AFRINIC team will also show how to work around the possible issues and event and move your route objects to the AFRINIC IRR database and manage it without hassle in the future. The tutorial will be on Monday, the 24th of September 2018, from 16h00 to 17h30 in the Breakout Room.
AFRINIC will also be making several other presentations at the event. For more information about these presentations, please check the agenda at
Throughout this event, the Member Services team will be on hand at the dedicated AFRINIC Booth to talk with AFRINIC Members, those considering membership and the local and global Internet community about a variety of issues.
You are invited to approach any AFRINIC representative and we will help you learn more about:
- AFRINIC Membership and current or prospective IPv4, IPv6 and ASN allocations and assignments.
- How to become an AFRINIC Member and the advantages of membership.
- IPv6 Deployment and AFRINIC's free IPv6 Training Courses.
- Internet Routing and AFRINIC's Internet Routing Registry.
- IPv4 Exhaustion and what it means for you, your customers and the global Internet.
- The AFRINIC Policy Development Process (PDP) and how you can take part.
- AFRINIC events and how you can attend, sponsor, or present.
- How you can apply to become an AFRINIC Fellow.
- The FIRE Africa Grants and Award programme and how you can benefit.
- RPKI and how AFRINIC members can create their ROAs.
- AFRINIC Membership Fees and Billing
- And more.