignation on 16 March 2018, and sent signed letters of resignation today, 23 March 2018, after legal advice was received yesterday, 22 March 2018, that signed letters were necessary.

The AFRINIC Board has elected Abibu Ntahigiye as Chair, and Christian Bope as Vice Chair, for an interim period to be re-evaluated after the conclusion of the investigation, but no later than 31 May 2018.  I congratulate them on their appointment and wish them well.


Alan Barrett

26 March 2018 - This is to inform you that today 26th March 2018 the Board has received a letter of resignation from Mr. Sunday Folayan from the Afrinic Board.

The Board wishes to inform you further that it will take necessary steps as per company guidelines to fill the vacant Board seat.

The Board would like to thank Mr. Folayan for his services to the Members and community at large and wishes him all the best in his future endeavors.

Abibu R. Ntahigiye
CEO, tzNIC / Interim Chairman, AfriNIC