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2017 June

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 15 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Policy Withdrawn

IPv4 Soft Landing BIS (Draft 5)

<NOTE> | This draft is an archived version. Click here to check the latest draft/version Details Proposal Staff Assessment Details Details Ref. Name: AFPUB-2016 read more..

Blog (EN)

What we learnt from the First AFRINIC Internet Measurements Workshop

The Research and Innovation team at AFRINIC, in conjunction with the Research ICT Africa ran its first workshop on Africa Internet Measurements on 30 May during the Africa Internet Summit 2017 (A... read more..


AFRINIC and AFRALO in joint bid to strengthen Africa’s Internet development

AFRINIC CEO Alan Barrett and AFRALO Chair Abdelaziz Hilali signing the MoU Ebene, Mauritius 28th June 2017: AFRINIC has signed an MoU with ICANN’s African Regional At-Large Organization ( read more..

Blog (EN)

ICANN 59 Johannesburg: How You Can Participate

The ICANN 59 Meeting is taking place in Johannesburg from 26-29 June 2017. Find out how you can participate – in person or remotely - in this important Internet policy forum. ICANN meetings provi read more..


Board & Committees' Reconstitution

23 June 2017 - We are pleased to inform that the Board has re-elected Mr Sunday Folayan and Mr Haitham El Nakhal as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively, for a period of 1 year terms. Th... read more..

Blog (EN)

Successful Conclusion of AFRINIC Training in Nigeria

AFRINIC has concluded its recent four-day Internet Number Resources Management (INRM) Fundamentals & Understanding and Deploying IPv6 Workshop in Nigeria. Forty-seven engineers attended the works... read more..

Blog (EN)

Successful Conclusion of AFRINIC Training in Nigeria

AFRINIC has concluded its recent four-day Internet Number Resources Management (INRM) Fundamentals & Understanding and Deploying IPv6 Workshop in Nigeria. Twenty participants attended the worksho... read more..


AFRINIC 26 Public Policy Minutes

AFRINIC 26 Public Policy Meeting Minutes is now published here... read more..

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on 21 June 2017 at 15:39 Local Time, Boardroom, Radisson Blu Hotel, Johannesburg

Present: Mr Alan Barrett (AB)  CEO Mr Sunday Folayan (SF)  Member Western Africa Mr Haitham El Nakhal (HE) Member  Northern Africa Mr Christian Bope (CB)  Member Centr... read more..

Blog (EN)

May Updates

We provide here a quick overview of our activities and news in May 2017. Monthly Statistics New members in May: 59Total members to date: 1500IPv4 address space allocated in May: 892,672Total IPv4 al... read more..

Blog (EN)

Twelve Steps to Enable IPv6 in an ISP Network

This document isn’t intended to be a comprehensive and detailed technical digest of how to deploy IPv6 in an ISP network that currently has IPv4, but rather an executive summary of the 12 fundamental ... read more..

Blog (EN)

World IPv6 Launch Turns Five

 We're celebrating the fifth anniversary of World IPv6 Launch today!  More than twenty years ago, engineers had already realised that IPv4 would not serve the needs of the expanding Inter read more..


Results of AFRINIC AGMM Election

As a result of the Elections for Board seats that took place on 1 June 2017 during the Annual General Members' Meeting (AGMM) in Nairobi, we are pleased to announce the appointment of the following ca... read more..


Common Statement By AF* on Internet Shutdowns in Africa

2 June 2017 Nairobi, Kenya - The Af* organizations, comprised of AFRINIC, AFTLD, AFNOG, AFREN, Africa CERT, and ISOC Africa, gathered at the 5th African Internet Summit, in Nairobi, Kenya, 2 read more..


Board Decision on LIR Membership Fees and Penalties

On 1st June 2017, the Board took the following decision with regards to LIR Membership fees and penalties. Invoice all members in the first week of November of the preceding Year The invoice will ... read more..

Results 1 - 15 of 15