


Dear Colleagues,


AFRINIC hereby informs its membership and community that Mrs Wafa Dahmani has resigned from her ASO Address Council (ASO AC) position from 15 May 2022.

Mrs Wafa Dahmani was appointed by the AFRINIC’s board of directors (Board) on the ASO AC for the AFRINIC region from February 2022 to December 2022.

Following her resignation from ASO AC, Mrs Dahmani can no longer sit as representative of the ASO AC on the Policy Development Working Group Appeal Committee.

In the circumstances, AFRINIC will soon initiate the process for the appointment of the Board nominee in the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) and the replacement of Mrs Dahmani on the Policy Development Working Group Appeal Committee.

We would like to thank Mrs Dahmani for contributing to the ASO Address Council and Policy Development Working Group Appeal Committee.


Eddy Kayihura,
Chief Executive Officer,
African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC).






Dear Members and Community,


NOMCOM 2022 is pleased to announce the following final candidate slate for the open seat on the AFRINIC Governance Committee.


Candidates' Full Names for the AFRINIC Governance Committee Election Candidate(s) Slate for Election 2022

1. Mrs Maud Adjeley Ashong Elliot -

Full candidates information has been published at


The community and members are hereby invited to view the candidates' details and express any comments about the suitability of the candidates for the board position using the comment section at the URL above.

The election will be conducted in person on the AGMM date and electronically; electronic voting will start on 19th May 2022 and conclude on 3rd June 2022 during the Annual General Members’ Meeting (AGMM).


For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations committee by email at nomcom2022[at]